No amount of blocking is going to keep you safe. You can block now, for 1 year, then MS updates your windows and puts a NEW hardcoded IP address for uploading your data, all your data for the last 1 year goes to MS. All it takes is 1 moment of weakness to have EVERYTHING accumulated on your windows sent to MS!
Indeed isn't a full solution. But ip filtering + domain filtering + spying packages removed + spying scheduled tasks deleted and so on would improve the situation a lot. W10, will evolve just like any other spyware, protection must evolve just like any antivirus/antimalware
oh s**t bitter get linux fast. hahahahaha no seriously... windows 7 and 8 will do the same, if they do it on windows 10 there is no reason to not do it on the older systems and because there is no alternative you have to live with it or remove your pc/internet
Again; how exactly is "all (this data)" being gathered with the processes PHYSICALLY GONE or blocked, stored without being visible or taking any hard drive space at all up, or bandwidth when "sent"? Three assertions. One single, solitary shred or actual byte of evidence to back them up please, or there's nothing to discuss.
You keep repeating this like a parrot, the answer is Windows Updates, they will install one day to replace your deleted or blocked processes. Updates are automatic.
Windows 10 default is spying on, when you tweak spying off they can "accidentally" "by mistake" still spy on you and simply say oops. Windows 8 and 7 default is no spying, it is much harder for MS to plausibly say they accidentally spied on you with those OS. I still use W10, I install antikeylogger the very first thing so even with spying they get nothing (hopefully)
Okay finally a specific; Lets say Windows Update is blocked and disabled - perfectly possible, as hundreds of people using the tweak scripts can attest to, and you could even check yourself with a total of about three keystrokes. Please demonstrate how after disabling Windows Update and denying it from ever connecting, it can still communicate. You can't. Because it can't. And doesn't. And never can.
I hope everyone knows that Windows 10 conduits high voltage electricity though the wiring in your equpiment (printer, mouse, etc) to melt part of the copper inside and the specialized data waves sent reform it as a SIM card they can connect to satellites and transmit your data without using your internet connection.
Are you really going to run Windows without updates? What about all the 0day exploits the updates fix? Are you going to ignore them? You are stopping MS spying but opening yourself up to hacking by others.
Cortana is a spy, and removing Cortana package breaks the search function in windows I heard, is there a way around this problem?
What is far scarier is there are plainly people in this thread who would believe that without question. It's not far off the level of delusion demonstrated so far.
My security is none of your concern. I understand how to keep secure of my own accord. I don't need Microsoft to do it for me. Anyway, a nice distraction from not being able to answer the challenge there. Care to have another shot?
There are plenty of tweak scripts - or even just Remove-AppXPackage - on the very front page which can turn off Cortana and don't affect Windows search. Hell, turn her off via Privacy settings or the Search menu options or gpedit or one of many other options. I suggest this new technique called "reading". Very exciting it is. I think it could grow to be quite popular.
Congrats you are the only one using Windows 10 without updates. My view holds true for 99% of the Windows 10 users that need the security updates.
So all those people using the scripts that disable updates are... doing what exactly? Using it and not at the same time? Once more (with feeling), a nice distraction from not being able to answer the challenge there. Care to have another shot?
There are reports simply disabling packages by Settings or GPEdit does not really disable them. Like Cortana is off and unavailable on Enterprise versions, yet I see it in the list of packages, possibly silently logging away. The only way to stop a spy package for sure is to remove the package entirely.