I can see with my own eyes. No waiting needed. Extraordinary claims require proof. Until then you're Lisa Simpson with the rock that keeps away tigers, living from Homer's perspective. So once more; Evidence or STFU.
Too much tinfoil hat going on here. If you don't like it, stop using it. No one is forcing you to use Windows 10. These threads are cancer and need to go away.
But! There I also more to it, example you will need to open a browser or check fo updates for an app are you 100% sure everything is all good and a friend regarding any dll or registry key that is perfectly timed to send your goods out to the central command? Even if your ports are air right do you know what's next in line to be sent out bound? If not could that be a little concern. That's a very good point eh?
Paul you know better plus you can get been around here for awhile Just in my case a few nic name changes
yes, I know better in terms of medical stuff since I used to work as a doctor for a long period of time (+30 years) but I have no idea about any of your nic-names. Sorry but I have some problems understanding your English. Best you concentrate on PC work and its derivate
@Paul: It's the Christians 6, the Lions nothing... Or is it the Lions 6 and the Christians nothing. :MJ
hun, I know what you you mean and I'm with you some way ... but my joke ( it should have been one) was to mention that "I bless you too" in order to count up TOO/two, three, four and more ... This was an old jokin' in Germany with our old Canceler Hennoch Kohn aka Helmut Kohl who was so stupid to use that idiom during a serious political meeting many years ago
You cant trust me but a Tech from Microsoft execute some things and disable the telemetry with 0 errors!
Which part of 'Windows 10 is sending stuff back to Microsoft' is wrong? I don't like it, but I have every right to carry on using Windows 10 and I have every right to stop the spying if I can. There is certainly some cancer here, but this thread is not it.
I'm insulting nobody. If it is being taken that way, it's their own inability to answer that is causing that. I'm asking for them to back up the dozens of posts they are accruing repeating the same statements over and over - once again demonstrating that post count is a worthless metric while we're at it there. Asking for a form of proof - something I and others have done, because we CAN, because certain things are just facts - is not an insult. Baseless and utterly, demonstrably false crap being repeated is insulting to the time of anyone reading it however. "Belief" with no foundation is no substitute for cold, hard facts. Faith healer, or qualified doctor? Random guy off the street, or qualified car mechanic? Book that claims the world is 6,000 years old, or actual provable, testable, scientific evidence? Nonsense, or provable observable fact? Data is data. It's going or it isn't. No middle ground. 0 or 1.
This is simply not true. I have all those blocked in the HOSTS file and I've gotten no error messages.