New AMI BIOS tool for performing SSV2/3 and Dynamic SLIC Modification

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  2. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    Thanks!!!..... although I think I just hit the report button instead of the thanks button :eek: stupid trackpad on laptop
  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Welcome :)

    Anyway, s**t happens :D
  4. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    #1884 andyp, Dec 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    For drewb95
    The initial detection code

    Private Function ProcessOriginal(ByRef sName As String, ByRef sSLICName As String, ByVal bVerbose As Boolean) As Boolean
            Dim iCount, iCount2, iCount3, iOff As Integer
            Dim lOffset, lBIOSLen, l1BLen, lTemp, lIndex, lAdjustment, lSegOff As UInteger
            Dim sVersion As String
            Dim sBIOS(), s1B() As Byte
            Dim lModules(255, 80) As UInteger
            Dim bDone, bEmbedded As Boolean
            Dim sTemp As String
            Dim iStatus As MsgBoxResult
            Dim sType, sInfo As String
            On Error GoTo UnhandledError
            ProcessOriginal = False
            ' ** Parse Original BIOS
            bEmbedded = ParseBIOS(sName, sBIOS, lBIOSLen)
            If lBIOSLen = 0 Then Exit Function
            ' ** Check BIOS size
            If (lBIOSLen Mod 65536) <> 0 Then
                AddLine("BIOS size not valid", cError)
                cmdVerify.Enabled = False
                cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = -1 : lblManufacturer.Enabled = False : cboManufacturer.Enabled = False
                Exit Function
            End If
            ' ** Check core v8
            lOffset = Find(sBIOS, "AMIBIOSC08", 10, 16)
            If lOffset = cEnd Then lOffset = Find(sBIOS, "AMIBIOSCTarg", 10, 16)
            If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                sVersion = "AMIBIOS core version is 0800"
                lblStatus.Text = sVersion
                bCore8 = True
                bCore7 = False
                ' ** Fill in filenames
                lbl1B.Text = "BIOS 1B File"
                lblOutput.Text = "Output 1B File"
                chkDSDTOnly.Text = "DSDT Only"
                lOffset = Find(sBIOS, "AMIBIOSC07", 10, 16)
                If lOffset = cEnd Then lOffset = Find(sBIOS, "AMIBIOSC06", 10, 16)
                If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                    sVersion = "AMIBIOS core version is " & GetString(sBIOS, lOffset + 8, 4)
                    lblStatus.Text = sVersion
                    bCore7 = True
                    bCore8 = False
                    ' ** Disable controls
                    chkDSDTOnly.Text = "Use Bootblock"
                    ' ** Control labels changed later depending on SLIC/SLP                    
                End If
            End If
            If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                If bEmbedded Then
                    ' ** Adjust filenames
                    sTemp = sName
                    If VB.Right(sTemp, 4) = ".EXE" Then sTemp = Mid(sTemp, 1, Len(sTemp) - 4)
                    sTemp &= ".ROM"
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(sTemp, sBIOS, False)
                    sName = sTemp
                End If
                If bCore8 Then
                    If InStrRev(sName, "\") <> 0 Then sBIOSPath = VB.Left(sName, InStrRev(sName, "\")) Else sBIOSPath = ""
                    sPath = VB.Left(Application.ExecutablePath, InStrRev(Application.ExecutablePath, "\"))
                    If Dir(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN") <> "" Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN")
                    ' ** See if junk at start                            
                    If lBIOSLen < &H100000 Then lAdjustment = (&H100000 - lBIOSLen) Else lAdjustment = 0
                    If sBIOS(lOffset - 5) <> 0 And (sBIOS(lOffset - 4) And 1) = 1 Then lSegOff = &H10000 Else lSegOff = &H10
                    lIndex = ConvertDWord(sBIOS(lOffset + &H12), sBIOS(lOffset + &H13), sBIOS(lOffset + &H14), sBIOS(lOffset + &H15))
                    lOffset = ConvertOffset(sBIOS(lOffset + &H12), sBIOS(lOffset + &H13), sBIOS(lOffset + &H14), sBIOS(lOffset + &H15), lSegOff, lAdjustment)
                    If lOffset < lBIOSLen And lIndex <> cEnd Then
                        iOff = 0
                        Do Until IsValidHeader8(sBIOS, lBIOSLen, lOffset + iOff - 8, False, False) Or (iOff + &H10000) >= lBIOSLen
                            iOff += &H10000
                    End If
                    If IsValidHeader8(sBIOS, lBIOSLen, lOffset + iOff - 8, False, False) And iOff <> 0 Then
                        ' ** Remove initial
                        If iOff > 0 Then
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(sBIOS, iOff, sBIOS, 0, lBIOSLen - iOff)
                            ReDim Preserve sBIOS(lBIOSLen - iOff - 1)
                            lBIOSLen = UBound(sBIOS) + 1
                        End If
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(sBIOSPath & "TEMPBIOS.ROM", sBIOS, False)
                        sOriginalBIOSName = sBIOSPath & "TEMPBIOS.ROM"
                        bExtra = True
                        iBIOSOffset = iOff
                        sOriginalBIOSName = sName
                        bExtra = False
                        iBIOSOffset = 0
                    End If
                    ' ** Cannot use extract function as need to determine if MMTool2 needed
                    bMMTool2 = False
                    RunAMIMMWin(Chr(34) & sOriginalBIOSName & Chr(34) & " /e 1B " & Chr(34) & sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN" & Chr(34) & " /u")
                    If Dir(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN") = "" Then
                        ' ** Try and see if MMTool2 will do it                        
                        bMMTool2 = True
                        RunMMTool2(sOriginalBIOSName, "/e 1B", sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN", "")
                        If Dir(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN") = "" Then
                            AddLine("Failed to extract 1B module", cError)
                            Exit Function
                        End If
                    End If
                    s1B = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN")
                    l1BLen = UBound(s1B) + 1
                    ' ** Enable controls
                    lblManufacturer.Enabled = True : cboManufacturer.Enabled = True
                    ' ** Scan for manufacturer
                    bExistingSLIC = False
                    lExistingSLICOffset = 0
                    bReverseSLIC = False
                    bForceDynamic = False
                    bFullSLIC = False
                    bMultipleF = False
                    lFModule = 0
                    bDone = False
                    cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = -1
                    sTemp = sName
                    If UCase(VB.Right(sTemp, 4)) = ".ROM" Then sTemp = VB.Mid(sTemp, 1, Len(sTemp) - 4)
                    If Find(sBIOS, "$ASUSAMI", 0) <> cEnd Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cASUS : bDone = True
                    If Find(s1B, "ASUSTEK", 0) <> cEnd Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cASUS : bDone = True
                    If Find(s1B, "BIOSTAR") <> cEnd Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cBIOSTAR : bDone = True
                    If GetString(sBIOS, lOffset + 14, 4) = GetString(sBIOS, lBIOSLen - 256, 4) Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cXFX : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone And Find(sBIOS, "ASR") <> cEnd And Find(s1B, "_ASR") <> cEnd Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cASRock : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone And Find(s1B, "Acer") <> cEnd Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cAcer : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone And UCase(VB.Right(sTemp, 4)) = ".BST" Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cBIOSTAR : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone And UCase(VB.Right(sTemp, 4)) = ".BSP" Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cBIOSTAR : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone And VB.Mid(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 3, 1) = "." And IsNumeric(VB.Mid(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - 2, 3)) = True Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cMSI : bDone = True
                    If bBatch And Not bDone Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cOther : bDone = True
                    If Not bDone Then cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = -1 : DisableControls()
                    cmdVerify.Enabled = True : cmdExtract.Enabled = True
                    ProcessOriginal = True
                    ' ** Find RSDT table to see if already SLICd                    
                    lOffset = Find(s1B, "RSDT" & Chr(44))
                    If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                        lOffset = ConvertDWord(s1B(lOffset + 40), s1B(lOffset + 41), s1B(lOffset + 42), s1B(lOffset + 43))
                        If lOffset <= &HFF400 Then
                            ' ** SSV3
                            lTemp = Match(s1B, "eAeMeIeBeIeOeSe o0o1")
                            If lTemp = cEnd Then lTemp = Find(s1B, "AMIBIOS Targa")
                            lOffset = lTemp - (&HFF400 - lOffset)
                            If lOffset < l1BLen Then
                                If GetString(s1B, lOffset, 4) = "SLIC" Then
                                    ' ** See if OA2.0 or 2.1 SLIC                                    
                                    If GetString(s1B, lOffset + &HE2, 4) = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(2) & Chr(0) Then sType = "2.1" Else sType = "2.0"
                                    AddLine("This BIOS has already had a SLIC (" & sType & ") table (" & TidyString(GetString(s1B, lOffset + 10, 22)) & ") added with the SSV3 method", cOKOnly)
                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(s1B, lOffset, sExistingSLIC, 0, 374)
                                    bExistingSLIC = True
                                End If
                            End If
                            lOffset = lOffset - (&H100000000 - lBIOSLen)
                            If lOffset < lBIOSLen Then
                                If GetString(sBIOS, lOffset + &HE2, 4) = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(2) & Chr(0) Then sType = "2.1" Else sType = "2.0"
                                If IsValidHeader8(sBIOS, lBIOSLen, lOffset - 20, False, False) Then
                                    ' ** SSV1                                    
                                    AddLine("This BIOS has already had a SLIC (" & sType & ") table (" & TidyString(GetString(sBIOS, lOffset + 10, 22)) & ") added with the SSV1 method", cOKOnly)
                                    bExistingSLIC = True
                                ElseIf GetString(sBIOS, lOffset, 4) = "SLIC" Then
                                    AddLine("This BIOS has already had a SLIC (" & sType & ") table (" & TidyString(GetString(sBIOS, lOffset + 10, 22)) & ") added with the SSV2 method", cOKOnly)
                                    lExistingSLICOffset = lOffset
                                    bExistingSLIC = True
                                End If
                                If bExistingSLIC Then Buffer.BlockCopy(sBIOS, lOffset, sExistingSLIC, 0, 374)
                            End If
                        End If
                        ' ** Check for dynamic SLIC
                        lOffset = Find(s1B, "RSDT" & Chr(40))
                        If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                            lOffset = Find(s1B, "SLICv", lOffset)
                            If lOffset <> cEnd Then
                                ' ** See if dummy
                                For iCount = 0 To 127
                                    If s1B(lOffset + &H40 + iCount) <> 0 Then Exit For
                                If iCount < 128 Then
                                    If GetString(s1B, lOffset + &HE2, 4) = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(2) & Chr(0) Or GetString(s1B, lOffset + &HE2, 4) = Chr(&HFE) & Chr(&HFF) & Chr(&HFD) & Chr(&HFF) Then sType = "2.1" Else sType = "2.0"
                                    iStatus = Ask("This BIOS has already had a SLIC (" & sType & ") table (" & TidyString(GetString(s1B, lOffset + 10, 22)) & ") added with the dynamic method. Allow modification?")
                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(s1B, lOffset, sExistingSLIC, 0, 374)
                                    If iStatus = vbNo Then bExistingSLIC = True Else bForceDynamic = True
                                End If
                            End If
                            If Not bExistingSLIC And Not bForceDynamic Then
                                ' ** Look for FC and F0 modules
                                ModuleScan8(sBIOS, lBIOSLen, lModules, False, True)
                                For iCount = &HF0 To &HFF
                                    iCount2 = 1
                                    Do Until lModules(iCount, iCount2) = 0 And lModules(iCount, iCount2 + 1) = 0
                                        If (lModules(iCount, iCount2 + 1) = 340 And (GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + 36, 4) = "RSA1" Or GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + 218, 4) = "RSA1")) Or _
                                           (lModules(iCount, iCount2 + 1) = 376 And GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + 72, 4) = "RSA1") Then
                                            If lModules(iCount, iCount2 + 1) = 340 Then
                                                ' ** Partial SLIC
                                                If GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + &HDA, 4) = "RSA1" Then lTemp = &H36 : bReverseSLIC = True Else lTemp = &HD2
                                                If GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + lTemp, 4) = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(2) & Chr(0) Then sType = "2.1" Else sType = "2.0"
                                                sInfo = TidyString(GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + lTemp - 22, 14))
                                                ' ** Full SLIC                                                
                                                If GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + &HF6, 4) = Chr(1) & Chr(0) & Chr(2) & Chr(0) Then sType = "2.1" Else sType = "2.0"
                                                bFullSLIC = True
                                                sInfo = TidyString(GetString(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + &H1E, 22))
                                            End If
                                            ' ** See if dummy
                                            If bFullSLIC Then lTemp = &H40 Else If bReverseSLIC Then lTemp = &HD2 Else lTemp = &H1C
                                            For iCount3 = 0 To 127
                                                If sBIOS(lModules(iCount, iCount2) + lTemp + 20 + iCount3) <> 0 Then Exit For
                                            iStatus = Ask("This BIOS has already had a " & IIf(iCount3 = 128, "Dummy ", "") & "SLIC (" & sType & ") table (" & sInfo & ") inserted in the " & Hex(iCount) & " module. Allow modification?", True)
                                            If iStatus <> MsgBoxResult.Cancel Then
                                                If lModules(iCount, iCount2 + 1) = 340 Then
                                                    ' ** Partial SLIC                                                    
                                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + 20, sExistingSLIC, 36, 156)
                                                    ' ** Full SLIC
                                                    Buffer.BlockCopy(sBIOS, lModules(iCount, iCount2) + 20, sExistingSLIC, 0, 374)
                                                End If
                                                lFModule = iCount
                                                If iStatus = vbNo Then bExistingSLIC = True Else bForceDynamic = True
                                            End If
                                            ' ** See if another module with same id
                                            If lModules(iCount, 5) <> 0 Then bMultipleF = True
                                        End If
                                        iCount2 += 4
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If bExistingSLIC Then
                        lblCertificate.Enabled = True : txtCertificate.Enabled = True : cmdVerifyCert.Enabled = True
                        lblManufacturer.Enabled = True : cboManufacturer.Enabled = True
                        If cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
                            lblSLP.Enabled = True : txtSLP.Enabled = True : cmdSLP.Enabled = True
                            cmdGo.Enabled = True
                        End If
                        optSSV2.Checked = True
                        If bForceDynamic Then
                            If cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then DynamicControls()
                            optDynamic.Checked = True
                            If lFModule <> 0 Then
                                gOptions.bFOnly = True
                                gOptions.b1BOnly = True
                                gOptions.bFOnly = False
                                gOptions.b1BOnly = True
                            End If
                            ' ** MSI Special case
                            If cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = cMSI And lFModule <> 0 Then
                                gOptions.b1BOnly = False
                                gOptions.bNoTables = True
                            End If
                        End If
                        lblCertificate.Enabled = False : txtCertificate.Enabled = False : cmdVerifyCert.Enabled = False
                    End If
                    chkDSDTOnly.Enabled = True : chkDSDTOnly.Checked = False
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(sBIOSPath & "1B.BIN")
                    ' ** Not core v8
                    sOriginalBIOSName = sName
                    bExtra = False
                    cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = -1 : lblManufacturer.Enabled = False : cboManufacturer.Enabled = False
                    lblSLIC.Enabled = True : txtSLIC.Enabled = True : cmdSLIC.Enabled = True
                    lblSLP.Enabled = True : txtSLP.Enabled = True : cmdSLP.Enabled = True
                    optSSV1.Enabled = True 'xxx
                    optSSV2.Enabled = True
                    chkLog.Enabled = True
                    cmdGo.Enabled = True
                    cmdVerify.Enabled = True
                    cmdOptions.Enabled = True
                    chkDSDTOnly.Enabled = True : chkDSDTOnly.Checked = False
                    ' ** Set default options (as no manufacturer)
                    gOptions.bOnlySDT = False
                    gOptions.bOEMIDOnly = False
                    gOptions.bAlternate = False
                    gOptions.bSLPSSV2 = False
                    gOptions.bManualAddress = False
                    gOptions.lManualAddress = 0
                    gOptions.bRange = False
                    gOptions.lStartRange = 0
                    gOptions.lEndRange = 0
                    gOptions.bPadding = False
                    gOptions.bAdjust32 = True
                    gOptions.bForceBelow = True
                    gOptions.bPreferBelow = False
                    gOptions.bAllowNVRAM = False
                    gOptions.bUseLHA = True
                    gOptions.bSLICModule = False
                    gOptions.bAllowBB = False
                End If
                ' ** Fill in filenames
                If InStrRev(sName, ".") <> 0 Then sTemp = UCase(Mid(sName, 1, InStrRev(sName, ".") - 1)) Else sTemp = UCase(sName)
                sTemp &= "_SLIC"
                If InStrRev(sName, ".") <> 0 Then sTemp &= UCase(Mid(sName, InStrRev(sName, ".")))
                sSLICName = sTemp
                ProcessOriginal = True
                ' ** Disable controls
                cmdVerify.Enabled = False : cmdExtract.Enabled = False
                cboManufacturer.SelectedIndex = -1 : lblManufacturer.Enabled = False : cboManufacturer.Enabled = False
                If Find(sBIOS, "AMIBIOSC0", 10, 16) = cEnd Then
                    lblStatus.Text = "Not AMI BIOS"
                    AddLine("Not AMI BIOS", cError)
                    lblStatus.Text = "AMIBIOS core version is not supported"
                    AddLine("AMIBIOS core version is not supported", cError)
                End If
            End If
            Exit Function
            If Not bBatch Then MsgBox("Error " & CStr(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Error")
        End Function
        Private Function ParseBIOS(ByVal sLoadPath As String, ByRef sBIOS() As Byte, ByRef lBIOSLen As UInteger) As Boolean
            Dim sLoad() As Byte
            Dim lStart, lEnd As UInteger
            ParseBIOS = False
            lBIOSLen = 0
            sLoad = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllBytes(txtOriginalBIOS.Text)
            lStart = Find(sLoad, "_EMBEDDED_ROM_START_" & Chr(0))
            If lStart <> cEnd Then lEnd = Find(sLoad, "_EMBEDDED_ROM_END_" & Chr(0))
            If lStart <> cEnd And lEnd <> cEnd Then
                ' ** Embedded in flash program
                lBIOSLen = lEnd - (lStart + 21)
                ReDim sBIOS(lBIOSLen - 1)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(sLoad, lStart + 21, sBIOS, 0, lBIOSLen)
                ParseBIOS = True
                lBIOSLen = UBound(sLoad) + 1
                ReDim sBIOS(lBIOSLen - 1)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(sLoad, 0, sBIOS, 0, lBIOSLen)
            End If
        End Function
  5. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    Btw, seems that I have located a bug. After opening a SLIC 2.2 modded bios using this tool, it reports "The BIOS has already had a SLIC 2.0 table".

  6. november_rain

    november_rain MDL Addicted

    Oct 25, 2012
    Does Anyone has this BIOS MODE please?

    Requests Bios Mod


    Motherboard: Pegatron IPIBL-LB (Benicia)

    SLIC: HP 2.2
    SLP: HP
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Select cancel, then use SSV2.
  8. Aviator747

    Aviator747 MDL Novice

    Feb 16, 2009
    Thank you for the reply. I did try that, but it greys out "SLIC File" and doesn't allow me to select one. The radio button for SSV2 is selected and is also greyed out. is it maybe because I using win 8, I shouldn't matter, should it?

  9. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Sorry... my mistake. You need to select cancel.

  10. Aviator747

    Aviator747 MDL Novice

    Feb 16, 2009
    Thanks that did the trick. Not sure why I never tried cancel. I don't even think I really noticed the cancel button. lol
  11. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    New version. See first post.

  12. sunboy

    sunboy MDL Novice

    Apr 6, 2011
    Useful tool,thx!
  13. flyingfalcon

    flyingfalcon MDL Novice

    Feb 14, 2013
    PCIe BIOS update

    Hi everyone, I would like to modify the Asus Z9PE-D16/L2 BIOS to accommodate additional PCIe I/O boards which will be attaches to the Asus MB via PCIe expansion chassis such as Magma or Cycle Technologies. Currently with an industrial backplane I'm limited to only 32 PCIe devices (Linux OS) and the rest are not recognized. This is due to PCIe enumeration issue which on some BIOS does not recognize PCIe slots outside of its internal slots. The vendor of an older motherboard modified their BIOS but now we are moving on to faster boards and moving to PCIe, I have not been able to get any support from Asus or AMI and I'm hoping I can avoid the original vendor and use this Asus board.

    Can i modify the Asus Z9PE-D16/L2 AMI BIOS using this tool to change the PCIe enumeration?

  14. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  15. Thvle

    Thvle MDL Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Hello, I have a ASUS M4A78L-M, is a AMI Bios.

    With the #1 program, Windows activate should not?

    But I have a question, the program modifies DMI not? there any way to go back?
  16. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Yah, after modding with this tool you can easily activate Windows.

    No, it doesn't modify DMI.

    Just flash the official non-modded version again.
