NTLite is here!

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by ricktendo64, Sep 18, 2014.

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  1. Javik

    Javik MDL Novice

    Feb 10, 2013
    Allowing modifications to online images is certainly an interesting feature and one you don't find in other tools, but to someone like me with very limited funding paying £37.50 when I don't even know how well it actually works is sadly a cost I just cannot justify, especially when according to the website my licence would only cover the latest major version of the tool.I remember vlite and nlite and they were certainly great tools, I personally don't begrudge a developer making money off of their product, but you ought to either re consider your incredibly steep pricing or offer a fully featured trial.
  2. pjoter

    pjoter MDL Novice

    Nov 2, 2014
    I'm happy to pay, as long as it delivers.
  3. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    The recommended price is 30$.
  4. stayboogy

    stayboogy MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2011

    i'm thinking more like $15. that's all i would pay for it.

    he didn't create anything but a gui wrapper around known, public processes using M$ tools. to charge $45 for nothing original is ridiculous.

    therefore, i will not be using or supporting this tool or its development.

    as a matter of fact, i emailed the developer about this and his response was less than ideal. he obviously only cares about money and compared his program to that of a video game... ridiculous and fantastical to say the least...
  5. nuhi

    nuhi MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2013
    Here we go again. Things it wraps around ARE FREE. Install the free version if you don't believe me.
    For god sake there is a free version and a premium features version which contains things that I worked long and hard for. If you don't see the value in those features, don't upgrade.
  6. Bornung1

    Bornung1 MDL Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    Hey Nuhi :biggrin:

    I am one of those who bought your program, and i am glad i did. ;) Happy to support good developers.
    But for how long is it going to be a beta?
  7. nuhi

    nuhi MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2013
    Thanks Bornung1. Beta phase will be over when the translation support is added and some more polishing is done. Should be within 2 months, mostly depends on the feedback and what users prioritize. At first I was expecting 1.0 feature lockdown and beta removal around this time (tool was first out mid September), but chose to add more features instead, to have a more complete solution which was requested by users more than a beta tag removal. I guess today most of us ignore the beta tag, but I agree there should be a "stable" version as well as a separate download.
  8. amaraamanda

    amaraamanda MDL Novice

    Jul 22, 2015
    tx for ure information
  9. Zardoc

    Zardoc MDL Addicted

    Feb 7, 2008
  10. hammadfz

    hammadfz MDL Novice

    Apr 8, 2009
    I Use Nlite since Windows xp , its help me too many times , and now the time comes to say thanks for developer

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  11. tnx

    tnx MDL Expert

    Sep 2, 2008
    I hate that app. Used it for XP but that was a long time ago.

    From Win 7 on I just used DISM. You know what your doing and know the app is not doing things behind your back.
  12. fdmillion

    fdmillion MDL Novice

    Jul 10, 2013
    #52 fdmillion, Aug 27, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
    Buying apps = perfectly reasonable.

    Locking apps to one machine = I RUN FAST.

    I am a hardcore geek and I regularly use several machines in my home. I have a home network running on Cisco hardware and multiple servers. The only user of this network is me. Excessive? Maybe. But that's not for the developer to decide. I do not wish to deal with having to explain myself to the developer every time I upgrade or change machines. Sorry to sound blunt, but it is none of anyone's business why I upgrade my PC, change PCs, or whatever. Any developer that expects me to treat them like a parent and ask them nicely for permission to use the software I legally paid for is a developer I simply can't support.

    I can totally sympathize with developers on dealing with piracy. It's a hard problem to solve. But solving it by inconveniencing the legal users is a big no-no to me, and is enough to make me turn away from the app.

    Here's a great suggestion that I've used as a developer myself: each time a user asks to activate, require a username and password, and then send them an activation code via E-mail. Additionally, you could limit activations to one or two per day. This gives you some partially reasonable assurance that the user activating is actually the purchaser. Could I activate it for a friend? Sure. But I could also just let my friend use my PC to prepare their installation. And in either case, as a developer, I've accepted that close friends or family are going to share apps. Even Apple has accepted this with Family Sharing. The real goal is to curb the widespread, mass piracy (e.g. BitTorrent), and this method would certainly stop that! Even if I did post my Email and password to a torrent site, the pirates would have to ask me to send them the code, and I could only do two per day - that's just not useful! :)

    And you could still be checking how many activations I actually am using and intervene if it is way over the top (e.g. if I use all 60 activations for two months in a row, that'd be reasonable to check into.)

    I understand developers have to think about piracy and address it. And I also don't have a problem with a minor inconvenience in the name of anti-piracy. But onerous limitations like one-machine product activation just stink. I'd love to use and support NTLite, but the inconvenience of product activation is enough to turn me away. If the developer could implement something like I just described for the home use edition, I'd be first in line for a paid copy!
  13. nuhi

    nuhi MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2013
    Hi fdmillion,

    Seems like I have to revise my license text, as it needs to explain the existing situation better.

    Here are some facts why NTLite licensed users do not have any issues with activations that I know of:
    - There are 5 online automatic activations, not just one. You can use them on 5 different machines.
    - The count can be reset per your request, if not requested too many times
    - All activations can be backed up and survive OS reinstall
    - There is already an email activation, so like your username/password idea, you can send me MachineID/LicenseKey and I send you a license file

    60 activations? That is definitely piracy or you don't backup your licenses, so we would have a little friendly chat.

    Can it be even more improved, everything can, it's all a balance between annoyance to the user and safety to my livelihood.
    Since current licensed user feedback is positive I better focus on new features.
    But I'm listening, be sure to drop me a line if you have any suggestions.

    For example one thing from the todo that was requested in regards to this is to append (up to 5) different machine activations in the same file, so you don't have to backup different files for different machines, making it even more seamless.
  14. fdmillion

    fdmillion MDL Novice

    Jul 10, 2013
    Hello nuhi,

    I've been away from the forums for many months, but I do appreciate you taking the time to address my concerns. it's not often that a developer actually takes time to read and respond to a user's post regarding licensing frustrations.

    To address your reply:

    1. 5 activations is a fair amount. Kudos.
    2. Do you require manual intervention (i.e. on your part) to do resets? What's your average turnaround time? I.e. if you go on vacation, might I have to wait a week for a reset? :)
    3. How sensitive is your "MachineID" algorithm to changes? Note, this isn't me accusing you of anything, but I have worked with software where something as simple as plugging in a USB NIC or even another hard drive via a hot-swap bay (that's directly connected to the motherboard) is enough for it to think you have a different machine. I'm sure it's a lot harder for developers to lock on to a reliable "is this the same machine" algorithm because advertisers have abused this and thus designers are trying to make it VERY hard to latch on to a unique device ID that survives major hardware changes. (Again, something I've faced as a dev myself.)

    My suggestion for fair activations would be similar to Apple's methodology:

    1. You can activate 5 machines. You already have this.
    2. When you activate, you're notified of how many machines you have remaining.
    3. You may deactivate machines and return their licenses to the server. However, you may not authorize and then subsequently de-authorize a machine quickly. I believe for Apple the machine must be authorized for 90 days until you can deauthorize it. This prevents "hit-and-run" temporary activations for friends, piracy boards, etc.
    4. You may reset your activations on your own - that is, deauthorize all currently authorized machines. You don't need a human to intervene to do this, but this operation is limited - you may only use it once per, say, 6 months. (Apple might be 1 year.)
    5. Since you hold the Machine IDs for each activation, a user doesn't need to actively back up their license. If they reinstall and request activation, your server recognizes it's the same machine and does not decrement the counter when issuing the key. While in theory a user could use the reset and authorize 10 machines, then 15, then 20, etc. that would take them a seriously long time, plus if those machines ever needed to be re-activated, they would again count against the new 5-machine limit.
    6. All of this is backed up by E-mail and password, to limit sharing.

    (Disclaimer: IANAL, so I don't know if Apple might hold patents on any of the above ideologies... :)

    Again, thank you for taking the time to read and reply to user concerns. It certainly makes me feel better about your product.
  15. naifle

    naifle MDL Novice

    Oct 8, 2015
    nuhi do not remove wmvcore.dll

    TONSCHUH MDL Addicted

    Jun 11, 2012

    For me the whole model of pricing / features / activation's & support works perfectly how it is and I really like the tool and use it regularly.

  17. Emma-R

    Emma-R Guest

    #57 Emma-R, Jun 30, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
    w7, with the update rollup uncluded, installs at around 8.26gb, with pagefile/restore/hiberanation etc off/disabled. using a nice slim preset of mine, i have now got that to 2.1gb installed. so 75%(ish) junk/crap gone. ms stupidity created a market for nuhi in the 1st place. if you spread the cost of a home license over several years, say 4 or 5, its good value.
  18. Emma-R

    Emma-R Guest

    the 'live' feature is bloody handy :worthy:
  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Hopefully nuhi turns a deaf ear to all these hateful freaking comments about licensing prices. Just damn pay what a excellent software deserves and move on... damn!:mad:
  20. Emma-R

    Emma-R Guest

    #60 Emma-R, Jul 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
    my post is note hateful :(. ntlite is great and well worth the asking price :tasty: , thats why i am an active member of his forum. i have seen some piss and moan about it and it really gets me angry :mad: i have to contain myself when i see a moaner :mad: i always justify purchase price of something with its expected lifetime.