This is like a pissing contest now ..? it is what it is at the end of the day we dont care as longs as we get the rtm before its released or on release day to be totally openly honest with you ?
You think M$ isn't in contact with OEM's? I think they have been working on drivers already and had them ready a month ago, I think most drivers are going to be native within the o.s. (M$ probably learned that lesson from W8 not being ready for OEM's)
Personally I am hoping for a smaller core M CHI from Asus. I have their 12.5 inch and two weeks left to return it..great screen, runs fine even with only a .8-2.0GHz processor but is a bit awkward at 12.5 inches.
Microsoft tight-lipped over Windows RTM upgrades via fast ring & upgrades from Windows 7SP1/8/8.1 for now!
hey guys.. so looking in your registry to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability at least there was impressive standing there. now its th1 for me since yesterday. so defintivly next build will be rtm didnt it?
I have a very serious prediction from my crystal ball An RTM will be out within the next two weeks ...
I assume that is just to test out the production upgrade process as Gabe said yesterday..they are not going to be pushing out RTM two weeks early to do that.
Why not? Thinks have changed alot with Windows 10. 1. Win 10 ist for most user for free. 2. This makes all leaks useless.
the next build possibly only can be the rtm, because prerelease-keys aren´t working for activation anymore.. when there would be another insider preview", why MS block prerelease-keys???