Well as you can see above my spare pc with win7 slic 2.1 is working a treat now and auto activates no problem. Now Ive created the Win8 version with Win8 Pro Media Centre.iso with proper WMC Key I got free from MS (which had expired and had to phone MS CS and blag an activation request which they did by remote control to access my desktop) on my other main pc and when I have saved the image and tried a reinstall with the F7 key to test I lose my activation and have ended up phoning microsoft to get the numbers to reactivate.Should the recovery partition keep my activation status? or if I have to reinstall will I have go thru the phone activation every time? TIA DracUK
Normally, Windows 8 will try to keep the current activation, but may fail as I read software on the Internet. Better to use ATK to backup your activation just in case!
Hello i tried this Tutorial in VMWare but i want a message before the Windows Bootscreen Press F11 to run Recovery for booting the Recovery Environment. How i can do this?
Displaying this kind of message will require modifying the bootloader, which is way outsite my knowledge in programmation. Still, if your computer allows you to replace the boot image (my old Asus allowed me to do it) you can add the message Inside the picture...
Yes i must modify the Master Boot Record but i need free programs... and Acronis displays extra Acronis Loader is starting... and then Press F11 to run Recovery. I would like to press F11 to run recovery appears before bootlogo ^^ i search for programs
If you read a lil online you will see even Acronis bootloader editing has some issues with certain configs....my wifes lappy got mbr error 3 which is easy fix but would return three days later.....has to do with windows defraging the bootloader which corrupts it. Now there is a reg entry you can use to turn off the defrag of the bootloader area if ya do some researching. I dont recommend messin with the bootloader personally.....can be too much of a pain. I personally dont think this is a good idea to show it anyways for security reasons.....lets say someone stole your lappy...all they would have to do is turn it on and go into the recovery partition to make it like new erasing the user password that was set. At least make it a lil harder for them to do it. lol Just my opinion.
AnarethoS thanks for this great tool, it makes my life easier when formatting laptops for my friends I encountered the first error today with an Acer Extensa 5630z. I installed Win7 x64 + programs, backed it up, then applied the Recovery Partition Creator v1.3.13. When I tried to test the recovery procedure as I do with all laptops, it complained about RECOVERYREX86.EXE missing in action. I'm going to restore my backup and run the installer again, because I remember removing a pen drive right after starting the installer. Could that have influenced the installer? EDIT: The usb pen didn't interfere after all. I just restored the backup, reran the Recovery Partition Creator and when I try to recover, it complains about RECOVERYREX86.EXE missing, but Windows is x64. How can I figure out what's wrong? EDIT2: OK, my mistake... when I translated Installer\WinREX86\sources\recovery\Tools\QSTART.INI, I copied it over to WinREAMD64 and forgot to change RecoveryREX86.exe to RecoveryREAMD64.exe... Now working fine, as it should be if I hadn't mess around with the files
@cerberus8855 i have my laptop always at home and when I want to recover it comes a Password Query because of my Windows Account
WDS Fix For anyone who has tried deploying this via WDS!! You need to modify the provided AutoUnattend.xml very slightly. The file should be integrated into your WdsClientUnattend - AutoUnattend.xml script, rather than replacing it. Instead of: Use: For MBR it just changes from <PartitionID>4</PartitionID> to <PartitionID>3</PartitionID>. For those of you who are new to WDS Please Note you can't just replace the top section of text with the bottom. The location in the whole unattended file will change as well but you probably already know this and that the best way to insert this string is via WSIM rather than manually. I really hope this helps someone as I have just spent the last 6 hours trying every method I can possibly think of to deploy this via WDS.
I just tested this tool and it is great, it worked 100% on a win8 machine, even kept the activation... I have a question now, how can I deploy this same image over 20 other identical machines I have, I don´t want to repeat this process 20 times, is there an easy way? Reagards
Create the recovery media and use it to restore the other 19 computer. It should keep the recovery image if you used the version with the WIM file at the begining of the partition.