OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Wanted to thank AnarethoS again for his project. Happy Holidays!
  2. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013
    Happy birthday to all and happy holidays!, wonderful project :clap3:
  3. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013
    I tested under vmware player x64 the 3.0.0 - Alpha 1,windows 8.1 x64, gpt the Image on the second partition " Recommended ", the Autounattend.xml during installation give me error code: 0x80042565 it' s a error of VDS_E_INVALID_PARTITION_TYPE, The specified partition type is not valid for this operation for partition disk 0, the <diskconfiguration> give me error creation partition disk 0 .
    Now i test the Autounattend.xml on real pc
  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Let me know if anything goest wrong.

    Just to let you know : I am now a father (since December, 26th) so I will less time to spend of my project for the next few weeks. Still, I will try to do my best to make everything works!

    Happy Holiday!
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  5. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Congratulations!! & happy (busy) holiday too :hug2:
  6. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013

    Congratulations, the birth of a son or daughter is a blessing from God.
    I wish you a wonderful Holiday! :thumbsup:
  7. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    ok im new here decently computer savvy enough to have made an attempt at installing this been looking for some thing like this used 1.3.15 with windows 8.1 got it to work only to boot up and say it can not install the complete the configuration says it at loading screen may not be the exact message either way now I know I need the 3.0.0 but problem is after I put all the files where they belong as written in the guide it errors on me hwen I try to launch the update settings got the 1.3.15 to work just fine and could at least make an attempt mabey some one can point some thing out im not aware been at it for like 6 hours gonna go to sleep now any one can link me to a comprehensive list of things to do with the new version for 8.1 I will very much appreciate it
  8. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    ps what I meant was I installed it and got into windows 8.1 with the package and it failed after it did capture image and says ready for end user that's where I had to put my windows disc back in drive and do a complete restore just said it could not configure windows said to restart the computer tried 2 or 3 times before
  9. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    ok managed to get around the previous issues but now its saying it cant create partition on disk 0 using gbt mbr doesn't work at all wont even find the unattend file this is windows 8 pro 64 bit using a legit oem disk and key if I use the old version the .15 I can get every thing to work as far as install I can try it that way but I have to at least use the old xml which at least gets me into windows then use the new installer its a gamble but if it fails mabey some one can give me a suggestion
  10. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    sucess but some help with setupcomplete

    ok I managed to get it working restores just fine but I need help getting setupcomplete to work or even how to find it I don't have a clue on that one and cant find it in the fourms im sure its in there some where but searching isn't working and 260 pages back to 2010 is a dusy so can some one give me some instructions not looking to do any thing complicated want to install my av advanced system care ultimate form iobit sound card and graphics card driver followed by the program startisback+ for windows 8.1 to bring the start menu back not a long list windows updates too I guess know they don't work but ive seen post already about getting them to work in audit mode well thanks in the future for the help

    ps I only know it exsists cause I see many mentions about it but nothing that explains how to do it and id like to punch in my product key so it wont ask again thanks
  11. les02jen17

    les02jen17 MDL Novice

    Dec 27, 2013
    I have an HP Pavilion G6 that came with Windows 8 pre-installed. I have upgraded it to Windows 8.1 via the store. Later on, I experienced issues with downloading and installing apps from the Windows Store and thought I should just go on ahead and do a "reset" via the PC settings. To my horror, it reverted to Windows 8, since the recovery drive it came with has Windows 8. I had to download the whole 3.6 GB update again via the Windows Store and it was really annoying. I'm back to Windows 8.1 now. Will this be my solution, then? Can this create an updated factory recovery drive with Windows 8.1 in it, instead of Windows 8?
  12. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    You need to use FirstLogon.cmd instead of setupcomplete.cmd. I installed a bunch of programs including startisback+ without issue but you need the net for it to activate. You should be able to input your windows key into the autounattend.xml file so it wont ask for it.

    This project isn't intended to update/modify an existing oem recovery partition. All oems use different methods for creating their recovery partitions so you would have to do some research on that one. This project is intended to be used during a fresh install so user can custom it how he/she see's fit. I'm sorry that isn't the answer you were looking for. :eek:
  13. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    can you give me a short example of the commands to use when I install programs I got it working for just basic windows have a work around though I have my programs im gonna install just sitting out on the c:\ in my recovery but that way I have to do it all manually but even still that's beats the heck out of downloading them all again
  14. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013

    basically sence we both have startisback can you show me the list of commands you use to install that and I think I can adapt that to other programs as well
  15. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I install all my programs while in audit mode so they are captured in the recovery image. The only thing I install from FirstLogon.cmd is my reg entries for two programs I use (reg file to register those two apps for it is located in current user part of registry which isn't setup yet in audit mode). Then I also install my antivirus program from FirstLogon.cmd to install silently. That is all I use the FirstLogon.cmd for. Everything else is installed while in audit mode.

    Note: startisback+ needs internet setup already before installation of startisback+ in order for it to activate....when done installing your programs, disconnect the the internet, you then run this software to capture the image which will capture statisback+ activation as well. ;)

    I really do recommend you practice on VMware or something similar so you can work out any issues before using this software in real environment.
  16. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    yeah I would practice in vm environment but I have a 64 bit os and I see no option to turn hyperv on in my bios so I think im kind of screwed on that one and I already tried it it doesn't work 32 bit vm works just fine but my 64 bit disc obvoisly wont work on that if you know of a 64 bit software vm client that works without hardware support amd says my proc has the support but I think you board has to support it too
  17. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    updated bios

    ok I updated my bios and I think I can do virtual machine which makes things easier can you list examples of the commands I need to know to use firstlogon.cmd to install an example program like an antivirus or other program so I get the idea of what im doing no hurry though ill try to see if I can test in vm until I get this just right
  18. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    As far as installing any app whether it be burning app or anti virus software you will need to find out the silent install switches and that varies with every app.

    Example of my FirstLogon.cmd file:
    The programs.reg file is for the two apps to register (activate) that I use.....gburner and ultraiso. Then it deletes the scripts directory (runonce reg entry deletes the scripts folder) and finally deletes itself upon exiting.
  19. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    I got the a virtual machine running and what you just posted there seems way out of my league to setup but I found a simpler command don't quite know how to implement it but seems more what I need

    avast_premier_antivirus_setup /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SP- /"Chrome"="true

    ill experiment a bit being able to clone the virtual pc in VMware workstation is a lifesaver reinstalling windows several times isn't fun but still some problems like cant test for real system drivers in VMware but I can do at least base testing and app testing
  20. DaneelSE

    DaneelSE MDL Novice

    Aug 8, 2010
    Hi all,
    I just went through the whole process with version 3.0.0.A1 and Windows 7 and everything has gone smooth. Thanks for a very nice tool kit!

    I am now trying to figure out where to dreate the recovery media? If I try it from inside of windows it wants to image all partitions, that just doesn't feel right.

    If I boot in to recovery environment there does not seem to be any option to create a recovery media.

    Any ideas?