Don't worry about checksum FF errors. I have re-written this bit in 1.14 to make it less invasive, but still (hopefully) as safe. Andy
Thx!! How about first question: Trying to mod my Dell vostro 200 Bios with 1.12 and its say it have already slic 2.0 will its override with 2.1 for win7 ? Also last message after verify "BIOS image sums to 0"???? Thx
Hey Fuzzymaster, I tried your bios and it seems it's a space related issue, if you select ISA for the mod it should work, pubkey works as well but it's really mainly for ASUS. I also get success with 0+2, I don't know why mine works but not yours, are you using 1.14?
If you look at the logs I attached you will see that I am using 1.14 & have tried ISA, 0+2, & pubkey. The last line in each log shows the error I received in a dialog box. I also tried the other methods without succes. I am running the tool from a dir in the root of C: (system drive) - c:\awardtool\ with the bios file in the same dir. I tried OEM7 but it does not work either, and SSv1 isn't an option in Andy's tool. I'm not in any great hurry to get the mod done, and I'm sure there are people here that can get the job done manually if necessary, just wondering why I can't do it with Andy's tool.... Hmmm, have either of you changed any of the default Advanced settings? I haven't changed any of them....
I didnt check the tool, I just looked manually at he bios layout as to which mod fits best. Sorry. I can check the tool right quick. EDIT: It works with defaults. Maybe download another copy? Maybe something is corrupted. I just downloaded the mirror2 one.
Here is a pic of the tool with the FAILED status just after running 0+2 in case it helps any.... View attachment 1546
The mirror2 is the only one that works at the moment, but I will try downloading everything again and installing into a different dir to see what happens. If it works for you & phrunt then it must be something here (on my laptop) ....
@911medic, can you check your advanced options in Andy's tool? Particularily - Do you have 'Use LHA to compress' checked? Btw, I re-downloaded everything including the bios and put them in a new dir. Left all advanced settings at defaults and had same errors. However I knew that space was a consideration for this bios so when I looked at the advanced settings I thought I would try the LHA compress option and IT WORKED! (with 0+2 method). So now I know how to get a successful mod, but is there any way that the compress option might impact the bios in any adverse way, in other words will this have any affect on being able to boot the PC, or is the compression only related to the SLIC? Edit: Hmm....just did a dump with Andy's tool of the modded and virgin bios files and noticed the only diff was that modded had an additional file iSLIC.BIN which is 374 bytes long so I am guessing that the rest of the bios is still completely intact & thus no likely issues.
@911medic, not sure if you saw my last post (#295) but there is still one question I am curious about....
Interesting....checking that box was the only way I could get a successful mod. Playing around with other advanced options still resulted in failure. Only checking the box for compression worked. EDIT: Well one last edit on the subject, and that is basically that the modded bios (ECS PM800-M2 v1.2e with HP v2.1 SLIC, 0+2 method) installed fine and with a new cert installed, Vista SP2 remained activated. RWE shows the v2.1 SLIC, so even though I was in no hurry to do this, it is done & now we can just sit back and wait for keys to install W7. Thanks to andyp, phrunt, & 911medic for the help. GREAT job on the tools Andy, I'm sure they were a lot more work than many people realize !!
Download link Can anyone please provide a download link to the latest version ?? None of the links in the first post work for me... Thanks in advance !