OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Im glad i can help hehe.

    Nope im not trying to use it on xp:)

    Exactly.. Well i do have time but if it keeps failing its just waste of time for me since an install, prep etc takes about 40 minutes for me on a virtual machine.
  2. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Wel that was my mistake
    i was reading it as he was trying to use it on XP
    sorry tcntad
  3. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Hehe np:)

    I will wait awhile with testing this software but ofcourse ill stick around to see how its going.
  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    The "Burn to DVD" option will be the last option that I will add to the software. After that, I will be able to do a full test of all functions under a 32bits environment in VmWare (except the USB recovery method, VmWare can not boot from USB key).

    It will take one to two weeks before everything is OK I think, depend of the number of bugs that I will have to correct.
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  5. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Of course, wait with the burn to dvd feature.. lets make sure most of it is working properly first:)

    Once you get it working i will try it on "my" laptop;).
  6. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    :p I`m not shure that it will support laptops:hug2:
  7. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    - You created the 3 partitions, in the specified order, right?
    - From the Recovery Environment, launch the file browser and give me the total size of the 3 partitions and how much space is used
    - From the Recovery Environment, can you check if a file named IMAGE.SWM exist in the WIM folder of the Recovery partition? (R:)


    EDIT :
    Also, can you open a command prompt (in the Recovery environment) and type the following :
    ECHO %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% and give me the result

    Can you also try this (in the Recovery Environment)
    - Open file browser
    - Browse to X:\Recovery
    - Change the DebugLevel=0 to DebugLevel=5
    - Minimize (DO NOT CLOSE) the MAIN MENU
    - Launch RECOVERY.EXE
    - WARNING : a NEW recovery menu will open. This one will run with DEBUG MODE, but NOT the "first one" (which you have minimized)
    - Follow on screen instruction. You should have a command prompt that will open. Give me the results.

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  8. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Hi again
    In beta 8 Generic Image option my comp restarted and i choose English
    I was`nt asked to make Image.
    The proces started automaticly.
    Is that intended ?
  9. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Yes. With the "Capture Now" option, the image is automatically captured on the first boot of the recovery Environment.
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  10. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    :rolleyes:Just an idea.
    When choosing the Generic Image option
    would it be posibly to ad a funktion that allows you to ad a "universal" driver pack ?
    i know that these packs can be very large
    so the RECOVERY partition should be arround 20GB insted of 12
    But that would be a very nice feature
  11. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    ..... maybe in a future release. Too much "functions" make it really hard to test everything

    Also, I know about this Pack for XP (I used them alot) but is there any one for Windows 7 now?
    Last time I checked DriversPacks.net, they did not had any!
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  12. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Of course theres DP's for windows vista and 7. But you have to integrate them with DISM or any other tool available.
    Or did i missunderstand? :p
  13. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Just checked. Yep, there are drivers packs for W7. Need DISM to integrate. Works the same way I did to install drivers in the Recovery Environment.
    Well, the best option to do it with the generic image is to install W7 and sysprep using the Generic option, but not the capture now.
    Then reboot the computer into the Recovery Environment.
    Refuse to create the image.
    Plug the USB key containing the drivers.
    Using DISM to integrate into Windows installation.
    Restart computer into Recovery Tools.
    Accept to create the image.
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  14. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    The proces of making the generic image finaly finnished and i restarted my comp.
    It booted automaticly in AUDIT mode (is that right ?)
    i put a media in my DVD writer and started the the Recovery Tool and Media Creater and choose to make a DVD (ISO)
    a window appear saying Please wait while performing the requested operation
    but nothing happens ???
  15. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    It is creating ISO file that will be copied in a folder named BACKUP on the Desktop.
    There is not direct burning for now.

    The process is as follow :
    - Copy everything from Recovery partition in a temp folder
    - Split the file to make 1 to 9 DVD depending of the size
    - Create the ISO files
    - Move them to the Desktop

    You may chek the folder %TMP%\RECOVERY to see what is happening.
    There will be 10 folters I think (DISK1 to DISK9 and TEMP). Folder whit size of nearly 0 won't be converted to ISO.

    When you will use the GENERIC disk, don't forgot that the computer will be in AUDIT mode and that the RECOVERY image won't be there. You will have to install the drivers and run SYSPREP as specified in the instruction file, then, restart to capture the final image specific to this computer.
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  16. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Oh my good !!!!
    I stopped the proces using Alt ctrl delete and after that i saw the folder.
    deleted it and started the proces again.
    But now the icon in the taskbar is switching between a red X and the icon and when i click on it
    it sayes that the script is paused.
    I´ll give it some time and se if it complete
    but i think it would be a god idea to ad some text to that window saying that "this proces can take up to 30 minutes" or what ever
  17. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Ok it completed and i have a folder on my desktop named Backup containing 2 ISO files.
    Now i`ll burn them and restore from them and follow your manual and se what happens.
    Post result later
    Croos fingers
  18. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    If i understand your maunual right i`ll have to reboot my comp when finnished restoring from the DVD`s i`ve created
    Install drivers and then reboot using the F8 and be prompted to create a new image or will it automaticly ask me that ?
  19. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    I`ve rebooted with the disk 1 and it went on and and after about 5 min. it asked me to insert disk 2 and i did
    but after aprox 15 min. it stil hangs on telling me Please wait etc.
    No activity ??????