You can't really change the size of the partition once everything is already done. Normally, you should "guess" the right size first and then set it Inside the settings file. Still, if you used the "Wim on the last partition" version, you can always copy the content of the whole partition somewhere else, delete it, extend your Windows partition to the good size and recreate the recovery partition and copy back the content there. Then, you will have to edit the "ResetPartitions.txt" file to match the right size. Finally, you will have to register the recovery image using REAGENTC. Since I am at my job right here (Windows 7), I don't have the exacp parameters to use it. Still, you can find them in the "Capture.cmd" file which is used to register the recovery image after capture.
Hi AnarethoS I already wanted to thank and congratulate you for the work you have done during this time (BRAVO) ... So here, I tried the new version 1.3.16 in (W8 32bit) and (64bit W8) while is perfect, however, as (W7 32bit) and (W7 64bit) the creation of the DVD is not accomplished it ... tHAT is VMWare on laptop or pc the problem persists ... Did you have the same problem ?
To help me diagnose the problem, I will have you to do some test. On a computer with the Tools installed/image created, go to : C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator Now, run each CMD script as an Administrator (right-click and select run as administrator) 01-GetBootFiles.cmd - This file shoud create a folder named "RecoveryDVD" in the root of the C:\ 02-MountPartitions.cmd - This script should mount the recovery partition 03-GetRecoveryFiles.cmd - This script should copy the recovery image and recovery environment - Check to see if you have C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\Disk1\Recovery\Install.swm file - Check to see if you have C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\Disk1\Recovery\winre.wim file 04-UnMountPartitions.cmd - This script should unmount the recovery partition 05-Copy Scripts.cmd - After running this script, you should have a file C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\SOURCES\BOOT.WIM 06-CreateDvd.cmd - This script should create the DVD file Check the output of each script to check if something seems to be wrong and give me the result. Thanks!
For 01-GetBootFiles.cmd ---> Ok 02-MountPartitions.cmd ---> Ok 03-GetRecoveryFiles.cmd ---> Error I had to type "F" to the question to continue the script... View attachment 25449 04-UnMountPartitions.cmd ---> Ok 05-Copy Scripts.cmd ---> Ok 06-CreateDvd.cmd ---> Ok if it can help you solve my problem ... thank you very much
In the CMD file Replace that: Code: IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm XCOPY /SHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\Install.Wim With that: Code: IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm COPY %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\Install.Wim OR WITH THAT Code: IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm XCOPY /HK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\ And try again. Your situation was one that I didn't test (although I though that it may happen) where the recovery image is so small that it don't have to be splitted. XCOPY was aking if the file shoud be a file or directory. Using COPY should fix that. Edit : By the way, I saw you are using a French version of Windows. If needed, you can PM me in french also, since it is my natural language
Hi AnarethoS It's ok problem solved: -the creation of the DVD under (W732 bits) and (W764 bits) ----> ok and thank you for the solution for: -restore from previously created under the iso (W732-bit) and (W764 bits) ----> restore stuck on "the creation of the recovery partition" View attachment 25472 You could see where the error is Please ? Thank you in advance....
sorry, I forgot to give it to you, this is the first solution : IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm COPY %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\Install.Wim
I have the fix for you. Problem was similar to the one when creating the Recovery DVD. The problem was Under Windows 7 only and only when the image was small enough to fit on a single DVD. You will have to recreate the DVD to make the fix work. Replace the content of the following file Code: C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator\RecoveryScripts\Scripts\03-Rebuild Recovery Partition.cmd By this: Code: @Echo Off CLS ECHO ============================================== ECHO Loading Settings ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims=; tokens=1" %%I in (X:\Settings\SettingsRE.txt) DO SET %%I MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore IF EXIST %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.swm X:\Scripts\IMAGEX%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE /REF %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\*.SWM /Export %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.swm 1 %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.Wim "Windows" IF EXIST %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.Wim XCOPY /VHK %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\ COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\WinRE.WIM %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.WIM COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Boot.sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Boot.Sdi COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\FullRestore\WinRE.WIM %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\WinRE.WIM COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\FullRestore\Boot.sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\Boot.Sdi ATTRIB -S -R -H %RECOVERYLETTER%:\*.* /S IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.Wim EXIT 1 IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim EXIT 1 RD /S /Q %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery EXIT 0
I have update the source of the 1.3.16 Alpha release to fix a problem Under Windows 7 when creating/restoring from DVD when the image was small enough to fit on only 1 DVD.
@ AnarethoS Is the03-Rebuild Recovery Partition.cmd file the only thing updated? Can I just copy and paste the above code and save it in the 03-Rebuild Recovery Partition.cmd file and be good or are there other changes. I already created two different f key functions and just wanting to avoid rebuilding it again. lol
The 2 files updated are the following one : Code: C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator\RecoveryScripts\Scripts\03-Rebuild Recovery Partition.cmd C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator\03-GetRecoveryFiles.cmd Nothing else has changed
Which one did you end up using or does it even matter? Update: Nevermind...I just downloaded 16 alpha again and extracted the files needed. Thanks again for all your hard work put into this.
Here are the 2 files that I modified recently fo r1.3.16 to fix the problem with Windows 7 and DVD recovery C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator\03-GetRecoveryFiles.cmd Code: @Echo Off %~d0 CD "%~dp0" ECHO ============================================== ECHO Loading Settings ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims=; tokens=1" %%I in (.\Settings\SettingsRE.txt) DO SET %%I XCOPY /SEVHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\ XCOPY /SEVHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Boot.Sdi C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\ XCOPY /SEVHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\WinRE.wim C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\FULLRESTORE\ XCOPY /SEVHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\Boot.Sdi C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\FULLRESTORE\ ATTRIB -S -R -H C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\*.* /S "%CD%\Tools\Imagex%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE" /SPLIT %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\Install.SWM 3000 IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm XCOPY /VHK %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.WIM C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\RECOVERY\ IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.swm IF NOT EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install.Wim EXIT 1 IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install2.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install2.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK2\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install3.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install3.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK3\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install4.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install4.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK4\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install5.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install5.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK5\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install6.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install6.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK6\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install7.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install7.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK7\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install8.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install8.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK8\Recovery\ IF EXIST C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install9.swm MOVE C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK1\Recovery\Install9.swm C:\RecoveryDVD\TEMP\DISK9\Recovery\ EXIT 0 C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\DVDMediaCreator\RecoveryScripts\Scripts\03-Rebuild Recovery Partition.cmd Code: @Echo Off CLS ECHO ============================================== ECHO Loading Settings ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims=; tokens=1" %%I in (X:\Settings\SettingsRE.txt) DO SET %%I MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore IF EXIST %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.swm X:\Scripts\IMAGEX%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE /REF %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\*.SWM /Export %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.swm 1 %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.Wim "Windows" IF EXIST %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.Wim XCOPY /VHK %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Install.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\ COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\WinRE.WIM %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.WIM COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\Recovery\Boot.sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Boot.Sdi COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\FullRestore\WinRE.WIM %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\WinRE.WIM COPY %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery\FullRestore\Boot.sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\FullRestore\Boot.Sdi ATTRIB -S -R -H %RECOVERYLETTER%:\*.* /S IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Install.Wim EXIT 1 IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim EXIT 1 RD /S /Q %WINDOWSLETTER%:\TempRecovery EXIT 0
detailed step by step procedure hi may i ask for a more detailed step by step procedure on how to apply your recovery tools? co'z ive try to follow your instructions on your documentations and i keep on getting errors during the update the settings. TIA
- For Windows 7 : Copy Imagex.exe (32bits version) to "Imagex\32bits" and Imagex.exe (64bits version) to "Imagex\64bits) - For Windows 8 : Copy the "BOOT" and "EFI" folder from the DVD and copy them to the "Boot" folder - For Windows 8 : Copy the "BOOTMGR" and the "BOOTMGR.EFI" file from the DVD and copy them to the "Boot" folder - Copy all files from "Settings-Example\MBR" or "Setting-Example\GPT" folder to "Settings" folder and run the "update_settings.cmd" script. Run that from a writable source, like the computer HDD or flash drive.