OEM7 (ACPITBL at End) works for latest BIOS on my GA-P55-UD4P but you can't restore saved CMOS settings from F9. Just have to redo setup but it works fine.
I also have a problem with latest Gigabyte bios (ver. FKB for GA-MA770UD3 rev.2.0). The SSV3 does not work anymore. I tried 0+2 and OEM7 - bios patched with those methods hangs the computer during the "Verifying DMI Pool Data" stage.
I used this to add gigabyte slic 2.1 to my GA-EP45DS3R f11e bios and all went well can i use this to add nvidia sli?
Tried to modify a Gigabyte BIOS for the GA-890FXA-UD5 with Dell Slic 2.1 + SLP, but get his message "Unable to perform an SSV3 mod as there is no EPA module" never had problems with AMD boards of Gigabyte before, anybody any idea how to fix this problem? Also tried dynamic No Slic Table found.... Only option work was SSV1, but as I understood SSV3 was best for Gigabyte boards. Still have to test if SSV1 works or not.... Version 1.37 bDynamicForce - False iDynamicMethod - -1 bASUSLock - False bSLICSize - True bManualAddress - False lManualAddress - 0 bOEM7Force - False iOEM7Method - -1 bSSV3Force - False iSSV3Method - -1 bOnlySDT - False bCorrectDSDT - True bOEMIDOnly - True bIgnoreWarnings - False bBeforeUTS - False bCorrectWhole - True bPreserveWhole - False bCorrectModules - True bCorrectSB - True bUseLHA - False bRemoveMC - False bPreserveCPUID - False iCPUID - 0 bAlterDSDT - False Original BIOS size 1048576 bytes (1024K) 40000 Module 89FXAU52.BIN (5000) Compressed size 75102 Original size 131072 52587 Module awardext.rom (407F) Compressed size 39148 Original size 57728 5BE9B Module ACPITBL.BIN (4003) Compressed size 14263 Original size 32271 5F679 Module ggroup.bin (403B) Compressed size 9908 Original size 15376 61D53 Module ffgroup.bin (403D) Compressed size 12377 Original size 20992 64DD3 Module _ITEM.BIN (40B5) Compressed size 2845 Original size 6960 65915 Module y2group.bin (40CA) Compressed size 1306 Original size 1728 65E56 Module awardeyt.rom (400E) Compressed size 27798 Original size 54752 6CB14 Module tgroup.bin (403F) Compressed size 2644 Original size 63024 6D58E Module t1group.bin (4040) Compressed size 308 Original size 63024 6D6E9 Module t2group.bin (4041) Compressed size 1112 Original size 63024 6DB68 Module _EN_CODE.BIN (4029) Compressed size 12189 Original size 33200 70B2D Module RAID850.BIN (4086) Compressed size 53048 Original size 62464 7DA8C Module ahci.BIN (4087) Compressed size 12718 Original size 20480 80C5E Module jmb10716.bin (4088) Compressed size 17773 Original size 32768 851F3 Module RTEGPXE.LOM (4089) Compressed size 28306 Original size 49152 8C0AC Module DBIOS.BMP (4011) Compressed size 1275 Original size 2916 8C5CC Module SBF.BIN (4012) Compressed size 8913 Original size 12374 8E8C0 Module AGESACPU.ROM (4067) Compressed size 8915 Original size 21027 90BBB Module MEMINIT.BIN (4069) Compressed size 56850 Original size 56835 9E9F4 Module HT.DLL (407A) Compressed size 21388 Original size 21377 A3DA2 Module HT32GATE.BIN (407C) Compressed size 1780 Original size 1725 A44BE Module 333_BIOS.bmp (4000) Compressed size 133855 Original size 307980 Padding pattern is 211 Module 89FXAU52.BIN has a padding checksum of FFh 0 ROM Hole 0 CIMX_NB.B2 size 35248 20000 ROM Hole 1 CIMXSB80.B2 size 17808 10000 ROM Hole 2 UI850.BIN size 61440 28000 ROM Hole 3 ECCODE.bin size 6821 Total ROM Hole size 30000 Microcode update block found at E07E0 - size 3800 E07E0 CPUID 1040 Patch ID 01000085 dated 1/5/2008 size 2048 E17E0 CPUID 1041 Patch ID 010000C6 dated 11/3/2010 size 2048 E1FE0 CPUID 1062 Patch ID 010000C7 dated 11/3/2010 size 2048 E27E0 CPUID 1043 Patch ID 010000C8 dated 11/3/2010 size 2048 4 valid microcode updates found Module and decompression block checksum is valid (5F - Start 40000 Length AFFFE) Extra checksum valid First byte (LSB) checksum is valid Second byte (MSB) checksum is valid BIOS image sums to 0 Total ROM Hole size 30000 SLIC module size is 374 bytes SLIC module checksum is 0 OEM Activation 2.1 SLIC SSV3 Method Unable to perform an SSV3 mod as there is no EPA module
I propose not to try SSV1..... Tried SSV1 on MA770-UD3 V1.0 and actually bricked it but was able to recover (by shortening two pins on the bios chip and the backup bios took over) /Avis