OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Yep, after copying the 2 DVD on the recovery partition, it Uncompress them. It can take the same it take to capture the image. After, the computer will be ready.

    Once drivers installed and computer sysprep-ed, you will have to reboot into the recovery tools, either by F8 or using the startmenu shortcut. There, you juste have to accept to create the image and that's it!
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  2. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Ok just started the proces again course i`ve interruptet using the Power button.
    Hopefully it will work this time.
    Aprox how long time after inserting disk 2 before the task is completed ?
  3. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    30 to 45 minutes.
    You can launch the File Browser and look at the Windows drive (W) to see if there is any file on it. If not, something's wrong....

    I am currenlty testing a full process under Vmware. It is now capturing.
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  4. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    I´ve waitet for more than an houer an no progres.
    Still stuck with Please wait etc. and no computer activity at all.
    And when i go to Tools/Filebrowser and click on it nothing happens.
    Only the window "Please Wait......... ??????
  5. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Ok, then, try this :
    - Poweroff the computer
    - Reboot the computer from the DVD
    - Use the option "Boot sector repair - MBR"
    - Reboot from hard-drive.

    Tell me if it works.
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  6. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    The install DVD or the recovery DVD 1 i`ve made
    I`ve already tryed to reboot to the recovery DVD 1 and went into Tools/ Filebrowser and checked the W:/C: partition and there`s nothing there
    But i think something must be wrong.
    After installing updated and programs i checked the size of my C drive and it was just about 20 GB (can`t remember exactly)
    But the 2 ISO files was only about 2.9 GB each.
    Is that right ?
    Will the ISO files be compressed to aprox 1/3 of the size of the Windows Part. ?
  7. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    I`ll have to give up now it`t 2.50 AM here in "Islamic friendly Muhamed cartoon country"
    Denmark and i have to go to sleep
    I´ll be back
    Best regards
  8. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Size is good. ImageX does not capture the hibernation file and the pagefile (2X size of ram removed from the backup), does not capture recycle bin and system snapshot and compress to 50% at least.

    I am currently testing with a regular capture. Will try later with a "Generic" one.
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    NICK@NUMBER11 MDL Expert

    Mar 23, 2010
    Ok, Tssting v8 beta, installation and capture 100% (not used the Generic selection), created DVD ISO 100%, testing others now.... Well done !
  10. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Could you also recover it properly? :)

    NICK@NUMBER11 MDL Expert

    Mar 23, 2010
    Yep, 100% recovered still playing with it.. and Oh No, running reinstall from dvd failes you get a mesage "An error occured. Process stopped"
  12. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    Today i tryied one more time.
    Inserted Recovery disk 1 and when promted i inserted disk 2.
    This time i waitet for more than 2 houers.
    Then i used the powerbutton to force shutdown.
    Booted into disk 1 and navigated to filebrowser.
    There where listed :
    f: g: r: s: w: and my dvd x:
    In f: 2 folders (BOOT) and (FILES) and 2 files "?BOOTMGR and FULLRESTORE.DVD
    g: i could`nt acces
    In r: 2 folders WIM and WINPE
    In s: nothing
    And in w: nothing

    I tryied the "Boot sector repair - MBR" and hoped for a miracle
    But f**k
    no luck
    So i guess i have to start all over
  13. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Problem FOUND! When using DVD/USB to restore the system, my scritp failed during the DISKPART process (trying to remove an assigned letter from a disk that has nothing) making the script unable to works correctly.

    @Per Henrik Rasmussen : Yo did not get a error message because my script was waiting for an user inpout to confirm the deletion of the mage (when using a Generic one).

    Beta9 fixed all this.
    I was able to :
    - Install/Sysprep
    - Capture
    - Create DVD
    - Boot DVD
    - Reinstall from DVD and booted the system back
    - Tested the "Repair Boot Manager" and "Repair Boot Manager - MBR" function and they works

    Version Beta9 add also : Direct burning to DVD :D Simple problem, the software don't clause automatically after each image. You have to close and it will re-open for the next image. Nothing I can really do here.....

    ChangeLog for Beta9

    2.0.0 - Beta 9
    - Fixed a bug preventing the boot manager to show up in the correct language
    - Completed instruction manual
    - Once ISO files are created, Windows prompt to burn each disk using the built-in tools of Windows 7.
    - Fixed a bug in the Recovery Environment when executing any function will show the help file.
    - Fixed a bug when restoring a generic image. The script was waiting for user input. Now fixed.
    - Fixed a bug in the Recovery Environment where error message where appearing behind the “Please wait” window.
    - Fixed a bug with the Restore from DVD and from USB where it was not able to properly create the partition.
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  14. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009

    Maybe i can try next version then!
  15. NisseHult

    NisseHult MDL Novice

    May 24, 2010
    And how am i supose to understand this tool :D

    What is AUTOIT and all that :O
    (tcntad översätt alla konstiga ord)
  16. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    What am i suppose to translate? :p

    There is some documentation to read:)
  17. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    AUDIT mode is a status of the Windows installation. When in AUDIT mode, you are working under the ADMINSITRATOR account. When leaving the AUDIT mode to OOBE (Out of Box Experient - Welcome screen), the ADMINISTRATOR account is deleted.

    AUDIT mode is used to install drivers, softwares and updates while still leaving the option to the end user to complete the Welcome Screen later.
    Also, by default, whel leaving the AUDIT mode, all drivers are deleted and the computer is generalized (make it compatible with all hardware) and the computer is REARMED (the 30days trial is reset, so the end user can enter is own key).
    My scrip allow to keep the drivers.

    Please read the instruction manual to have more details. Keep in mind that this software is NOT a backup software. It is made to create a backup of a base Windows installation (drivers+Software) to restore is case of a crash. It is similar to the OEM System Recovery from brand-name computer like HP or Compaq.
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  18. Per Henrik Rasmussen

    Mar 29, 2008
    If i use the Recovery Disk 1 + 2 i make using the Generic mode on another comp
    Then there will be 3 partitions R,S and C Right ?
    The first boot the comp it will automatic start in AUDIT mode ?
    Drivers and maybe more prog. install
    Then if i want to ad a partition let`s call it DATA will i be able to do that in AUDIT mode ?
    If yes.
    Then i`ll edit the Settings.INI/WipeUSBDVD from 1 to 0.
    Open cmd
    C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SYSPREP.EVE /OOBE /QUIT

    Reboot/create new image.

    That DATA partition will not be wiped if i later on use your tool to make a full restore. ?

  19. NisseHult

    NisseHult MDL Novice

    May 24, 2010
    Everyting :D

    And post a how to guide in swedish at SC. :p
    1. How to fix partitions
    2. How to use this software.

    Just kidding tcntad :)

    I will try understand the documntation.
  20. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009

    - When you will use the GENERIC DVD set, the computer will have 3 partitions (complete WIPE)
    - When the computer will boot, it will be in AUDIT mode
    - If you SYSPREP the new Windows and create the new image, using RecoveryTools FROM THE HDD PARTITION, the new DATA partion will NOT be deleted

    - If the user create a new DVD set and use it to restore the computer, the WHOLE disk will be wiped and will be recreated with only 3 partition., like to original computer on which the GENERIC image was created.

    This is due to the fact that when using recovery tools, it use the local copy of SETTINGS.INI insite the Recovery Tools wim file (winpe.wim) that was created on the computer that was used to create the generic image. Changing the SETTINGS.INI file from the RecoveryCreator folder will not change that. The best way is to create the GENERIC image on a computer with already 4 partition and set the WIPEUSBDVD to 0 before installing the recovery tools to capture the generic image. BUT, when restoring from DVD (either you, when restoring the generic image or the end-user restoring his own set of DVD), you will have to create partitions by hand first.

    BUT (bis) you can always create the image on a computer with only 3 partition
    -Then, restore it on the end-user computer
    -Then install drivers/etc.
    -Before doing sysprep, you can MOUNT (using DISM) the WINPE.WIM file from the recovery partition and change the settings.ini file stored there and then commit the change. (do the same modification in the settings.ini in the RecoveryCreator folder).
    -Then, do Sysprep/capture new image

    I know it is not perfect, but it is still better that what brand-name computer can do. they wipe everything and don't event let you keep your file most of the time....
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