OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. btdag

    btdag MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2013
    #2601 btdag, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  2. btdag

    btdag MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2013
    #2602 btdag, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    If you wan't a really quick script to do this put the avast_premier_antivirus_setup.exe in a folder C:\InstallApps

    create a FirstLogon.cmd which has the following in it:
    @echo off
    C:\InstallApps\avast_premier_antivirus_setup.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SP- /"Chrome"="true
    echo Install complete
    This will run the avast setup using your silent commands and then ask you to press any key to exit when it's complete.

    If you want the system to reboot after it's completed add the following to the end of the script (after the pause line)
    SHUTDOWN /r /t 20
    If you're not sure how to use FirstLogon.cmd then just create a .bat file and put it in the C:\InstallApps directory and manually run it post install.
  3. random566

    random566 MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2008
    tried version 3.0.0 with windows 8.1 enterprise 64 bit on a MBR pc (MB asus M4A78LT-M-LE, athlon 64), without success. after recovery tool installation and after reboot, the image was not captured.
    instead, on the same pc, the 32 bit version of Windows 8.1 works perfectly with version 3.0.0
  4. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    You did something wrong then....there is no difference in 32 bit and 64 bit....only difference is if mbr or gpt. I would recommend you try in VMware or something similar for testing. If it works on 32 bit it will work on 64 bit. I used it on my 64 bit with no issues. Try again.
  5. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    avast premier that command is actually for the free antivirus im not sure what version doesn't work cant seem to find working silent commands with avast if any one knows a way to find the silent commands for avast preimer id love to hear it I had no luck didn't work launches the installer fine but wont install it on system boot I have a work around if anyone knows a system snapshot or monitoring tool to acertain every file and registry key made by an installer id love to hear that could do it that way too its not real important though but having a default antivirus installed with recovery is the last step to make it perfect and the silent commands are some thing but isn't exactly easy to get to knowlage tried a web search only found info for the older versions of the program
  6. falcon470

    falcon470 MDL Novice

    Dec 29, 2013
    lol ok i need antivirus suggjestions that are freindly with this called avast and they wont help me to do what i want to do i have to pay them 179 dollors to speak to technition either to create my own personalized silent install so the antivirus im looking at is nod32 if i cant get this one going ill just give up and stop worrrieing about getting the antivirus every thing else is perfect great program but by the way why cant you have an antivirus installed what is getting in the way? is there any thing that can be done to halt a service or program like that from starting tell firstboot? cause if i could install it in audit mode and prevent it from starting tell later it might work but either way every time i try that it keeps saying failed to configure windows
  7. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
  8. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    I have noticed that to completely restore windows 8 to factory, it takes hours, is there a way of speeding this up??
  9. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Select the option ton "just delete you files" and not "securely erase your files".
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  10. mountain_lion

    mountain_lion MDL Novice

    Jan 12, 2014
    Is it possible to boot with Win 8 Pro install media and the AnarethoS script and then apply the Windows 8.1 Pro upgrade from ISO so that the recovery image will contain a Windows 8.1 Pro installation?
  11. btdag

    btdag MDL Novice

    Apr 4, 2013
    No. You can't apply the 8.1 upgrade in Audit mode.

    Download the 8.1 ISO and use that to create and capture the image and use your 8 product key and you will be fine!
  12. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013
    I tested on Windows 8.1 pro (uefi bios-gpt) Version 3.0.0 Alpha 1-[Autounattend (GPT) the second partition-Recommended] to a new pc asus uefi.
    Partition creation and Capture (Audit mode): ok
    In the profile end user:Created the dvd to reset my pc, image creation: ok

    Restored pc with the recovery dvd burn: ok
    no problem with DVDCreator of RecoveryTools, all ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: Thanks to Anarethos and to those who have worked with him
    fantastic Utility!!!!
  13. hacktrix2006

    hacktrix2006 MDL Novice

    Jun 7, 2007
    Testing on Windows 8.1 Pro MBR formatting with Version 3.0.0 Alpha 1. Only one issue i have noticed which is no biggy. One both Windows 7 and 8.x FirstLogon.cmd doesn't run as Administrator and fails on ReAgentc with Error 3 and Error 5. Since i know about this issue i have been manually re-running the file as administrator.

    Other then that your tool is great and a total life saver in terms of being able to make a recovery partition to which can restore Windows back to a fresh install. Also the DVD Recovery discs work as well. A+ work mate. Just that one glitch with ReAgentc.
  14. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009

    I am curious about this bug. The file always run as Administrator on my side, sice I use it to call installer for all my programs and everything works. Have you created some account during the Audit phase?
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  15. Phixer

    Phixer MDL Novice

    Sep 30, 2010
    I've been gone for awhile but have continued to use 2.11 and 1.2. I thought I would try this new 300A1.
    I have not had any problems with Win 7 x86 usb or dvd recovery however I cannot create a Win 7 DVD recovery, only usb. I have tried more than 6 times without a problem on x86 and X64 but dvd doesn't work for me on x64. I have followed instructions faithfully so I don't know where to go from here. I have been installing on both Dell and HP desktop machines.
    I hope you can help.
  16. pcela

    pcela MDL Novice

    Aug 19, 2012
    #2617 pcela, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Polish translation settings.ini file with Windows 7 Recovery Tools - BETA version

    LanguageName = Polish
    TextOption1Group = Napraw komputer
    TextOption10 =Chcę naprawić mój komputer
    TextOption10Help = Ta opcja umożliwia naprawę lub ponowną instalację systemu Windows
    TextOption10Title = Uruchomić ponownie komputer?
    TextOption10Question = Komputer zostanie ponownie uruchomiony w środowisku przywracania. ;; Stamtąd, wybierz żądaną opcję rozwiązywania problemów. ;; Uruchomić ponownie teraz?
    TextOption2Group =Kopia zapasowa komputera
    TextOption20 = Chcę utworzyć starowy nośnik odzyskiwania dla mojego komputera
    TextOption20Help =Ta opcja pozwala na utworzenie klucza USB do naprawy lub ponownej instalacji komputera przypadku awarii sprzętu
    TextOption20Title = Uruchomić kreator odzyskiwania dysku?
    TextOption20Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzędzia Kreator Dysku, który pozwoli Ci utworzyć nośniki do odtworzenia komputera. ;; Dalej?
    TextOption21 =Chcę wykonać kopie zapasową moich plików
    TextOption21Help = Ta opcja pozwala na tworzenie kopii zapasowych plików użytkownika na zewnętrznym urządzeniu
    TextOption21Title = Uruchomić program Windows Backup?
    TextOption21Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie oprogramowania do tworzenia kopii zapasowych, które  pomoże w tworzeniu kopii zapasowej ważnych danych. ,, Czy chcesz kontynuować?
    TextOptionUsbGroup = Kreator Mediów
    TextOptionUsbLine1 = To narzędzie sformatuje klucz USB (max 32GB) i skopiuje na niego pliki odzyskiwania.
    TextOptionUsbLine2 = Będziesz mógł korzystać z tego klucza USB do ponownej instalacji systemu Windows w przyszłości.
    TextOptionUsbLine4 = Proszę wybrać dysk
    TextOptionUsbSpaceTitle = Brak wystarczającej ilości miejsca na dysku
    TextOptionUsbSpace = Określony dysk jest zbyt mały. Proszę używać napędu, który może pomieścić co najmniej
    TextOptionUsbUnit = GB
    TextOptionUsbNoRecoveryTitle = Nie znaleziono partycji odzyskiwania
    TextOptionUsbNoRecovery = Nie znaleziono partycji odzyskiwania w tym systemie . ;, Skontaktuj się z producentem systemu.
    TextUsbCreatorStep1 = Przygotowanie dysku
    TextUsbCreatorStep2 = Kopiowanie partycji odzyskiwania
    TextUsbCreatorStep3 = Aktualizacja narzędzi odzyskiwania
    TextUsbCreatorStepError = Wystąpił błąd. Proces przerwany.
    TextUsbCreatorStepWaiting = Proszę czekać...
    TextRecoveryGroup = Naprawa systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10 = Ponowna instalacja systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10Help = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na komputerze
    TextRecoveryOption10Title = Ponownie zainstalować system Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption10Question = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na komputerze. ;; Wszystkie dane na dysku podstawowym zostaną utracone. ;; Kontynuować?
    TextRecoveryOption11 = Naprawa systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption11Help = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzędzi do naprawy komputera
    TextRecoveryOption11Title = Naprawć system Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption11Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzedzi Środowiska Odzyskiwania, które pomogą Ci naprawić system Windows. Kontynuować?
    TextRecoveryStep1 = Przygotowanie dysku
    TextRecoveryStep2 = Montowanie dysku
    TextRecoveryStep3 = Kopiowanie plików
    TextRecoveryStep4 = Instalowanie systemu Windows (można usunąć klucz USB)
    TextRecoveryStep4RE = Instalowanie systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryError = Wystąpił błąd. Przerwano proces.
    TextRecoveryWaiting = Proszę czekać...
    TextRecoveryDoneTitle=Odzyskiwanie zakończone
    TextRecoveryDone=Odzyskiwanie zakończone. , Proszę usunąć dysk odzyskiwania.
    TextRecoveryDoneRE=Odzyskiwanie zakończone.
    View attachment 26662
  17. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Anyone can check if they have the same problem (Windows 7 - 64 bits - DVD)? I am unable to reproducte the same problem here.
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  18. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    #2619 AnarethoS, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Thanks, but this is for 1.3.15. The new version is 1.3.16/3.0.0-A1 (same thing) which has new options. As such, your file can't be used on newer version.
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  19. patris971

    patris971 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2012
    hello everyone

    ok I'll try the creation dvd w7 64 bit + restoration ... (version 300A1)