Heard the fo_rum is now using vigilink to monitor users navigation on the board, and deploying sponsored ads through hidden service, is that true? Regards.
Microsoft has repeatedly warned them, now they have finally blocked. What to do if the warnings does not work.
Nsane has a history of dissapearing because the people running it mess it up The facebook page is still there and theres nothing there about any problems . Nsane just did another ' update ' and it looks like they f**ked it up again .
Downdating . What terrible crap = How to make a site less useable and fill a screen with blank space and kiddy effects .
OK, seems I cant find that com/forum/48-software-updates on google, any way thanks. If you like PM me the full board name link.
This site wont allow me to write the full adress = Just put nsane in front of com/forum/48-software-updates The link leads to how the forum looked befor the downdate .