there is some one ONKYO DIRECT 2.1 SLIC (м) No Certificate ONKYO DIRECT[ONKYO-ONKYOPC-LTP]2.1
I've got my bios for my asus eee HA1005 slic 2.1 enabled. This is a lot newer than the existing 0703 bios, I've got version 14.01. It's to big to upload here so where can I upload it for other people using the same netbook.
Possible Dell 2.1 cert for all Dell BINs found on an inspiron 1720 that came with VISTA! Still original OS, untouched. I got it to work on from someone who bought it from a store. It has had no previous work done on it, or anything of the such. checked against all bin's with pubkey compare, all match slic toolkit 3.2 reports it as 2.1 SLIC, BUT..... it has the same MD5 as the 2.0 cert contained in the pack from the 1st post in this thread. so I dunnoo... UNLESS dell is 2.0/2.1 please confirm cause I might be wrong! attached is the file with the actual filename extracted from the OS, I did not change it. View attachment 7572
@loxxx I see you have packaged a whole lot of SLIC bin's where only the OEMCreatorID's differ, no need for that as these are basicly the same SLIC's Example: Acer[ACRSYS-ACRPRDCT-ANNI]2.1.BIN = EB465548 | 2.1 CERT Acer[ACRSYS-ACRPRDCT-LOHR]2.1.BIN = AA98CD19 | 2.1 CERT Acer[ACRSYS-ACRPRDCT-MSFT]2.1.BIN = D4F79A3D | 2.1 CERT All 3 Bin files use the same certificate, meaning the marker and digital signature in all 3 SLIC bin's are 100% identical FYI, in most cases only SLIC bin's where OEMTableID and/or OEMID are different require a separate SLIC, LENOVO SLIC bin's are a exception on this logic
FreeStyler Look at the slics Acer[ACRSYS-ACRPRDCT-ANNI]2.1.BIN and eMachine[ACRSYS-ACRPRDCT-1025]2.1.BIN. See the same thing.