OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. patris971

    patris971 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2012
    After having tested on laptop and VmWare dvd creating and restoration under w7 64bits, all looks to me to perform very well ... it is ok :thumbsup:

    Creation and restoration usb ... it's ok :thumbsup:

  2. fady34

    fady34 MDL Novice

    Jan 30, 2014
    First of all thank you very much for this great recovery tool.

    The first problem I got is that I am unable to create a “bootable” DVD Recovery media. The process to create the DVD media runs “sometimes” oke. But the ISO is not bootable, it does nothing, the screen stays black. Others times it creates 2 DISK(DISK1.iso and DISK2.iso), one with around 3.7GB and other with 300MB.

    Me second problem is with USB Recovery. When I am trying to do a system recovery with USB it gives me an error at the begin of the process (A few seconds after selection the language). The error is “there is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk drive (\device\harddisk\DR1)”. When I press “Try again” the process continues and performs the recovery successfully. Any idea why this error appear?

    Current installation setup:

    • OS = Windows 7 64bit
    • Few drivers installed

    Partition setup:

    • C: = 50GB
    • D: = around 230GB (all the space left)
    • Hidden Recovery partition = 12GB.

    Version: Basic 3.0.0 - Alpha 1

    Thank you in advance.
  3. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Did you had to install drivers to install Windows 7 on your computer? Like RAID drivers or similar?

    Are you using an USB 3.0 port for Recovery? Usb 3 can'nt be used for USB recovery under Windows 7.

    Are you using default settings for the app or have you made any modification to the settings files? If using default settings, which one are you using?
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  4. fady34

    fady34 MDL Novice

    Jan 30, 2014
    #2624 fady34, Feb 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  5. AlbertoCastillo2001

    AlbertoCastillo2001 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2012

    Is the stable version ( compatible with Windows 8.1?
    According to the log only 3.0.0 is

  6. luxcer

    luxcer MDL Novice

    Jan 15, 2013
    Hello, Italian translation settings.ini file for Basic 3.0.0 - Alpha 1

    LanguageName = Italian
    TextOption1Group = Riparazione del computer
    TextOption10 = Voglio riparare il mio computer
    TextOption10Help = Questa opzione consente di aggiornare, ripristinare o riparare il computer
    TextOption10Title = Riavviare il computer?
    TextOption10Question = Il computer verrà riavviato nell'ambiente di recupero. ;;Da lì, selezionare l'opzione di risoluzione dei problemi. ;;Riavviare ora?

    TextOption2Group = Computer backup
    TextOption20 = creare un supporto di ripristino per il mio computer
    TextOption20Help = Questa opzione consente di creare una chiave USB per reinstallare il computer in caso di un guasto hardware
    TextOption20Title = Avviare Recovery Drive creator?
    TextOption20Question = Verrà avviata l'utilità Driver creator che vi permetterà di creare un supporto di ripristino per il computer. ;;Continuare?

    TextOption21 = Desidero creare DVD di ripristino per il mio computer
    TextOption21Help = Questa opzione consente di creare DVD per reinstallare il computer in caso di un guasto hardware
    TextOption21Title = Avviare il Recovery Drive creator?
    TextOption21Question = Verrà avviata l'utilità Driver creatore che vi permetterà di creare DVD di ripristino per il computer. ;;Continuare?
    TextOption22 = Desidero fare il backup dei miei file personali
    TextOption22Help = Questa opzione consente di eseguire il backup i file personali su un dispositivo esterno
    TextOption22Title = Avviare il File di cronologia di Windows?
    TextOption22Question = Questo avvierà il software di Windows per i file di cronologia che può aiutare il backup dei dati importanti. ;;volete continuare?

    TextOption3Group = installatione snapshot di Windows
    TextOption3ImageState1 = Immagine corrente : Nessuna (valore predefinito di fabbrica)
    TextOption3ImageState2 = Immagine corrente : Presente
    TextOption3Title = Creazione del snapshot del computer
    TextOption3Wait = Attendere prego...
    TextOption30 = Vorrei creare un punto di ripristino in caso di problemi futuri
    TextOption30Help = Questa opzione consente di creare un punto di ripristino che può essere utilizzato quando si aggiorna il computer
    TextOption30Title = Creare un punto di ripristino?
    TextOption30Question = Un punto di ripristino è un backup di tutte le applicazioni di Windows e impostazioni. ; Se avete problemi con il computer in futuro, sarete in grado di tornare indietro con l'installazione di Windows a questo snapshot. I dati saranno conservati intatti in questa situazione. ;; Vuoi continuare?
    TextOption31 = Vorrei creare un nuovo punto di ripristino
    TextOption31Help = Questo eliminerà l'ultimo punto di ripristino per crearne una nuova
    TextOption31Title = Creare un nuovo punto di ripristino?
    TextOption31Question = Questo rimuoverà il punto di ripristino corrente per crearne uno nuovo. ;;Vuoi continuare?
    TextOption32 = Vorrei eliminare il punto di ripristino
    TextOption32Help = Questo eliminerà l'attuale punto di ripristino e tornare all'impostazione di fabbrica
    TextOption32Title = Eliminare l'attuale punto di ripristino?
    TextOption32Question = Questo eliminerà l'attuale punto di ripristino per tornare a quello creato dal produttore del sistema. ;;Vuoi continuare?
    TextDvdCreatorTitle = DVD Media Creator
    TextDvdCreatorWaiting = Attendere prego...
    TextDvdCreatorStep1 = Copia dei file necessari
    TextDvdCreatorStep2 = Montaggio della partizione di ripristino
    TextDvdCreatorStep3 = Copia dell'immagine di ripristino
    TextDvdCreatorStep4 = Smontaggio della partizione di ripristino
    TextDvdCreatorStep5 = Copia degli script
    TextDvdCreatorStep6 = Creazione del file ISO
    TextDvdCreatorError = Si è verificato un errore. Processo interrotto!
    TextDvdCreatorDone = Immagini create. ;;Ora puoi masterizzarle sul DVD.
    TextDvdCreatorFolder = Si prega di selezionare la cartella dove si desidera copiare l'immagine del DVD.
    TextRecoveryGroup = Ripristino di Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10 = Reinstalla Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10Help = Questo reinstallerà Windows sul computer
    TextRecoveryOption10Title = Reinstallare Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption10Question = Questo reinstallerà Windows sul computer. Tutti i dati sul disco primario andranno persi. ;;Continuare?
    TextRecoveryTitle = Installazione di Windows
    TextRecoveryStep1 = Creazione delle partizioni
    TextRecoveryStep2 = Copia dei file
    TextRecoveryStep2Next = Inserire il prossimo disco prego
    TextRecoveryStep3 = Ricostruzione della partizione di ripristino
    TextRecoveryStep4 = Installazione di Windows
    TextRecoveryWait = Attendere prego...
    TextRecoveryError = Si è verificato un errore. Processo interrotto!
    TextRecoveryEnd = Installatione di Windows completata. ;;Il computer ora sarà riavviato.[/CODE]
  7. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    1.3.16/3.0.0-A1 support Windows 8.1 directly.

    1.3.15 support it BUT you have to run the following command first :

    Then, run my script to install the recovery Tools.

    On the first boot, you will have to run the command REAGENTC /ENABLE to activate the recovery environement. After that, you will be good Under Windows 8.1
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  8. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    #2628 AnarethoS, Feb 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  9. RJOliver

    RJOliver MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013
    I am getting an error during the copying over of the recovery program.


    Access Denied

    You know what may cause this and can you implement a check so it does not start the sysprep if it happens? I half to reload the system again when it happens.

    Thanks again for all your hard work on this project it has been a great help.

    MS Security Essentials is marking the file Recoveryx86.exe as a trojan:Win32/Dynamer!ac a Severe alert..
  10. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    I am sorry to say but you wont be able to get anyone to help support when including a antivirus during audit mode because it always results in failure, if this is your case. :( I always install my av with firstlogon.cmd (oem) or setupcomplete.cmd (non-oem) file. ;)
  11. zoraks

    zoraks MDL Novice

    Sep 14, 2009
    Hi, i'm sorry because I know that this is not the right place to post this question, but this is the first forum where I see people that have excellent comprension about windows recovery, so I have to try.

    Maybe this is quite easy for you...

    I have a Vaio t13 laptop

    Two months ago i copied my oem recovery partition to an external drive using the windows option "create recovery drive" and later i cheked the option to delete internal recovery partition.

    Now i would like to put it back in cause i have to sell the laptop, but i dont know how and i can't find informatio regarding this.

    The copy is working and i didn't change the internal partition layout.

  12. RJOliver

    RJOliver MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013

    Ya, i figured i can just not setup Essentials and it fixed the issue, but i am worried that after they start using the system and setup essentials it will disable that file making the recovery program unusable.
  13. RJOliver

    RJOliver MDL Novice

    Nov 27, 2013
    zoraks: I sent you a pm as this is off topic for this forum.
  14. pcela

    pcela MDL Novice

    Aug 19, 2012
    #2636 pcela, Mar 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Polish translation settings.ini file with Windows 7 Recovery Tools - BETA version.
    Translation for the version of 3.0.0.A1
    LanguageName = Polish
    TextOption1Group = Napraw komputer
    TextOption10 = Chcę naprawić mój komputer
    TextOption10Help = Ta opcja pozwala na naprawę lub ponowną instalację systemu Windows
    TextOption10Title = Uruchomić ponownie komputer?
    TextOption10Question = Komputer zostanie ponownie uruchomiony w środowisku przywracania. ;; Stamtąd, wybierz żądaną opcję rozwiązywania problemów. ;; Uruchomić ponownie teraz?
    TextOption2Group = Kopia zapasowa komputera
    TextOption20 = Chcę utworzyć starowy nośnik odzyskiwania dla mojego komputera (USB)
    TextOption20Help = Ta opcja pozwala na utworzenie klucza USB do naprawy lub ponownej instalacji komputera przypadku awarii sprzętu
    TextOption20Title = Uruchomić kreator tworzenia Dysku Odzyskiwania (USB)?
    TextOption20Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzędzia Kreator Dysku Odzyskowania (USB), który pozwoli Ci utworzyć nośniki do odtworzenia tego komputera. ;; Dalej?
    TextOption21 = Chcę utworzyć starowy nośnik odzyskiwania dla mojego komputera (DVD)
    TextOption21Help = Ta opcja pozwala na utworzenie nośników DVD do naprawy lub ponownej instalacji komputera przypadku awarii sprzętu
    TextOption21Title = Uruchomić kreator tworzenia Dysku Odzyskiwania DVD ?
    TextOption21Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzędzia Kreator Dysku Odzyskowania (DVD), który pozwoli Ci utworzyć nośniki do odtworzenia tego komputera. ;; Dalej?
    TextOption22 = Chcę wykonać kopię zapasową plików osobistych
    TextOption22Help = Opcja ta pozwala na utworzenie kopii zapasowej osobistych plików na zewnętrznym urządzeniu
    TextOption22Title = Uruchowmić Kopia zapasowa Windows?
    TextOption22Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie programu Kopia zapasowa Windows który pomoże w utworzeniu kopii zapasowej ważnych danych. ,, Czy chcesz kontynuować?
    TextOptionUsbGroup = Kreator nośników
    TextOptionUsbLine1 = To narzędzie sformatuje klucz USB (max 32GB) i skopiuje na niego pliki odzyskiwania.
    TextOptionUsbLine2 = Będziesz mógł korzystać z tego klucza USB do ponownej instalacji systemu Windows w przyszłości.
    TextOptionUsbLine4 = Proszę wybrać dysk
    TextOptionUsbSpaceTitle = Brak wystarczającej ilości miejsca na dysku
    TextOptionUsbSpace = Określony dysk jest zbyt mały. Proszę używać napędu, który może pomieścić co najmniej
    TextOptionUsbUnit = GB
    TextOptionUsbNoRecoveryTitle = Nie znaleziono partycji odzyskiwania
    TextOptionUsbNoRecovery = Nie znaleziono partycji odzyskiwania w tym systemie . ;, Skontaktuj się z producentem systemu.
    TextUsbCreatorStep1 = Przygotowanie dysku
    TextUsbCreatorStep2 = Kopiowanie partycji odzyskiwania
    TextUsbCreatorStep3 = Aktualizacja narzędzi odzyskiwania
    TextUsbCreatorStepError = Wystąpił błąd. Proces przerwany.
    TextUsbCreatorStepWaiting = Proszę czekać...
    TextRecoveryGroup = Naprawa systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10 = Ponowna instalacja systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption10Help = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na tym komputerze
    TextRecoveryOption10Title = Ponownie zainstalować system Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption10Question = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na komputerze. ;; Wszystkie dane na dysku podstawowym zostaną utracone. ;; Kontynuować?
    TextRecoveryOption11 = Naprawa systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryOption11Help = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzędzi do naprawy komputera
    TextRecoveryOption11Title = Naprawć system Windows?
    TextRecoveryOption11Question = Spowoduje to uruchomienie narzedzi Środowiska Odzyskiwania, które pomogą Ci naprawić system Windows. Kontynuować?
    TextRecoveryStep1 = Przygotowanie dysku
    TextRecoveryStep2 = Montowanie dysku
    TextRecoveryStep3 = Kopiowanie plików
    TextRecoveryStep4 = Instalowanie systemu Windows (można usunąć klucz USB)
    TextRecoveryStep4RE = Instalowanie systemu Windows
    TextRecoveryError = Wystąpił błąd. Przerwano proces.
    TextRecoveryWaiting = Proszę czekać...
    TextRecoveryDoneTitle=Odzyskiwanie zakończone
    TextRecoveryDone=Odzyskiwanie zakończone. , Proszę usunąć dysk odzyskiwania.
    TextRecoveryDoneRE=Odzyskiwanie zakończone..
    TextDvdCreatorTitle = Kreator nośnika DVD
    TextDvdCreatorWaiting = Proszę czekać...
    TextDvdCreatorStep1 = Kopiowanie wymaganych plików
    TextDvdCreatorStep2 = Montowanie partycji odzyskiwania
    TextDvdCreatorStep3 = Kopiowanie obrazu odzyskiwania
    TextDvdCreatorStep4 = Odmontowanie partycji odzyskiwania
    TextDvdCreatorStep5 = Kopiowanie skryptów
    TextDvdCreatorStep6 = Tworzenie plików ISO
    TextDvdCreatorError = Wystąpił błąd. Proces przerwany.
    TextDvdCreatorDone = Obraz ISO utworzony. ;;Można go teraz nagrać na płytę DVD.
    TextDvdCreatorFolder = Wybierz folder, do którego chcesz skopiować obraz płyty DVD.
    TextDvdRecoveryGroup = Naprawa systemu Windows
    TextDvdRecoveryOption10 = Ponowna instalacja systemu Windows
    TextDvdRecoveryOption10Help = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na tym komputerze
    TextDvdRecoveryOption10Title = Ponowna instalacja systemu Windows
    TextDvdRecoveryOption10Question = Spowoduje to ponowne zainstalowanie systemu Windows na komputerze. ;; Wszystkie dane na dysku podstawowym zostaną utracone. ;; Kontynuować?
    TextDvdRecoveryTitle = Instalacja systemu Windows
    TextDvdRecoveryStep1 = Tworzenie partycji
    TextDvdRecoveryStep2 = Kopiowanie plików
    TextDvdRecoveryStep2Next = Proszę włożyć następny dysk
    TextDvdRecoveryStep3 = Odbudowa partycji odzyskiwania
    TextDvdRecoveryStep4 = Instalowanie systemu Windows
    TextDvdRecoveryWait = Proszę czekać...
    TextDvdRecoveryError = Wystąpił błąd. Przerwano proces.
    TextDvdRecoveryEnd = Instalacja systemu Windows została zakończona. ;;Komputer zostanie uruchomiony ponownie.
    View attachment 27389
  15. chryses

    chryses MDL Junior Member

    Mar 23, 2011

    If I use the recovery partition on an unmodified w7 dvd, I can use the F7 or the recovery.exe program to enter on the recovery system and then re-install windows. But If I use the double console, for the AIO support, the F7 or the recovery.exe just reboot the pc. The only method to enter on the recovery console is with the support, and then I can reinstall windows from the recovery partition.

    I can make a recovery partition even from the AIO dvd, but I can't use the recovery.exe program.

    I don't think that recovery partition and recovery tools are the same. The partition is more advanced but if you want to use the original recovery tools, from the dvd, you must have 1 dvd for the 32bit and one for the 64bit, because 32bit can run under 64bit but 64bit can't run under 32bit.
  16. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Hi all!

    I received a lot of complains about virus in my software. After running my package through VirusTotal, I got a lot of warning baout trojans, etc.

    They are false positive. Probably a dump a** used AutoIt (the Scripting language I use) to make some s**t and anti-virus program now flags AutoIt software.

    So, to reduce the number of false positive I recompiled all my EXE files using the latest AutoIt version and using the UPX file compression. The number of false positive dropped. Major anti-virus should be ok with my software now.

    Still, if you don't trust my software, simply install AutoIT (full package on your compututer) and compile each AU3 file. I have a CMD file that take the freshly compiled file and overwrite mine if you need to.

    Sorry for that, but it is out of my control.

    The new re-compiled version is now available to download.
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  17. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Thanks for trying all that Anarethos. The Antivirus companies just blanket flag all autoit compiles as "Trojans/untrustworthy/dangerous".
    Even simple bat to exe gets flagged. It's pretty poor on there behalf...
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  18. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    Thank you Anarethos but I haven't had that issue yet but sure it has happened with others. I remember back a couple yrs ago even UPX caused AV's to go wild but then it all worked out. I never trust a AV, I always investigate first then make my own decision. As always, great work. :)