Hello, Thank you very much four your wonderfull tool ! Just a small question: is it possible to preserve activation ? i'd like to copy C:\Windows\System32\spp\store\2.0 files to the recovery partition. (My system is Win 8.1 retail non OEM)
Very unlikely - you can activate Windows in Audit mode (not recommended) BUT when you run Sysprep it will wipe that activation information. I'm not aware of an override for this.
Yes. I have 1 hard drive (2 partitions) : 1. Partition (install windows) 2. Partition (data of me) => I do not want to delete. Thanks You. No.
I always activate my lappy and my wifes lappy in audit mode without any issues. So Yes you can activate in audit mode...it doesn't wipe it out but keeps it in the image.
On notebooks & PC's with OA2.x you can pre-activate & sysprep /generalize does not affect activation. If you need to activate online, activation is removed when sysprep is run.
thank you for your replys. I tried to copy token files but the access is denied in audit mode ! (i just want to preserve my windows and office activations)
damn i reading all this thread and it just confuse me, it seems there is a lot of things to do to get this tool working good, ill be honest just reading the instructions it scares me... anyone has some kinda of easy understanding guide.... how will be the process for a computer with ONE HARD DISK - 2 partitions? thank you
Hi AnarethoS, hope your well, I have a few questions (using 3.0.0.A2): 1) Is there a way to set the language in your tools so the user isn't prompted? I have removed 040C so only have 0409 but am still prompted. 2) When USB recovery media is created the key is able to boot in both legacy & uefi mode. If my install is Win7 UEFI & the end user boots the key in legacy mode, could a check be made & prompt the end user to reboot in uefi? In legacy mode the partitions are created, [W]indows & [R]ecovery are restored but ystem is empty. BCDboot must of failed (no error prompt). Booting the key correctly in uefi & all is 100% working... Thanks for your time & this great tool! update: I think I need to edit & compile RecoveryRE.au3 to force my language. ie $CurrentLanguage = "0409" & remove the code for language selection & menu above..YES THIS WORKED!
2 - if you configure your BIOS correctly in full UEFI mode then you will not get the option to boot from USB in Legacy Mode. In order to achieve this you typically have to Disable ALL CSM options!! If you can't disable them entirely then set "Boot from Storage Device" to "UEFI Only" and "Boot from Removable Media" to "UEFI Only" In reverse - if you only wanted Legacy mode - change the CSM Options to "Enable" and make sure "Boot from Storage Device" to "Legacy Only" and "Boot from Removable Media" to "Legacy Only" I would be very interested to know exactly what you changed in what files to remove the language prompt, if you have a Before/After Example you could share.
Edit RecoveryRE.au3 and remove: Code: $LanguageList = IniRead(@ScriptDir&"\Settings.ini","General","LanguageList","0409") $LanguageList = StringSplit($LanguageList,";") $LanguageSelectorData = "" for $i = 1 to $LanguageList[0] $LanguageList[$i] = IniRead(@ScriptDir&"\Settings.ini",$LanguageList[$i],"LanguageName","Missing") & " [" & StringUpper($LanguageList[$i]) & "]" $LanguageSelectorData = $LanguageSelectorData & $LanguageList[$i] & "|" Next $LanguageMenu = GuiCreate("Recovery Tools",250,75) $LanguageSelector = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Select language",10,10,230) $OkButton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("OK",100,40,50) GUICtrlSetData($LanguageSelector,$LanguageSelectorData) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit If $msg = $OKButton Then $Language = GuiCtrlRead($LanguageSelector) If StringInStr($Language,"[") Then $Language = StringRight($Language,5) $Language = StringLeft($Language,4) ExitLoop EndIf EndIf WEnd GuiDelete($LanguageMenu) Then change $CurrentLanguage = $Language to $CurrentLanguage = "0409" (for English).
Ok, in the Bios I can see (default underlined): Settings\Boot\Boot mode select: "UEFI+Legacy" or "UEFI". Boot\CSM Parameters\Launch CSM: "enabled" or "disabled" " " \Boot option filter : "UEFI + Legacy", "UEFI only" or "Legacy only" Is setting Boot mode to UEFI & CSM disabled enough for straight UEFI? Actually, I think I read somewhere you needed CSM with Win7 in UEFI so probably the filter is better... Thanks, I need to experiment!
Yeah I would experiment! Setting Launch CSM to Disabled should work on Windows 7, though it may have negative ramifications that i'm unaware of. This is technically "Full UEFI" as CSM is a Compatibility mode that bring back Legacy support. I'd also change Boot Mode to UEFI and Boot Option Filter to UEFI Only - though it should do this for you if CSM is Disabled. It can't hurt to force the settings yourself. Depending on your Graphics card you might need to do a BIOS update to a UEFI GPU BIOS. ASUS (for example) offer them on their Support Site for most nVidia cards 600 series onwards. I'm not familiar enough with AMD cards to know if they have full UEFI support but they should do.
Yeah some of the video cards now have a switch for uefi/legacy. I've gotten firmware with GOP in the past pretty quick by emailing suppliers so that's fine..
This tool is to be used from a clean install. So if you edit the settings & create your own "data" partition you'll be safe as even when you perform a factory restore (Win7).
sorry if i miss the information i am asking for but how do you make these into iso as i am making a boot sick up to hold all my boot software
For single media (iso) just open iso with ultra iso or similar and add the compiled folder (folder with all settings already setup) to the iso and save it. For a multi boot usb stick for example just add the compiled folder to the root of the usb stick so it is available for all windows installs. For both you can run the cmd file with admin rights (right click cmd file and run as admin) either from dvd or usb stick. I have used this several times this way...just put on the root of iso or usb and run it as admin from there. Works every time for me. Remember if win 7 you will either have to choose one f key function or make several compiled folder each with a different f key assignment.
Hi I am having some problems with the product key, can some one please provide an auto in attend file with the product key tags so I can I put my key for auto install. Thanks
Can this be set up to restore a daul boot Linux system, and/or can it be set up to restore Windows without affecting Ubuntu installed elsewhere on the same drive?