For skype, check out:
It is understood that you are not a member of the forum Nsane. But there was a member whose username was 'Kaljukass' without 'ass', and there was an incident like this: A few years ago, 'Kalju' said that about a malfunctioning portable Skype in Nsane: "It is not faulty" Then I told to him "You are a stonehead", because he continued to say "it is faultless", although I have shown him the mentioned malfunction. Then the moderator Crazycanuck who is Kalju's stepbrother was very upset when he realized 'Kalju' was a 'stone stupid' person. And because of this great sadness, he forbid my forum membership, even though I was right. That's all... Goodday, Note: If Nsane is reopening and Crazycanuck and Kalju are still members there, they will certainly confirm this. In meantime, I hope there is no other authorized half-brother of Kalju in the MDL here... (By the way, I apologize for my inadequate English)
Dear bro taba, seems the reason of own failures, like the staff of nsane always scaring and threatening members, finally produced some fruits. I suspect many stoneheads Let's keep the past behind us, everyone is finding a new home abroad.
This is certainly advantageous, if of possibly questionable legality. But aren't other warez boards offering similar goods?
Dear "Arus99", Actually this incident is not my care. I typed the above message triggered a username similarity. I mean, I did not write in the sense of "Hope it gets even worse" by continuing my anger about a thing in the past. Because I already told what I need to say. I even mentioned that the forum Nsane is not as well managed as the old one. As I mentioned in my previous post, the reason why I was banned from the forum is very ridiculous; moreover, I was an older member than the moderator who banned me. NOTE: Yes, you are very right in your words: "...finally produced some fruits". For example, Crazycanuck is definitely a fruit...
Biohazard, we will never finish the Final Countdown I heard CrazyCanuk said on Discord that by the end of November the forum will be up again.
Are you a NF's member?!... I don't think so... You'd know what I'm talking about... Yap... @november_ra1n_ used to be that guy there... But he left...