Unfortunately, I did donate about 3 or 4 weeks ago when donations were requested. It wasn't a small amount either.
Did You mean, this is normal. If so, then yes, it is absolutely normal very stable. Spoiler: nsane normal view
There is only problem on nsane and it have been worse the last year, my bet is it will always be unstable until the day it will be shot down permanent.
insane is up and ready, oh and quite fast as UNUSUAL ... Perhaps due to the low traffic of those who can't connect the site /lol
Got an error on my desktop but had access from notebook with different IP via VPN . After switching the desktop to same location i could access the site there likewise. Site now shows https, that's new isn't it....
I would like donate them, but I expect a table of where donations goes, I asked for that table about 5 times during last 5 years, no one replied me, not even the admins. The site unfortunately is permanently filled with spam at numerous levels, that forced myself to get a personal view of the site, without taking the spam, because even if I donate, correct me if I am wrong, I am still forced to view the spam. Spoiler: View www.***********.com##.ipsMessage_none.ipsMessage.cAnnouncementPageTop www.***********.com##li.ipsBox.ipsWidget_horizontal.ipsWidget:nth-of-type(2) www.***********.com##.ipsType_center.ipsMessage_none.ipsMessage.cAnnouncementContentTop www.***********.com##li.ipsBox.ipsWidget_vertical.ipsWidget:nth-of-type(1) www.***********.com##.ipsMessage_error.ipsMessage.cAnnouncementPageTop www.***********.com##.cAnnouncementsContent www.***********.com###elNavSecondary_23 www.***********.com###elUserNav ||www.***********.com/uploads/*/*.*$image www.***********.com###elLogo www.***********.com##.ipsSpacer_top.cTopicPostArea_noSize.ipsPad.ipsAreaBackground.cTopicPostArea www.***********.com###ipsLayout_mainArea > .ipsClearfix.ipsList_noSpacing.ipsList_inline www.***********.com##header > .ipsLayout_container www.***********.com##[href="http://www.*********.com/"] www.***********.com##[href="https://www.***********.com/staff/"] www.***********.com###ipsLayout_footer www.***********.com##.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsType_light.ipsPos_left www.***********.com##div.ipsResponsive_hidePhone.ipsResponsive_noFloat.ipsPos_right:nth-of-type(1) www.***********.com##[href="https://www.***********.com/guidelines/"] www.***********.com##.ipsFaded_withHover.ipsBreadcrumb_bottom.ipsBreadcrumb Alas, I feel I am missing something with this cosmetic hiding...
Main site is now... Down. Into latest news: **Developers and site owners now should communicate to administer in order to work on n** Word of CrazyCanuk... Site is up!
I found a way to let a program monitor for me the n** down and up, no more worries about it It will inform me if the site is down with a nice notification