Two Irish policemen were checking their patrol car’s direction indicator. So one of them got out to watch, as the other one turned the indicator on. The one outside: “It’s working…no, it’s stopped…oh yes, it’s ok…no, it’s not…” What’s this got to do with nsane forums? Think about it.
You are right, forum have been unstable for long time. Forum have been down several times 3-5 days last year, hope they are able to stabilize situation cause it is one of the best, just like MDL. Hopfully back within few days
Looks like this is taking longer than anyone wanted. From official sources: The admins are notified about it. This issue is different than usual one. It needs a proper look. May take time to be back working again here.
calling "dufus", as per PM, that I couldn't read I'm NOT the admin, nor I own anything there, however enjoyed good community spirit whilst it was building up. site is still down, makes one wander if Jalafa or DKT would bite the bullet and try to redesign database from scratch, as endless board changes, few spiteful malicious attacks and on-off times isn't helpful at all... hope they'll be back
Discord server for nSane users The creation of this server is due to the site mentioned above being offline for a long time. This is made so that communication between family, friends, members, staff and admin will be made easy. As our beloved site remove our forum chatroom, then this is just a temporary thing replacing it. ********* has become more than just a software site; It became a community, a family, and a home for some of us. https://forum_rule_3.5/xQCemSe
Their local server is down. No more info. Oh yes, Cloudflare seems to be also unplugged. So they may be stay away for a long time.
Agreed... @november_ra1n_'s twitter account is suspended since yesterday... This series of events makes me think: is it coincidence that "two" members are banned from that forum and all that happens?!... Nah... I believe they are directly connected to this...
Can anybody tell why nsane forums giving 503 error for so many days? Is it really down or what? I cannot access the site but I still get email notifications of threads that I had subscribed in my gmail account. It seems some people are able to access the site and some are not. What's going on?
I'm sorry for my ignorance, what persons are you talking about who's been banned? or are you speculating?
As you can see, there is written very clearly "the @ november_ra1n_'s twitter account is suspended". But suspended does not mean that someone is banned. Code: if You try this for example https://linking_to_warez/ You'll get this What's there unclear for you?
Here someone (informed or misinformed) has let a coincidence drop the fact of nsane downtime with some banned member, read above. No one has claimed that rain has been banned.
Hi Kaljukass, Your username seemed familiar to me and I wondered: Are you the member called "Kalju stonehead" in the Nsane forum? If you are that person, do you continue create special portable Skype here as it is there too? If so, I wish you success,
Unfortunately, I hear this name for the first time, I've never heard of such a name or a username or nickname. Also haven't made a portable Skype, though I sometimes I make some portable software installers which is usually in paf format.