I have done a bit more testing with your script. I disabled the SHUTDOWN line in the script so I can check for any error messages that may appear and I found the following under the SYSPREPING THE COMPUTER section REAGENTC.EXE: Operation failed: 4c7 REAGENTC.EXE: An error has occurred. It appears when trying to run REAGENTC /ENABLE I also ran REAGENTC /INFO after running the script and before rebooting and got the following. C:\Installer>reagentc /info Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset configuration Information: Windows RE status: Disabled Windows RE location: Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000 00 Recovery image location: Recovery image index: 0 Custom image location: Custom image index: 0 REAGENTC.EXE: Operation Successful. If I run REAGENTC /ENABLE manually I get REAGENTC.EXE: Unable to update Boot Configuration Data. Hope this helps
Hi ! I'm french sorry to my English For begin, Thanks Anarethos (and congratulations) With Windows 8.1, all is OK but no WinRE : computer reboot but no into the recovery environment I test version 1.3.15 vs 1.3.16 : All is ok but no WinRE (only) (syspred Ok, partition recovery ok, USB/DVD ok, image oK, ect... ) 1) Are you using MBR/BIOS or GPT/UEFI version? => GPT/UEFI 2) Using WIM on first partition or WIM on last partition? => WIM FIRST 3) Do you have more that 1 fixed drive in your computer? => Only 1 SSD disk 0 (+ 1 HDD never activate/no format) 4) Are you using a drive with HDD+FLASH on it? => NO 5) Did you have modified any of the comfiguration file? => Settings.ini ("Logotime=5", langage french only) => SettingsRE.txt ("LANG=FR-FR" only) => Syspred.xml (Delete lines X86 and add setting pass specialize : <copyprofile> + <DoNotCleanTaskBar> + <DesktopBackground>) 6) Are you using an original untouched DVD (or USB made form such DVD) to install Windows? => I Use Original/true DVD Windows 8.1 64 by Microsoft (I use Home version) 7) Have you disabled SecureBoot ? => I can't activate (GOP can't activate bios With AMD R9 graphics cards + Core I5 4670 + motherboard MSI H87) I test version 1.3.15 vs 1.3.16 : All is ok but no WinRE (computer reboot but no into the recovery environment) 1.3.15 install with REAGENTC / DISABLE 1.3.16 install with Install - Windows 8.1 In "Boot" folder, I copy the same files but from DVD Windows 8.1. (I test with original DVD Windows 8 x64 perfect ! and I' wil test with windows 7 next week) Could you help me with Windows 8.1 please?
With the new script (wim first and test Wim last) windows 8.1_install REAGENTC failure of the operation Error 4c7 REAGENTC.EXE
I have made some correction to the Windows 8.1 installation script (try #2) The new script should help fix the following : - Recovery Environment not activated after capture Modification made : - Sysprep BEFORE working with WinRE.Wim file. Sysprep disable by itself the Recovevy Environment, so no need to use REAGENTC Tested and working on : - Windows 8.1 - 32bits - MBR/BIOS - VmWare Install - Windows 8.1.cmd for WIM on last partition Code: @Echo Off IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\CaptureImage\Capture\SettingsRE.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\SettingsRE.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\RecoveryFiles\ResetConfig.xml" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\RecoveryFiles\ResetPartitions.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\Sysprep.xml" EXIT IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe EXIT CLS TITLE Capture Windows 8 Image TASKKILL /IM SYSPREP.EXE /F ECHO ============================================== ECHO Loading Settings ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims=; tokens=1" %%I in (SettingsRE.txt) DO SET %%I ECHO ============================================== ECHO Creating recovery partition / resize ECHO ============================================== ECHO SELECT DISK %DISKID% >C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %WINDOWSPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SHRINK MINIMUM=%IMAGESIZE% DESIRED=%IMAGESIZE% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %IMAGEPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK LABEL=RECIMAGE >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %IMAGEPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SET ID=27 NOERR >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %IMAGEPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SET ID="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac" NOERR >>C:\Hdd.txt DISKPART /S C:\Hdd.txt DEL C:\Hdd.txt ECHO ============================================== ECHO MOUNTING RECOVERY PARTITION ECHO ============================================== ECHO SELECT DISK %DISKID% >C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %RECOVERYPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO ASSIGN LETTER=%RECOVERYLETTER% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %IMAGEPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO ASSIGN LETTER=%IMAGELETTER% >>C:\Hdd.txt DISKPART /S C:\Hdd.txt DEL C:\Hdd.txt IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\ GOTO ERRORNOREC IF NOT EXIST %IMAGELETTER%:\ GOTO ERRORNOREC ECHO ============================================== ECHO SYSPREPING THE COMPUTER ECHO ============================================== XCOPY .\Files\*.* /SEVHKY C:\ START /WAIT C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SysPrep.exe /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:SysPrep.Xml START /WAIT CreateShortcut "C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\Recovery%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Recovery Tools.lnk" ECHO ============================================== ECHO BACKUP ORIGINAL WINDOWSRE ECHO ============================================== ATTRIB -S -R -H C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\*.* /S IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.Wim GOTO ERRORNOWINRE IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup MD C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\ReAgent.xml COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\ReAgent.xml C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\ReAgent.xml IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\WinRE.Wim ECHO ============================================== ECHO COPYING WINDOWSRE ECHO ============================================== MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE MD %IMAGELETTER%:\RecoveryImage COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\Boot.Sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Boot.Sdi COPY C:\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\Boot.Sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\Boot.Sdi COPY ".\RecoveryFiles\*.*" %IMAGELETTER%:\RecoveryImage ECHO ============================================== ECHO Configuring FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ============================================== MD C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts ECHO SELECT DISK %DISKID% >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %RECOVERYPART% >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO REMOVE >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %IMAGEPART% >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO REMOVE >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO DISKPART /S C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO DISKPART /S C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO ReAgentc.exe /Enable >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ReAgentc.exe /Enable >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ============================================== ECHO MODIFYING CAPTURE IMAGE ECHO ============================================== MD %TMP%\WinRE DISM /Mount-Wim /Index:1 /WimFile:%RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\WinRE.Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE ATTRIB -S -R -H %TMP%\WinRE\Windows\System32\WINPESHL.INI DEL %TMP%\WinRE\Windows\System32\WINPESHL.INI XCOPY /SEVHKY .\CaptureImage\*.* %TMP%\WinRE\ DISM /UnMount-Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE /commit ECHO ============================================== ECHO MODIFYING RECOVERY TOOLS ECHO ============================================== MD %TMP%\WinRE DISM /Mount-Wim /Index:1 /WimFile:%RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE XCOPY /SEVHKY .\WinRE%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\*.* %TMP%\WinRE\ DISM /UnMount-Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE /commit ECHO ============================================== ECHO ADDING CAPTURE IMAGE ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims={} tokens=2" %%I IN ('BCDEDIT.EXE /create /application OSLOADER /d Capture') DO SET OSGUID=%%I FOR /F "delims={} tokens=2" %%I IN ('BCDEDIT.EXE /create /device /d Capture') DO SET RAMGUID=%%I SET OSGUID={%OSGUID%} SET RAMGUID={%RAMGUID%} bcdedit /set %OSGUID% device ramdisk=[%RECOVERYLETTER%:]\Capture\WinRe.Wim,%RAMGUID% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% osdevice ramdisk=[%RECOVERYLETTER%:]\Capture\WinRe.Wim,%RAMGUID% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% path \windows\system32\boot\%WINLOAD% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% locale %LANG% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% inherit {bootloadersettings} bcdedit /set %OSGUID% systemroot \windows bcdedit /set %OSGUID% detecthal Yes bcdedit /set %OSGUID% winpe Yes bcdedit /set %OSGUID% ems No bcdedit /set %RAMGUID% ramdisksdidevice partition=%RECOVERYLETTER%: bcdedit /set %RAMGUID% ramdisksdipath \Capture\BOOT.SDI bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displayorder %OSGUID% /addlast bcdedit /set {bootmgr} locale %LANG% bcdedit /set {current} locale %LANG% bcdedit /delete {current} ECHO ============================================== ECHO Rebooting the computer ECHO ============================================== SHUTDOWN -R -F -T 15 GOTO QUIT :ERRORNOREC CLS ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Recovery partition not found. ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Please check settings and try again. ECHO ******************************************* PAUSE GOTO QUIT :ERRORNOWINRE CLS ECHO ******************************************* ECHO WinRE.Wim not found. ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Please install this software only on ECHO computer where the AutoUnattend.XMl was ECHO used during the installation process. ECHO Manually switching to AUDIT mode during ECHO OOBE process is not supported under ECHO Windows 8. ECHO ******************************************* PAUSE GOTO QUIT :QUIT Install - Windows 8.1.cmd for WIM on first partition Code: @Echo Off IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\CaptureImage\Capture\SettingsRE.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\SettingsRE.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\RecoveryFiles\ResetConfig.xml" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\RecoveryFiles\ResetPartitions.txt" EXIT IF NOT EXIST "%CD%\Sysprep.xml" EXIT IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Sysprep.exe EXIT CLS TITLE Capture Windows 8 Image TASKKILL /IM SYSPREP.EXE /F ECHO ============================================== ECHO Loading Settings ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims=; tokens=1" %%I in (SettingsRE.txt) DO SET %%I ECHO ============================================== ECHO MOUNTING RECOVERY PARTITION ECHO ============================================== ECHO SELECT DISK %DISKID% >C:\Hdd.txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %RECOVERYPART% >>C:\Hdd.txt ECHO ASSIGN LETTER=%RECOVERYLETTER% >>C:\Hdd.txt DISKPART /S C:\Hdd.txt DEL C:\Hdd.txt IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERYLETTER%:\ GOTO ERRORNOREC ECHO ============================================== ECHO SYSPREPING THE COMPUTER ECHO ============================================== XCOPY .\Files\*.* /SEVHKY C:\ START /WAIT C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SysPrep.exe /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:SysPrep.Xml START /WAIT CreateShortcut "C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\Recovery%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Recovery Tools.lnk" ECHO ============================================== ECHO BACKUP ORIGINAL WINDOWSRE ECHO ============================================== ATTRIB -S -R -H C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\*.* /S IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.Wim GOTO ERRORNOWINRE IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup MD C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\ReAgent.xml COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\ReAgent.xml C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\ReAgent.xml IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Backup\WinRE.Wim ECHO ============================================== ECHO COPYING WINDOWSRE ECHO ============================================== MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE MD %RECOVERYLETTER%:\RecoveryImage COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\WinRE.Wim %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\WinRE.Wim COPY C:\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\Boot.Sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\Boot.Sdi COPY C:\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\Boot.Sdi %RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\Boot.Sdi COPY ".\RecoveryFiles\*.*" %RECOVERYLETTER%:\RecoveryImage ECHO ============================================== ECHO Configuring FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ============================================== MD C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts ECHO SELECT DISK %DISKID% >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO SELECT PARTITION %RECOVERYPART% >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt ECHO REMOVE >>C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO DISKPART /S C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO DISKPART /S C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Hdd.Txt >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO ReAgenTC.exe /Enable >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ReAgenTC.exe /Enable >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd FirstLogon.Sav ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\FirstLogon.cmd ECHO ============================================== ECHO MODIFYING CAPTURE IMAGE ECHO ============================================== MD %TMP%\WinRE DISM /Mount-Wim /Index:1 /WimFile:%RECOVERYLETTER%:\Capture\WinRE.Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE ATTRIB -S -R -H %TMP%\WinRE\Windows\System32\WINPESHL.INI DEL %TMP%\WinRE\Windows\System32\WINPESHL.INI XCOPY /SEVHKY .\CaptureImage\*.* %TMP%\WinRE\ DISM /UnMount-Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE /commit ECHO ============================================== ECHO MODIFYING RECOVERY TOOLS ECHO ============================================== MD %TMP%\WinRE DISM /Mount-Wim /Index:1 /WimFile:%RECOVERYLETTER%:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRE.Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE XCOPY /SEVHKY .\WinRE%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\*.* %TMP%\WinRE\ DISM /UnMount-Wim /MountDir:%TMP%\WinRE /commit ECHO ============================================== ECHO ADDING CAPTURE IMAGE ECHO ============================================== FOR /F "delims={} tokens=2" %%I IN ('BCDEDIT.EXE /create /application OSLOADER /d Capture') DO SET OSGUID=%%I FOR /F "delims={} tokens=2" %%I IN ('BCDEDIT.EXE /create /device /d Capture') DO SET RAMGUID=%%I SET OSGUID={%OSGUID%} SET RAMGUID={%RAMGUID%} bcdedit /set %OSGUID% device ramdisk=[%RECOVERYLETTER%:]\Capture\WinRe.Wim,%RAMGUID% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% osdevice ramdisk=[%RECOVERYLETTER%:]\Capture\WinRe.Wim,%RAMGUID% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% path \windows\system32\boot\%WINLOAD% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% locale %LANG% bcdedit /set %OSGUID% inherit {bootloadersettings} bcdedit /set %OSGUID% systemroot \windows bcdedit /set %OSGUID% detecthal Yes bcdedit /set %OSGUID% winpe Yes bcdedit /set %OSGUID% ems No bcdedit /set %RAMGUID% ramdisksdidevice partition=%RECOVERYLETTER%: bcdedit /set %RAMGUID% ramdisksdipath \Capture\BOOT.SDI bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displayorder %OSGUID% /addlast bcdedit /set {bootmgr} locale %LANG% bcdedit /set {current} locale %LANG% bcdedit /delete {current} ECHO ============================================== ECHO Rebooting the computer ECHO ============================================== SHUTDOWN -R -F -T 15 GOTO QUIT :ERRORNOREC CLS ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Recovery partition not found. ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Please check settings and try again. ECHO ******************************************* PAUSE GOTO QUIT :ERRORNOWINRE CLS ECHO ******************************************* ECHO WinRE.Wim not found. ECHO ******************************************* ECHO Please install this software only on ECHO computer where the AutoUnattend.XMl was ECHO used during the installation process. ECHO Manually switching to AUDIT mode during ECHO OOBE process is not supported under ECHO Windows 8. ECHO ******************************************* PAUSE GOTO QUIT :QUIT
hello Anarethos I tried the last update that you post ( Install - Windows 8.1.cmd for WIM on first partition) in Windows 8.1 - 32bit - MBR / BIOS on laptop but the condition of the WinRE is always deactivated for me Here are my donated REAgentC / info: Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600 ] ( c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C: \ Windows \ system32 > REAgentC / info Information on configuring the Recovery Environment Windows ( WinRE ) and reboot the system : WinRE State : Disabled Location WinRE : Identifier data boot configuration (BCD) : 00000000-00 00-0000-0000-000000000000 Location of the recovery image : \ \ \ GLOBALROOT \ device \ harddisk0 \ par ? tition1 \ RecoveryImage Index recovery image : 1 Location of the custom image : Index personalized picture: 0 REAgentC.exe : successful operation. C: \ Windows \ system32 > Comand prompt that appears just before the desktop appears , telling me that "Windows RE must be installed on a single volume formatted with the NTFS file system while it is in NTFS ... View attachment 25820
@patris971 1) Just to be sure, you took the latest downloadable version and replaced the content of the CMD with the content from my previous post? I didn't not updated the downloadable source. 2) If you updated manually the file and it still didn't work, I would like you to try installation without using the AutoUnattend.xml file, but rather do it by hand. Do to so, do the following : a) Launch Windows 8.1 installation from CD or DVD b) When you are prompted to install Windows, press SHIFT+F10 to open a command promt. c) Type the following (this is for MBR/BIOS - Wim on last partition) Code: DISKPART SELECT DISK 0 CLEAN CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY SIZE=1000 FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK LABEL=RECOVERY SET ID=27 CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY SIZE=500 FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK LABEL=SYSTEM ACTIVE CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY FORMAT FS=NTFS QUICK LABEL=WINDOWS EXIT EXIT d) Install Windows on the "Windows" partition (number 3) e) When Windows is installed and is in the OOBE screen (where it ask you to configure the computer), press CTRL+SHIFT+F3 to switch to AUDIT mode From now, continue as normal Thanks!
to: for MBR / BIOS - Wim on the first partition) 1) yes I had downloaded the latest version and replace the CMD file ... 2) I just did not use the AutoUnattend.xm file for the installation, everything is handmade and WinRE always off ... to: MBR / BIOS - Wim on the last partition) WinRE enabled ---> ok for me Thanks
on December 2, I installed windows 8.1 in uefi, gpt, with alpha, 1.3.16 last partition. asus pc with cpu amd a10 uefi bios partition recovery installation ok, I did all the tests all ok except the recovery with DVDs created by recovery tools. the recovery tools has created 2 DVDs I burning and I tried to make the recovry but during recovery to the second dvd freezes and does not continue asking an additional dvd, help everything is ok except the recovery disk 1 and disk 2, error on disk 2 help
luxcer from what I have read you said it didnt create a third iso, right? Just two iso's and empty txt file? Was there any error while creating the iso's? Not talking about installing it from dvds but did it say anything about error while make the iso's or did it just end? Did it say "Creating DVD 3 ISO File"? I know the error arises when installing from the dvds but there seems to be an issue with the creation of the iso themselves.
create iso and 2 an empty txt file with create outcome ok from the recovery tools. I did test to reset pc from 2 iso. dvd1 ok then inserted the dvd 2 after twenty minutes always asks another dvd, and not process progresses, I think an error in dvd 2. too bad because then the rest is all perfect
to: MBR / BIOS - Wim on the last partition) x86 restoring the iso from the disk 1 and disk2 worked for me...
Hey guys, Windows 8.1 already ships with a utility to create a backup of your Recovery to USB. Much better/fatser than dvd. Code: C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryDrive.exe Once you've created a usb backup of the recovery, it gives you an option to remove recovery from your hdd. This is great if you have a small ssd...
I already knew about that but its not in win 7 or win 8....not everyone is running win 8.1. Remember some oem manufactures like HP lock the boot and recovery so that might be challenging for ppl that havent had experience in removing the locks. Little off topic but I have noticed with the push of touch screens oem manufactures now put in low end cpu's (celerons and pentium 4, not even dual cores), smaller ssd/hdd and lower ram...to me its not worth just having a touch screen. I want the power. lol Now with that said the dell allienware looks pretty cool but its a allienware.
Just thought I'd mention the tool as Luxcer & others are currently playing with 8.1. Perhaps for 8.1 Anarethos can create a shortcut to the MS tool instead... As for the notebooks, I don't know anything about "lock's" but we are talking about a clean new install with recovery. I know the current MSI notebooks come with their own custom tool that creates backup to DVD, USB or ISO for later use. Reminds me, I was impressed by the MSI recovery tool. I friend bought a notebook with HDD only & wanted me to re-install the OS onto a new SSD and move his HDD as a Data drive. I created a backup onto USB. Moved the HDD to secondary channel & installed the SSD in Primary. Booted the USB Recovery backup & restored. The MSI tool restored the OS onto the SSD and automatically saved the recovery image onto the HDD, leaving the SSD free'd up...
Under Windows 8/8.1, my Tools already call the built-in Windows Tools to create the USB recovery drive. Since DVD was not a built-in option, I had to build one by myself. For Windows 7, I had to build both. Still, for the USB recovery key Creator to works, you still need a recovery partition created with my Tools or by hand. I am currently reinstalling Windows 8.1 to thet the WIM on first partition since it seems so of you have problem with WinRE. As per M$ paper, this solution should not be used, so maybe they made it stoppe working from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. If I am unable to make it works, I may keep the WIM on firt partition for Windows 7 and WIM on last for Windows 8/8.1 only. I will let you know. One this will be tested, I will check for the DVD problem.
Another one with recovery on first partition...this is what AnarethoS is working on now...read above your post. Win 8/8.1 doesnt like recovery on first partition so he is doing a lot of testing to see if it is even possible to have the recovery on the first partition. The last partition for recovery works but not first. I have even been reading about this on Micro's site also. We should hear from AnarethoS soon. If nothing else use the last partition for recovery instead of the first. Hope this helps you some.