Bug/Feature found: If I enter D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back Up\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe into the Open: textbox I get the following error: Windows cannot find 'D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. If I enter "D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back Up\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe", <- note the quotes, no errors occur and the program launches correctly. If I enter the following into the ShortCutList.ini [Beyond Compare] CommandLine="D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back Up\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe" or [Beyond Compare] CommandLine=D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back Up\Beyond Compare 4\BCompare.exe and then select it from the Open: textbox dropdown I get the following error: Windows cannot find 'D:\!Taisoft!\Bin\X64\Back'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. So Nsudo obviously has problems with spaces and/or ! in the path to a program.
On Server 2012 R2 it does open requested program not visible to logged in user It runs, but GUI of such program is not accessible (obviously). The program can be seen as running in System security context
Does the Trustedinstaller option show as System when i look in taskmanager and in tab details. And if i set it to use System, then it show the same. Thought if i set it to TrustedInstaller, it would show it in Taskmanager to.
BTW I like the old interface way better than this MiniFM stuff you implemented. If possible i wish the 2 Radio Buttons with System or TI launching CMD for the GUI version back. - without the "you know bios" text-line.