But what's the difference (if it exists)? Thanks BTW, What does nSudo stand for? Nippon (or Naruto) Sudo?
Please use the NSudo and you will know. It may stand for "N-series Sudo" because my ID have a capital "N". Mouri.
would love to help with translation (german)! it is not that much text, and indeed read once - understand - is helpful with this tool, at least most important things. what is the most important thing to know about nSudo for the user in your opinion? (what maybe is difficult to transport with written letters..)
First, I will thank for you help. I think every NSudo user should follow the principle of least privilege. (With great power comes great responsibility.) NSudo not only a tool which can run an app with the LocalSystem token, even the TrustedInstaller token, it also provides features which can help you to follow the principle of least privilege better. Let me give you an example: Starting from NSudo 3.x or later, we can create an environment similar to Internet Explorer Protected Mode. Here is the example: Code: NSudoC -U:C -M:L cmd If you don't want some apps pop up the UAC window and want to keep the low privilege. You can try "D" option in "U" option. Here is the example: Code: NSudoC -U:D -M:L cmd In NSudo 7.x (It will release in 2019.), we also provide you run an app in the App Container, even the Low Privilege App Container. And provide more control about the Access Token privileges and App Container capabilties. If you want to translate NSudo, I think you should try to use the "whoami" command line tool built in Windows for reference. I hope it can help you. Mouri
Thanks for your work! sorry I think I totally forgot to make traduction for last page (but it's almost same as the main "command" page) I try when I get the time soon. Not for me...There is no "bug" anymore, it might be a problem on your system only. Have you used Nsudo "Installer" or typed Nsudo -install ? NSudo -install adds the good command now (same one as NSudo installer) Can you copy and post the content of this key? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\NSudo.RunAs.TrustedInstaller.EnableAllPrivileges\command ? With NSudo -install command, it should be: "C:\Windows\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start "NSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher" "%1" With NSudo installer it should be same...with your own choosen path: "yourownpath\Nsudo.exe" -U:T -P:E -ShowWindowMode=Hide cmd /c start "NSudo.ContextMenu.Launcher" "%1" Also you can try replacing cmd with "direct launch" in registry and see if works, so you could better pinpoint the problem on your machine, like this: ...\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%1"
You haven't fully replied to the question...Check your registry commandstore key and then try the 2nd setting "option"... One thing is wrong, either the ability to parse commands to registry or worst your cmd shell. There is no bug (else than your tweaking "method"). If you want to run everything in TI, use explorerTI. But in fact one should run things with least privilege principle as @Mouri_Naruto pointed out. This would avoid this kind of problems.
first i was a bit surprised you suggest me to use "whoami", the result was as expected. so i tried it with /? i was not aware that this "tool" has so much options, what says a lot. running it in cmd.exe as trusted installer "with" highest privilege it says "nt-authority\system" i will keep in mind what you said about privileges! at this time i use nsudo to run MSMG (on my pc which is not connected to internet, in a vm created for imaging) because it is needed, and just works! greetings!
MSMG already runs with NSUDO. Code: @start /b "ToolKit - TrustedInstaller" "%~dp0Bin\%Arch%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E "%~dp0ToolKit.cmd"
@app_raiser I think you should try "whoami /all". And it can help you know most of concepts mentioned in NSudo. TrustedInstaller's Access Token = LocalSystem's Access Token + TrustedInstaller Service Group SID So it's actually just a LocalSystem's Access Token, but with the TrustedInstaller Service Group SID. Mouri
@boyonthebus : i used the "beta" toolkithelper.exe which needs the toolkit to be started with nsudo anyway to avoid certain errors! worked without any problems, i am very pleased with latest image i created that way. best result so far. @Mouri_Naruto : i will dig in this deeper because i do have a lack of knowledge of this stuff. understanding this better is essential i think. thank you!
Hi @Mouri_Naruto. Have you considered the possibility of "drag & drop" and if NSudo (shortcut) is added to "Send To" directory, the program or script will auto execute as Trusted Installer?
I just noticed that on my systems Nsudo will not run from a network attached drive. You can launch it without problems, but you can't execute anything from it. You end up getting Error: Failed to create a process,.... If I copy the Nsudo directory to a local drive, evrything works. I'm not sure if running from a network drive is even supported since other similar programs like PowerRun and ExecTI don't work either. Was this mentioned somewhere for Nsudo? Edit: @Mouri_Naruto do you have any thoughts on this?