OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    2.11 isnt made for 8.1
  2. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013
    For win 8.1 i used basic 1.3.16 alfa1 and give me error sysprep.exe do not found
  3. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Need more info on what apps, drivers or if you are going online during audit mode....any of which can cause issues. Without knowing more it is not possible to determine what the issue is. o_O
  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    For Windows 8.1, I don't have it yet. Still testing DVD recovery stuff for Windows 8.

    Will upgrade to 8.1 later.

    Can anyone check if the file : C:\windows\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe exist on Windows 8.1? If it does not exist, can you tell me whre it is?
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  5. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
  6. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Is the "Pre-staged app cleanup" remove SYSPREP from the computer, or what?

    Also, can someone give me the content (DIR /S /A) of the RECOVERY partition made by Windows 8.1 (when using my AutoUnattend.xml file)? I think I will have to modify my install script, but without the folder structure, I can't do anything.

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  7. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    When I tried the 8.1 preview using autounattend I found that I was in audit mode with sysprep running as normal.
    Windows had already MOVED winre.wim into the recovery & enabled it... reagentc /info...

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  8. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Is the SYSPREP.EXE file still Under C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe ?

    Also, can you list me all the files/folder from the recovery partition?
    And the output of "REAGENTC /INFO"

    (While in AUDIT mode after using my XML file).

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  9. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    @ AnarethoS,

    Yes win 8.1 deletes sysprep after one hr. I wonder if you could put it back from within your script and also turn off the cleanup time bomb for I know for myself when I install what I install at audit mode it always takes longer then an hr. This was really dumb of micro to do this for so short of time period. Just my opinion. I bet the oem manufactures arent happy with that.
  10. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    I don't think I can do anything with the Sysprep stuff. Maybe there is a way to run a script from AutoUnattend.xml, but for now I think the best way is to disable it by yourself on first start.

    For the WINRE.WIM file already on the Recovery Partition, if you run "REAGENTC /DISABLE" before my installation script, does it works?
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  11. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    1.3.16 - Alpha 2 is out. In previous version, the recovery environment was not working after reinstalling from DVD.

    I have also made the following tests Under MBR/BIOS settings (Wim on first and Wim on last partition)
    - Create DVD
    - Restore from DVD
    - Once restored, run DVD Creator againg
    - Once restored, restore from recovery environment
    Ans everything is working.

    I also included a script for Windows 8.1 that disable the recovery environment prior installing my software. This SHOULD move back the WinRE.Wim file to the original location.
    Also, it check for the Sysprep file. If it has been deleted, my installation won't start. To prevent deletion of Sysprep, please disable the cleanup task in Windows 8.1 as soon as you can!
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  12. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Excuse me sir but can you possibly help me with my first real issue I have had since 1.3.15 came out. Gateway mx6433 laptop and everything captures but I had two issues (one isnt your software, driver issue for touchpad) the other was the dang function key. I tried f5 f6 f7 and f11 without success. The partition is created and no errors at all but it wont assign the function key so cant access from windows or from f key assignment thus I couldnt use it. I dont know if the touchpad driver could cause it for after the capturing and then testing the scroll up and down doesnt work but like I said this is driver issue not really your software but could it effect the f key function? This lappy came with xp so I know it is older but was trying to install win 7 for my friend. I did install win 7 on the lappy but without the oem recovery partition from your software. Any suggestions would be great for it stumped me. lol
  13. jeyak

    jeyak MDL Novice

    Nov 1, 2012

    Yes, it the same case as Windows 8 when i use Ctrl-Maj-F3 to access to windows AUDIT Mode, I can put the WinRE.WIM back to C:\Windows\Recovery Manualy or use ReagentC \disable. Right ?

    And, for sysprep, how to disable the clean up task ?
  14. lnstevens1976

    lnstevens1976 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    If I understand correctly you are trying to access the recovery partition? If so the standard recovery buttons from the BIOS POST Screen will most likely not work. Those are custom for manufacturers and it depends on how they access that recovery to how those buttons function.

    To access the recovery system from "Outside" of windows (i.e. prior to booting) you use F8 just like going into Windows Safe Mode, but select the Repair your computer option (very top option). This will take you into the Windows Recovery Environment.
  15. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    This is what I thought and agree with you. It might not be possible to use f keys for recovery.

    Again, I agree "But" this software doesnt create access per f8 with repair my computer like originally from manufacture. The laptop already had someone install win 7 on it so that option was already lost and even if it was there, if I used this software to create the new recovery partition with f keys assignment which is the only way to access with this software.....it will not work with it.

    Like I said it was an older lappy anyways so just did a fresh install without this recovery software. His wife uses it as a surf board only so not used to the fullest degree but she is happy so I guess I am happy. lol Thanks for your input.
  16. LupusRex

    LupusRex MDL Novice

    May 19, 2013
    #2316 LupusRex, Oct 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I have translated the menu to danish.

    LanguageName = Dansk
    TextOption1Group = Computer reparation
    TextOption10 = Jeg ønsker at reparerer min computer
    TextOption10Help = Dette giver dig mulighed for at reparerere eller reinstallere windows
    TextOption10Title = Genstart computeren?
    TextOption10Question = Din computer vil genstarte i reparations mode . ;;Vælg her fra den ønsket løsningsmodel. ;;Genstart nu?
    TextOption2Group = Computer backup
    TextOption20 = Jeg ønsker at oprette et reparations medie til min computer
    TextOption20Help = Dette giver dig muligheden for at oprette en USB nøgle, til at reparerer eller reinstallere computeren, i tilfælde af hardware/software fejl.
    TextOption20Title = Start reparations medie creator?
    TextOption20Question = Dette vil starte reparations medie creator, der giver dig muligheden for at oprette et reparations medie til computeren. ;;Forsæt?
    TextOption21 = Jeg ønsker at tage backup af mine personlige filer
    TextOption21Help = Dette giver dig muligheden for at kopiere dine personlige filer til en ekstern enhed
    TextOption21Title = Start Windows Backup?
    TextOption21Question = Dette vil starte Windows Backup programmet, der kan hjælpe dig med at tage backup af vigtig data.;;Ønsker du at forsætte?
    TextOptionUsbGroup = Reparations medie creator
    TextOptionUsbLine1 = Dette værktøj vil formatere en USB nøgle (maks 32gb), og kopiere reparations filerne til den.
    TextOptionUsbLine2 = Du kan benytte USB nøglen til at reparerer eller reinstallere Windows i fremtiden.
    TextOptionUsbLine4 = Vælg venligst USB drev
    TextOptionUsbSpaceTitle = Ikke plads nok!
    TextOptionUsbSpace = Det valgte drev har ikke plads nok. Venligst vælg et drev der har mindst
    TextOptionUsbUnit = GB
    TextOptionUsbNoRecoveryTitle = Ingen reparations partition fundet
    TextOptionUsbNoRecovery = Ingen reparations partition fundet på dette system. ;;Kontakt din supporter.
    TextUsbCreatorStep1 = Klargør drev
    TextUsbCreatorStep2 = Kopiere reparations partition
    TextUsbCreatorStep3 = Opdatere reparatins værktøjer
    TextUsbCreatorStepError = Der skete en fejl. Processen afbrydes.
    TextUsbCreatorStepWaiting = Vent venligst...
    TextRecoveryGroup = Windows reparation
    TextRecoveryOption10 = Geninstallere Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10Help = Dette vil gensinstallere Windows på computeren
    TextRecoveryOption10Title = Geninstallere Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption10Question = Dette vil geninstallere Windows på computere. ;;Alt data på den primære disk vil blive slettet. ;;Forsæt?
    TextRecoveryOption11 = Reparerer Windows
    TextRecoveryOption11Help = Dette vil starte reparations værktøjet for denne computer
    TextRecoveryOption11Title = Reparere Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption11Question = Dette vil starte reparations systemet, der vil hjælpe dig med at reparerer Windows. ;;Forsæt?
    TextRecoveryStep1 = Forbereder drev
    TextRecoveryStep2 = Mounting drev
    TextRecoveryStep3 = Kopiere filer
    TextRecoveryStep4 = Installere windows (USB Nøglen kan fjernes)
    TextRecoveryStep4RE = Installere windows
    TextRecoveryError = Der skete en fejl, Processen afbrydes.
    TextRecoveryWaiting = Vent venligst...
    TextRecoveryDoneTitle=Reparationen er afsluttet
    TextRecoveryDone=Reparationen er afsluttet.; Fjerne reparations mediet.
    TextRecoveryDoneRE=Reparationen er afsluttet.
    Regarding creating dvd image for win7, have you had a look at the oscdimg.exe from waik ? or maybe mkisofs-md5 could be used :)

    c;") /Rex
  17. tirej72

    tirej72 MDL Novice

    Sep 23, 2012
    Hi; I have two hdd in my laptop one is 320 gb the other is 500 gb. I am using the one with 500 gb capatiy for archive if I use this toll for creatin hidden partition for my hdd with 320 gb will my ohter hdd effected or not?
  18. lnstevens1976

    lnstevens1976 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    I couldn't find it, but is there an option to remove the language selection on the restore? And also, if I enter the license key and activate it is there a way to remove the option? I could swear you could carry activation through recovery (maybe I'm wrong).
  19. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    @ Instevens1976

    I dont know about removing the lang dropdown option for the creator is trying to make it where different lang. can be used for not everyone speaks one lang.

    You can oem activate using key and cert file....windows loader will fail to be activated after the capturing and first boot of computer. Best to run that in a setupcomplete.cmd file. KMS offline activation works in audit mode so that is safe. Just sharing what I have done myself.
  20. lnstevens1976

    lnstevens1976 MDL Junior Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Ok, I'll have to research the setupcomplete.cmd. I understand the multiple languages, but for some of my customers it's confusing. I was after the license key situation because MS makes us print a sheet of paper with the license key for every refurbished desktops................ A sheet of paper, as you can guess, can get lost, misplaced, or destroyed. Let alone when we will be placing over 50 in a business you can guess the fun on trying to keep them all organized to which system they belong to.............