OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Spectura

    Spectura MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2013
    Hello, i would like to thank you AnarethoS for creating such a great tool :)

    I have successfully created a system using the recovery tool no problems so far :)

    However when i try to install a turkish version of windows it fails to create a system image (which i later learned that turkish language is not suppoted currently :()

    Is it possible to add turkish language support ? or if you can give me guidelines i will try to modify and add turkish language to the tool

    Many thanks in advance:)
  2. MaNdoEsAM

    MaNdoEsAM MDL Novice

    Feb 17, 2011
    thank u but can u add video tutorial
  3. GenesisPC

    GenesisPC MDL Novice

    Jul 7, 2013
    Hi, I came across this handy software (Recovery Tools with Media Creator, thanks to AnarethoS) which helps many users (especially System Builders) to easily install Windows OS, customize (add drivers and apps), and then using it to capture and install recovery software for end-users.

    I wish to clarify about your tool because I want to customize Windows to my own before delivering the PC to my customers.

    The followings are my doubts and confusions when installing your Recovery Tool:
    a) When I create a USB recovery media using the Recovery Tool, does the program create the recovery image on UFD using the image from recovery partition?

    If the Recovery USB key is from the recovery partition...
    Before running the "Install.cmd" script, how can I edit the script to...
    b) Ensure the capturing process during the WinPE part, the image captured to recovery partition has Windows Product key intact?
    c) Ensure the capturing process during the WinPE part, the image captured to recovery partition DOES NOT have Windows Product key?
  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    The USB image is made for the stored image on the recovery partition (it is splitted ot SWM file).

    There is not way to have the Product removed from the recovery image BUT kept intact in the Windows installation. If you remove it from Windows, it will be removed from the recovey partition and if you keep it, it will be saved to the recovery partition.

    What you can do, is to remove it form Windows/Recovery image. The boot Windows. On the OOBE (Welcome to Windows) screen, you can then press SHIFT+F10 to open a command prompt and use SLMGR.VBS to add the Windows key and the shutdown the computer. The end-user should not have to enter the key after.
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  5. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Hi everyone.

    Here is the Alpha version of the "Dvd Creator" for Windows 8. Is has no gui for now. Only CMD script. I would like to know if it works for you before continuing developping the software.

    Windows 7 will come only when Windows 8 version will be completed.


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  6. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011

    Had an idea, How difficault would it be to add :-
    1. Press F7 for Recovery to the MBR (editable for F* key) eg. "Press F4 for OEM Recovery"
    2. Press Any Key to Boot DVD to the DVD (editable for OEM Builders) eg. "Press Any Key to Boot OEM recovery DVD"

    Great work so far, i have used your tools since legacy, you have made leaps and bounds with it.
    I am happy to use your tools even donate to continue delevopment, im sure other guys would agree
  7. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Actually you can change the function key to which ever one your wish except for f8 I know for win 7 ( I dont know about win 8 )...if you look in this thread you will find the hex to enter in your desired function key. As far as adding a bootable function to the DVD creation it should have that for that would be a must in order to boot from dvd but of course you will need to make sure your bootable devices are set correctly in your bios first for it to boot to it. Most bios are set to 1st boot device drive C: so you would have to change that in your bios or boot manager to 1st boot device DVD-ROM or what ever.
  8. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Said With respect - My Question Was, can we add text to the MBR!

    1. Press F7 for Recovery to the MBR (editable for F* key) eg. "Press F4 for OEM Recovery"
    2. Press Any Key to Boot DVD to the DVD (editable for OEM Builders) eg. "Press Any Key to Boot OEM recovery DVD"
  9. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    "Said With respect" but your comment is a lil confusing. For instance...

    1. Press F7 for Recovery to the MBR (editable for F* key) eg. "Press F4 for OEM Recovery"
    which are you wanting access to mbr or oem recovery? If want to change the f key for entering the oem recovery I know it is possible in win 7 but dont know about win 8.

    2. Press Any Key to Boot DVD to the DVD (editable for OEM Builders) eg. "Press Any Key to Boot OEM recovery DVD"
    are you just wanting to customize the normal prompt saying press any key to boot from dvd? This is from your bios so not related to this software. plus if you can it would say that for any bootable disk.

    with all respect as you say. confusing.

  10. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Ok ill try making it simpler

    when you turn the computer on and gone though initial post text will display "Press F* for OEM Recovery"
    On Boot Of DVD like windows "Press Any Key to Boot OEM recovery DVD"
    i hope this clears it up

    I know you can change the F key, but text to display for the end user...
  11. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
  12. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Doing so will require modification to the boot file, which if way out of my technical skill. I am more a scripter than a programmer. This would require skill in assembler I think since no one have access to original source code.
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  13. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    BTW, anyone tried the "alpha" version of the DVD Creator for Windows 8?
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  14. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012

    To be honest I dont use win 8 and even if I did install it vmware I dont have any dvd disc's for I use usb to install mine which by the way takes 8 mins and I am up and running. I thank you for this tool and use this on my lappy and my wifes. I have had no issues what so ever and love having a non bloated recovery partition. ;) I like usb personally for it is small and easy to store but more then anything wont scratch and become unreadable which is why I prefer usb over dvd recovery media. Thanks again and plan on sending you another donation when I get my next check. Great job!
  15. husref

    husref MDL Novice

    Jul 16, 2013
    Hi Anarethos!

    I'd like to use your aplication for maintaining Windows 8 instalation for couple of my friends and family.
    However, I have few questions.

    - I have gone through documentation for both supported and legacy recovery versions. It seems that new version supporting Windows 8
    doesn't provide options for creating data partition. Is it be possible by any chance?

    - I'd like to create a generic Win 8 image with all applications I'd eventualy install on target PC. What I'm hoping to achieve is let autoattend do it's job,
    install drivers and create recovery image (and USB) with all needed apps. If generic image creation isn't possible through your solution, could you point
    to some of Microsofts deployment solutions. Some research showed me that they have way too many products and I can't really decide which one of them
    would allow me to easily integrate applications and windows updates into image that I could use with recovery.

    Thanks in advance, Husref.

    (First post here, yaaaay!)
  16. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    hello husref and welcome,
    yes it is possible but I dont remember all the files to edit in order to do it.....the xml is one but cant remember the others so he will be better at answering that one.
    this one gets tricky....basically if an app installs reg entries in the current user area of registry then it will not hold when creating the recovery image but if you know the entries you can have them added during first login to correct that (trick I use). drivers arent an issue but if installing antivirus then that will fail I know for a fact. I install any ify apps during first login by means of run once reg entry. Solves those problems. HP and Dell I know do that for some things like av's and such dont install correctly because the current user part of the registry isnt setup yet in audit mode when capturing image. I use this on win 7 on my lappy and wifes without any issues but like said earlier some apps can be tricky and must be install during a later part of installation like during first login. I hope this helps you understand more. If you can test in software like vmware that is what I would recommend so you can learn what to do for what apps that might have issues during capturing of image. Take care and wish ya luck.
  17. capychimp

    capychimp MDL Novice

    Aug 5, 2009
    the f7 key or what ever assigned doesnt function for me, i get the classic boot menu, but no recovery option, am i missing something? using win 7 first partition version
    my ReAgent.xml says bootket state="17152" (which is 0x4300 (F9))
    didnt work with F7 either before i tried to change the "hotkey"

    Never mind got it working now!!!
  18. lz7766

    lz7766 MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2013
    I am using recovery tool v1.3.15 (WIM on First Partition) for windows 8 on laptop. I got an erorr during capturing the recovery image. After completing the Sysprep process, computer restarted and a bar showed up saying "Loading Files". After that error message showed up saying:
    View attachment 22827
    when this error comes up, then i am unable to boot the windows. I tried 3 to 4 time installing the windows and recovery tool. But same message comes up.
    Please help me in fixing this error, i am looking forward for any help.
    Thanks in advance .
  19. AlbertoCastillo2001

    AlbertoCastillo2001 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2012
    Just came across this tool and read the scripts I had to use to find out how it works.
    However I have a few questions.
    I am using the Win 7 and 8 version in a Windows 8 Virtual Machine to test.
    Is there a way to convert the recovery USB you create into an ISO? I tried using IMGBurn, extracting etfsboot.com from the Windows 8 DVD and making it booteable but it didn't work, it bluescreened
    I haven't tested yet the DVD recovery creator alpha version posted out there
    If the hard disk is wiped completely, does the recovery USB media restore the boot partition, recovery partition and system partitionso you won't need to use the USB again?
    Thank you.