It's not because "there's no SP3". XP 64 bit is at service pack parity with Server 2003, since it's essentially the same product, and SP2 is the most current, and supported service pack level for server 2003. For whatever reason Microsoft decided to not support 64 bit Server 2003 / XP. Note that they support 32 bit Server 2003 SP2.
What am I doing wrong with this? Code: schtasks create /tn "Office" /tr "C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen" /sc /mo 7 /st 00:00:00 /ru /f I want it to work every 6 months and run silent as user account "SYSTEM" Thank you kindly
Try this Code: schtasks create /tn "Office" /tr "C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.bat" /sc /mo 6 /st 00:00:00 /ru "" /f EDIT: You need to add the extension such as .bat to the script name.
Code: schtasks /create /tn "Office" /tr "C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.exe" /sc /mo 6 /st 00:00:00 /ru "" /f / before create is missing.
Thank you that was the final touch Take care Edit: I noticed when I run the task and check status the minutes don't change. How can I check if task is really running even though it runs with SYSTEM I've tried different paths but task never runs? Thank you
What does the Last Run Result column say? I think the problem is because there are spaces in the file path. Try this Code: schtasks /create /tn "Office" /tr '"C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.exe"' /sc monthly /mo 6 /st 00:00:00 /ru "" /f I have added single quote around the double quotes, so that will solve your problem. Using /sc monthly /mo 6 /st 00:00:00 will schedule a task to run on 1st of June and December at 12 AM. Is that what you are aiming to create or something else?
Excuse my poor english. Are you sure that the "My documents" path is Code: C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\ On my PC, the good path is Documents in the end Code: C:\Users\timesurfer\Documents\
C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\ is the correct or actual path. If you use Libraries then it will be Libraries > Documents Hope that is clear.
It's clear but when I look at properties of the .exe it says C:\Users\timesurfer\Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS\Office Volume Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen and this is my code schtasks /create /tn "Office" /tr "C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\KMS\Office Volume Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.exe" /sc monthly /mo 6 /st 12:00:00 /ru "" /f so I'm confused why it won't run. I mean it should run right? And it should reset the minutes so I'd know it ran but I can't figure it out. Also apparantly there is a similar path through libraries to documents then dropbox but indeed the timesurfer folder is in the desktop location So I'm stumped. This was why I stopped using 2010 not your code or the keygen necessarily just the task won't Thanks for your time and effort MasterDisaster
lol...I tried your post but still won't run. Shouldn't it say running when I run task cause it says only ready? This is what I have now schtasks /create /tn "Office" /tr '"C:\Users\timesurfer\My Documents\My Dropbox\Public\Office Volume Activation Script for Z.W.T Keygen.exe"' /sc monthly /mo 6 /st 00:00:00 /ru "" /f Maybe you could use TV if that would help? Thank you
For Windows, C:\Users\timesurfer\Documents, it's the good path ( for me, also ). For MasterDisaster, No. Where is the truth ?
I think it's because either he's using Windows XP or he changed the location of "Documents" (maybe because of the old files after installing W7 over XP)..
Windows now uses directory "alias" (I don't know the real name for that).. In spanish (my mother language) in XP the document's folder was named "Mis Documentos" and in english was named "My Documents". Now in Windows 7 the real folder name is always "Documents", it doesn't matter if the OS is in spanish, french, or whatever language you're using, althouhg I see the folder name as "Documentos", in the real path it's clearly named "Documents"