[Not working anymore] How to upgrade from W7/8.1 without going through the complete upgrade process

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Yen, Aug 28, 2015.

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  1. -Nax-

    -Nax- MDL Novice

    Apr 1, 2015
    Yes ! Thank you, i change my mainboard and it allows me to activate again !
  2. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #882 Mr.X, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
    Does free upgrade still work? Please.
    Spare me the tortuous process just to find out it doesn't. Hardware kind of sucks down here and Internet connection too... :eek::eek::(:mushy::D
  3. mabaega

    mabaega MDL Senior Member

    Dec 30, 2010
    yes it does..
    no special tricks, still as before.
    w81 pro to w10 pro
    w7ult to w10 pro
    Install two new PCs and 1 notebook today. and all of them get free digital license.
  4. stream

    stream MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    Also w7 pro to w10 pro.
  5. akf

    akf MDL Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2010
    My Windows 10 Pro is currently activated with a digital entitlement.

    Suppose that I want to clean install Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB. Is it possible to activate Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB, with the same digital entitlement?
  6. whitestar_999

    whitestar_999 MDL Addicted

    Dec 9, 2011
    No.Digital Entitlement is only for home & pro editions.
  7. NobodyNose

    NobodyNose MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2012
    So... late to the party, but hoping for some help, still. And I tried to read a lot, but I'm actually getting a bit lost, so please forgive me for borderline stupid questions.

    I have a genuine pre-installed Win 8.1 with Bing (tablet), 32bit OS, x64 based processor (whatever that means), with a KMS activated Office 2010. Now I'd like to upgrade to Win 10 (Home, which I believe is the suitable one for my OS).


    It seems that the free upgrade would still work via the assistive technology offer. Should I do that, or get an ISO and then mount that on a USB stick (or make a bootable stick), or should I do it the way it is described here in the first post?

    It seems that the way people are doing it is making a clean install after the upgrade, is that necessary or just recommended?

    Will I have a problem with KMS Office 2010 activation after I do the genuine upgrade to Win 10 - or should I get a clean Win 10 and activate both via KMS/Toolkit? (I'm not really sure that last one is actually possible, to be honest...)

    Thank you :)
  8. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    If the assistive tech offer is still working, by all means do that first. That will give you your digital entitlement and you will be good to go. Clean install vs upgrade is a matter of personal choice. If things go south after the upgrade and the digital entitlement is already done, it wont matter. You can clean install at any time and it will activate.

    You can install 2010 with kms and not effect Windows at all with Microsoft toolkit (I assume KMSPico as well). And, yes it is possibly to KMS activate both Windows and Office, one the other or both. No problem.
  9. NobodyNose

    NobodyNose MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2012
    Awesome, thank you :)
  10. NobodyNose

    NobodyNose MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2012
    Well, of course it couldn't be that easy...

    The tablet has very limited storage, but I'd need 16 GB to install Win 10. As such, I'd have to use the alternative storage method option, but that option is apparently only available if you created it on an external USB drive via the Window Create Media Download tool.

    Now that entails a lot of stuff I don`t have right now, including an 8GB usb drive (mine is only 7.5 and won't work, of course), apparently a USB hub for mouse, keyboard, usb drive and so on.

    Question is now, could I combine that somehow with the assistive technologies upgrade process to get my genuine verification and entitlement? Or would that work in the same way with the method described in the first post here?
    Or, since it already got to the upgrade process, but told me there's not enough space, would I already have a genuine upgrade ticket? Is there a way to check?
    Finally, to get the right Win 10 version, when trying the create media download tool, it suggests a win 10 version called simply "Windows 10", no suffixes, and when I try to select one, there's "Windows 10" and "Windows 10 Single Language" and "Windows 10 N". So if I have to download an ISO, which one should I get?

    Thanks :)
  11. akf

    akf MDL Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2010
    Thank you for your reply.

    As you implied that I can't transfer the license from Pro to Enterprise, then how should I activate Enterprise? Using Microsoft Toolkit?
  12. morphious1971

    morphious1971 MDL Novice

    Oct 28, 2012
    ok i just would like to fill everyone in on the process. you dont need to validate anything at all. what i did was i booted windows 7 ultimate, instantly installed the dazloader 2.2.2 and activated 7. i then used the gatherostate to generate the geniune ticket.xml and copied it to the windows 10 installation usb drive.
    i rebooted with boot menu and selected the usb drive and installed windows 10 with no internet at all. i then put the ticket i created in the said above folder and restarted the machine once restarted i plugged in the internet cable and windows was activated.
    i went to updates and security and clicked on activation and it see it says the following,

    edition windows 10 pro
    activation windows is activated
    product key windows 10 on this device is activated with a digital entitlement.

    it saved me about 2 1/2 hrs honestly. i thought i just share this info. this is the 5th machine ive done in the past couple months all same result. not one has deactivated or anything like that so i know it works.
  13. NobodyNose

    NobodyNose MDL Novice

    Mar 19, 2012
    #894 NobodyNose, Sep 1, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
    So, I finally got my tablet up to Win 10 from 8.1. In the end, I used the method described here, with genuine ticket and all, even though I'm not sure I would've needed to (as the installation never asked me for a Key and did that digital license thing) - of course, I couldn't do it just with the upgrade assistant, since the tablet has no way of having 16GB of free space as long as there was Windows 8.1 still running on it and for some reason the upgrade assistant lacks the option to move some of the installation onto removable media (like your old Windows safe).

    So, for anyone trying to upgrade from Win 8.1 to Win 10 with a clean install on a tablet with 32 GB storage or less, I'd recommend doing it this way, with a clean iso put on a bootable USB drive (FAT32) and then booting from that via your tablet's boot menu (Hold ESC or Power+Volume minus during startup).

    Now, I do have a question regarding the Recovery Partition from Win 8.1 and the Windows.old files you get after the Win10 install:

    Before I upgraded, I made a recovery usb stick on Win 8.1.
    For going back to 8.1 from Win 10 (should I choose to do so), wouldn't that USB stick be enough to revert my system to 8.1?
    And could I then delete both Windows.old and the Windows 8.1 Recovery Partition (the latter being a full 5GB of my total storage)?

    Thanks :)
  14. stream

    stream MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    #895 stream, Sep 1, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2016
    If the USB flash disk (UFD) contains a independently 'restorable' image of the previously activated win 8.1 system partition, then yes.

    But if the recovery UFD also needs to use the data contained in the Recovery Partition, then you will have to use a free third-party tool like Macrium Reflect to create & backup an image of the activated win 8.1 system partition.

    You can then use a Macrium Reflect bootable UFD to revert to win 8.1.
  15. intruder16

    intruder16 MDL Novice

    Jul 17, 2014
    This method still works. Just updated from W7 Ultimate to W10 Pro (14393 iso made from MCT) using GenuineTicket. Now i have both Home SL and Pro editions of W10 on my machine permanently activated.

    I had W8.1 Home OEM pre-installed so the windows installer always installed Home SL edition while clean installing. Make sure you use the ei.cfg method to choose Pro edition during install if you are coming from W7 Ultimate.

    Also, in my case it said "Unable to reach activation servers". A simple force activation using "slmgr /ato" a couple of times in elevated cmd prompt activated mine with digital license.
  16. ZORAXbr

    ZORAXbr MDL Novice

    May 6, 2008
    This should be added to the instructions on the first page!

    If you have installed Windows 7 on a new system, setup might not have LAN drivers included, and so the ticket generated by gatherosstate will be invalid, even if you have "activated" Windows 7 successfully with Daz Loader!

    You really have to install the necessary LAN drivers before generating the ticket! I lost countless hours trying to reinstall and activate Windows 10 with no success, before I read this post.
  17. BobSheep

    BobSheep MDL Guru

    Apr 19, 2010
    Install all drivers has been added to the first post.
  18. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    At least no explanation or question marks in devicemanager (or basic vga).
  19. stream

    stream MDL Member

    Nov 5, 2010
    #900 stream, Sep 4, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
    I can confirm that installation of vendor-specific LAN drivers are not necessary for this purpose.

    The generic drivers already included in win 7 SP1/win 8.1 installation media are enough.

    You only have to ensure that there are no exclamation (!) or question (?) marks remaining in Device Manager before generating the ticket.