oh ok. so i should choose the drop down and pick Audit mode and then click ok to reboot. (should i check the generalize check box?) so whenever i get an update or install an application that requires a reboot, i should put it in audit mode and click ok? (should i check the generalize check box?) so the refresh feature use the recovery image to restore windows, just like the fullrestore in windows 7? or is it something different. i'm gonna try it tonight.
yes audit mode......generlize is for sealing without specific drivers for your machine or with but will only work on your machine. Think you u got it now. The last reboot into audit mode is when you would then run the install.cmd to capture image. Refresh doesnt wipe drive like in win 7. Just another reason I wont go with win 8. lol
Windows 8 - Reset = Windows 7 - Reinstall (Looking for Install.wim to reinstall or Reset.) Windows 8 - Refresh = No Option in Windows 7 (Looking for CustomRefresh.wim to Refresh.)
have you actually used this software? (no offence intended) because when u install windows updates and it is pending a restart it wont let you reboot from the sysprep tool you have to reboot from windows update screen and it boots back into sysprep also i think the newbee comment was a little unfair considering i just joined the forum i have been building and reparing computers for over 15 years
If you read back a few pages yes i have been using this software for about 3 months total on different machine including my own and wife's lappy. I dont use windows update to install my updates so I havent done that.....I use a windows 7 update iso I made personally to install updates that are needed. I can control the reboots then. I didnt mean to come accross rude......sorry. But you havent done alot of syspreping so you would be new to this. I have installed vlc, updates, drivers and its software, gburner, ultraiso, imgburn, ccleaner, vcredist, .netframework 4.5 and FF on my lappy. All of which were installed from audit mode then captured....tested and working. It's not really hard but you have to do things a certain way and in a certain order (with drivers).
i have not had the chance to try it again, i will do that tomorrow for sure though and i'll let you know. but i think my pc is acting up though, so i'm gonna do it on virtual machine instead. i'll let you know what happened. if you guys know people in florida (Palm Beach / Broward county ) and they are unemployed. Workforce Alliance has a grant (WIA) that they may be elligible for. they work with training companies for IT jobs (Microsoft, Cisco, Comptia etc...) and if elligible they will pay the classes with certification vouchers. the individual won't pay a dime. i'm such a newbie, sometimes i feel unsure of what i'm doing because i see you guys writing to eachother like you are the masters of this stuff lol maybe a month later i will realize, that i knew, what you guys were talking about. lolllllllll
If you follow the instructions then you should be doing the updates in Audit mode. Use the autounattend so all the partitions are created for you. The Sysprep windows is open. All updates work fine. Don't click anything in the Sysprep Window. Once you've finished, run the Installer for the Recovery software. This closes the sysprep window and runs it itself. As others have said, Windows 8 supports Refresh which won't delete user files & Reset which will wipe everything....
Hi everyone! I may have missed some question. Sorry if this is the case. Currenlty stuck on university homework. *sight* Anyway, about sysprep, updates and reboot, the anwer is simple : If you plan to use my tool, just close the sysprep windows on each reboot. Nothing else. Ever. Install you programs, drivers, updates, reboot whenever you want the "normal" way. When ready, disconnect the computer from the network, reboot, close the Sysprep window and launch my script. Why disconnect from the network and reboot? Simply to stop all pending download of updates that may be running in the background and to stop the Windows Media Service that use the network.
@SneakyChrono Did you run the CMD script by doing a right click on them then "Run as administrator"? If YES, this is our problem. When doing that on a CMD script, the current path will be "C:\Windows\System32" rather than the real path of the script file. I will recommend you to open a Command Promt (as an admin), browse to the folder and then run the CMD file from there. Good luck! PS : Don't forget to keep the computer in AUDIT mode all the way!
Hi Guys, I have been testing the software for a few weeks, and i have to say this is a fantastic bit of software!!! But i have run into a slight problem and i have run out of ideas to get around it. Has anyone had the same problem when using the 'Reinstall Option' in Windows 7 Enterprise when you boot into the Recovery Enviroment. I am using a MAK key and when you click on 'Reinstall Windows' it comes up with an error saying 'there is a invaild product key in the unattend.xml file'. Even though i have activated Windows before i booted into the Recovery Enviroment. Cheers
Is this helpfull? Code: [0402] LanguageName = Italian TextOption1Group = Ripristino Computer TextOption10 = Voglio ripristinare il computer TextOption10Help = Questa opzione permette di riparare o reinstallare Windows TextOption10Title = Riavviare il computer? TextOption10Question = Il computer verrà riavviato in modalità di ripristino. ;;Da qui, scegli l'opzione più adatta. ;;Riavviare ora? TextOption2Group = Backup Computer TextOption20 = Voglio creare un supporto di ripristino bootable per il computer TextOption20Help = Questa opzione permette di creare una CHIAVETTA USB per riparare o reinstallare il computer in caso di propblemi TextOption20Title = Avvio la funzionalità di creazione del ripristino? TextOption20Question = Questa opzione permette di creare un SUPPORTO per riparare o reinstallare il computer in caso di propblemi. ;;Continuo? TextOption21 = Voglio fare un backup dei miei file personali TextOption21Help = Questa opzione ti permette di effettuare un backup dei file personali su una periferica esterna TextOption21Title = Avvio Windows Backup? TextOption21Question = Questo lancerà il Software di Backup di Windows che ti aiuterà a creare un Backup. ;;Vuoi continuare? TextOptionUsbGroup = Utility di creazione supporto TextOptionUsbLine1 = Questa utility formatta una CHIAVETTA USB (max 32gb) e ci copia i file di ripristino. TextOptionUsbLine2 = Con questa CHIAVETTA USB in un futuro potrai reinstallare windows. TextOptionUsbLine3 = ATTENZIONE : TUTTI I DATI SULLA CHIAVETTA USB SARANNO CANCELLATI!!! TextOptionUsbLine4 = Seleziona la periferica TextOptionUsbSpaceTitle = Spazio insufficiente TextOptionUsbSpace = Il drive selezionato è troppo piccolo. Scegli un drive che possa contenere almeno TextOptionUsbUnit = GB TextOptionUsbNoRecoveryTitle = Nessuna partizione di ripristino trovata TextOptionUsbNoRecovery = Nessuna partizione di ripristino trovata. ;;Contatta il tuo tecnico di fiducia. TextUsbCreatorStep1 = Preparo il drive TextUsbCreatorStep2 = Copio la partizione di ripristino TextUsbCreatorStep3 = Aggiorno i Updating recovery tools TextUsbCreatorStepError = Si è verificato un errore :( processo annullato. TextUsbCreatorStepWaiting = Porta pazienza... TextRecoveryGroup = Riparazione Windows TextRecoveryOption10 = Reinstallo Windows TextRecoveryOption10Help = Questo reinstallerà Windows nel computer TextRecoveryOption10Title = Reinstallo Windows? TextRecoveryOption10Question = Questo reinstallerà Windows nel computer. ;;Tutti i dati del disco primario saranno cancellati. ;;Continuo? TextRecoveryOption11 = Riparo Windows TextRecoveryOption11Help = Questo lancerà il tool di riparazione di Windows TextRecoveryOption11Title = Riparare Windows? TextRecoveryOption11Question = Questo lancerà il tool di Riparazione di Windows e ti guiderà nella riparazione. ;;Continuo? TextRecoveryStep1 = Preparo il drive TextRecoveryStep2 = Monto il drive TextRecoveryStep3 = Copio i file TextRecoveryStep4 = Installo windows (La CHIAVETTA USB può essere rimossa) TextRecoveryStep4RE = Installo windows TextRecoveryError = Si è verificato un errore :( processo annullato. TextRecoveryWaiting = Porta pazienza... TextRecoveryDoneTitle=Ripristino completato TextRecoveryDone=Ripristino completato. ;Rimuovi il supporto di ripristino. TextRecoveryDoneRE=Ripristino completato. Ps I don't know if [0402] is right! J
This may not be the correct forum but the chatter here shows there are a lot of knowledgeable people who may be able to help, or at least direct me to a better forum to ask. I have recently purchased a HP Probook with the intention of dual booting OSX. Most HP laptops come in a standard MBR partitioning scheme with 4 primary partitions: 1. 300 MB System partition, NTFS formatted, recovery environment including the boot sector. 2. 674 GB Windows partition, NTFS formatted. 3. 21.5 GB Recovery partition, NTFS formatted. 4. 2 GB HP_TOOLS partition, FAT32 formatted. The standard way of doing OSX is to have a bootloader which optionally wipes existing data, creates a leading GPT volume and allows for a follow-on MBR scheme (hybrid). I would like to keep the current scheme, shrinking the second (Windows) partition, shuffling everything up (so that ideally the 300 MB System partition leads the MBR but is much later than the start of the drive (the case now). This would require a conversion to an extended format, and also retaining the recovery information presently in the System partition. The reason I wish to do this is Windows has an ability to access the Recovery partition, to reinstall programs as required. This ability will be lost if I overwrite the System partition. So my cerebral questions boils down to: (1) taking a simple case, would it be possible to convert a standard 4-primary partition to an extended partition (and 4 logical volumes within) - since if this cannot be done, the next question becomes irrelevant. I do not intend to move or resize the Recovery partition, but this may be an inadvertent casualty of changing partition structures. (2) can anyone who is clever see a way that I could retain (or cloneand recreate) the information in the System partition, such that when a Windows recovery boot disk was used, this could be accessed? I can create a bootloader, it's just that the bootloader also needs to know where to point to. I have tried reagentc /info from the command prompt and this showed the Windows RE location as a GUID address which I do not know the target of (other than it is at partition 1). I can easily clone and restore volumes and MBR, but the information I am seeking goes way beyond that. Hoping someone is kind enough (and knowledgeable enough to help). Thanks.
Hello, thanks for great tool. I have 1 question. I reconfigured you tool to create recovery partition on last partition on my hdd (system partition-1, windows partition-2,data partition-3,recovery partition-4). All works except one- computer snapshot still creating on partition with windows (part number 2 ) and then system does not find it. I think it because of it. Maybe i need to reconfigure tool to create custom image on the recovery partition?
it is very like me i hopre you create the final version because i see that it is perfect with win 8 bios mbr but error with bios gpt. give me error line 50 with installing the recovery tools in audit mode, help me please tanks
The current version of my Tools will create the Recovery image on the same partiion as the Recovery Tools. I have plan to fix than, but didn't started working on it yet. Was stuck in my university courses (examn done - Yes!) and I just finished upgrading my laptop hard-drive and moving to Windows 8.