The CreatorID is invalid, it need to be ANSI, change in (for example) MSFT and it works fine (replace D2 04 00 00 with 4D 53 46 54)
Why in this updated pack the Asus SLIC 2.1 module is different ? _ASUS_[Notebook]2.1-5BA55846.BIN instead of Asus[_ASUS_Notebook-MSFT]2.1.BIN from the previous packs and included in andyp's tools, which is the old well known 2.1 asus slic.
Thanks and just a small note: I've tried this a few times but I can't seem to extract this (using Winrar 3.42) It gives errors does not recognize format)... In order to extract OEMCERT_AND_SLICS_2014-02-12.7z you need the newest 7zip (or Winrar?) instead. Maybe this could be noted in the post. The original pack on page 1/post 1 works with Winrar 3.42, i therefor assumed the problem was with the archive, not my Winrar version.