You're talking about his integration guide, right? would have been nice to find all the resources gathered in one post, rather than having to scour through numerous pages to put together bits of info, but hey, what would have been the beauty of "fighting" with M$, if all were delivered on a silver platter?
@deanov: Did your machine reboot at any time? If so, info could have been transmitted / received before the GUI (and the IP logging / IP filtering) started. Just a thought. :MJ
Looks like Tekno on the whirlpool forums is starting to do that.I would post a link but I haven't got a higher enough post count. Just google his name and whirlpool forums its in the Windows 10 Discussion/Questions thread so far he thinks its all BS.
Honestly, I dont understand why MDL doesnt ban these types of threads. Its like complaining about the start menu. Noone cares what you do with your PC.
Yes and that's why Microsoft added all the data collection abilities, Facetube, Apple, Google, the NSA, GCHQ, etc are all after it and collecting it. Because they don't care. HEY WAIT A MINUTE THAT MAKES NO GODDAMN SENSE...
How many 5.25 inch floppy discs would Microsoft need to store all this data? It hardly seems possible that Microsoft could store and process all this data.
Its a bit like US claim China Hack US state secret; anyone can confirm US don't hack China military installation ? The issue is don't get caught while do it!
What is a floppy drive, and when has anyone used a floppy drive as server storage ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 6 TB HDD's are around 200.00, and I think that MS can buy a few thousand. Then there's the fact that they aren't collecting Blu ray movies from customers, it's text data.
This is a fascinating topic about storage, I had no idea that there could be so much in the world!. I am not a maths genius, and I find it very difficult to get my head around these numbers. Again these sort of posts are very informative and show why MDL is the best computer forum in the world!. Wonder if Bill Gates is a member?, or maybe a few of his minions would be if they can find MDL using Bing. Without Chrome I doubt whether I could. Having used Dogpile in the early days I am very surprised that Microsoft have never brought out a decent search engine. All I want to do is just list ALL files by name. date etc and be able to sort them in order. As I have said before Everything Search seems the best free alternative, maybe it is written by someone in authority?
There is at least one setting in gpedit.msc, Windows 7 sp1 to disable telemetry; but "Consent is written in to most of what i've seen...
Microsoft has several data centers and over a billion servers. Just one center like the one in Chicago, which can store more data than Facebook. That's a lot of floppy's. Gates, yes he is, his MDL name is Paul Desmond.