OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    I don't use the one provided by M$ but generate one dynamically on the computer. I have to change the setings in that case, so nothing new.

    Also, everything works out of the box with my current version!
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  2. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    #2902 AnarethoS, Apr 6, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Use default config files when using ScanState to capture customizations: Starting with Windows 10 Version 1703, you have to use the /config option with ScanState when capturing customizations. Use only one of the default configuration files included with the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK).
    These files are:
    Config_AppsAndSettings.xml – Use this configuration file to specify that both desktop applications and OS settings should be captured by the ScanState tool. 
    Config_AppsOnly.xml – Use this configuration file to specify that only desktop applications should be captured by the ScanState tool. Since desktop applications are not always well-defined, this configuration file does not guarantee that all setting related to desktop applications are captured.
    Config_SettingsOnly.xml – Use this configuration file to specify that only OS settings should be captured by the ScanState tool.
    You can modify these configuration files by setting the migrate attribute for specific components to no, but components that are already excluded from capture/migration in the default configuration files must remain excluded.
    Still the M$ web site ask to use their XML file. Anyone has the 3 XML files in question? I don't want to DL the whole ADK package just for that :D
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  3. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    #2903 AnarethoS, Apr 6, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Ok, I got the files.

    I will modify my software to use the M$ XML file and not generate them. I will be able to stop using the FART (Find And Replace Tool) software with my tools.

    I will let you know when I have finished and new version is out. Still, you can use current version.
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  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    4.0.7 is out.

    Fixed : I use the official XML file for the capture process of Windows 10. I don't need the FART tool anymore and it is removed form my package.
    Added : Italian language for Windows 7/8/10
    Removed : The FART tool (used to search/replace text in the XML file prior to Windows 10 capture)

    It works perfectly with the new Windows 10 Creator edition.
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  5. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    I hope the FART-tool doesnt make my computer smell :D

    Thanks Anarethos!
  6. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    FART = Find And Replace Tool

    Funny name, I know. Was not my tool I swear!
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  7. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  8. Dabeerchuger

    Dabeerchuger MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2017
    Kudos and Thanks for the headache relief!

    Download the tool today. Exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you for putting this together. While going through the process I was also browsing through the files included for the scripting xml files to see about customizing them for the system I am working on. I noticed that all of the supplied Autounattend.xml for Windows 10 refer to a windows 7.wim 32 bit source file.


    This is on each one of the Windows 10 Autounattend files. Planing on putting the program and processes tomorrow. But once again thank you for the time you have put into this work. Keep it up! :clap::clap::clap:
  9. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    You can treat that line like a comment for the original source. The actual commands in the unattend are compatible with 10. I'm still using the same unattend's I created for Win 7 for win8 & win10...
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  10. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    #2910 Supern00b, Apr 13, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    I can confirm that. My unattend.xml is from Win 7 era...
    As I remember there were some commands that got obsolete when W8 came out. For Windows 10 I didn't change them at all.

  11. silekonn

    silekonn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #2911 silekonn, Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited: May 3, 2017
    One question, at what point and from what location should the password be applied? I looked at all 63 posts with the word password before asking. Thanks in advance.
    P. S. The password files have an English typographical error. The last line should be "You used*." I was the guy that provided the re-write last time. Not sure if it was used, if so please indicate it and I will offer other corrections. T. I. A.

    Edit: The question might answer itself, it appears to be done from the media after the recovery software is copied and before the sysprep.
  12. Bashir khan

    Bashir khan MDL Novice

    Jun 8, 2016
    this is great sir you did great job for windows 7 and 8 for windows 10 like we dont have recovery drive like we had in 7/8 can you do like windows and alos recovery key

    Thank You
  13. Flipp3r

    Flipp3r MDL Guru

    Feb 11, 2009
    Windows 10 no longer uses a recovery partition. It has built in Reset features. Just type "reset this pc" & you'll see...
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  14. silekonn

    silekonn MDL Junior Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Is FART completely unnecessary? Just making sure the attached isn't an oversight. Thank you for your continued good work.

    RecoveryTools407\Windows 10\Windows 10 Recovery Tools\Recovery\OEM\Scripts\AppsUpdate.cmd
    ECHO *****************************
    ECHO Capturing softwares
    ECHO *****************************
    CD \
    CD OEM
    CD ScanState
    REN C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml Config-Old.xml
    REN C:\Recovery\Customizations\Recovery.ppkg Recovery-Old.ppkg
    scanstate.exe /apps /genconfig:C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml /o
    C:\Recovery\OEM\Tools\fart.exe -i C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml "displayname=\"Windows-Defender-AM-Sigs\" migrate=\"yes\"" "displayname=\"Windows-Defender-AM-Sigs\" migrate=\"no\""
    C:\Recovery\OEM\Tools\fart.exe -i C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml "displayname=\"Windows-Defender-AM-Engine\" migrate=\"yes\"" "displayname=\"Windows-Defender-AM-Engine\" migrate=\"no\""
    C:\Recovery\OEM\Tools\fart.exe -i C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml "displayname=\"Security-Malware-Windows-Defender\" migrate=\"yes\"" "displayname=\"Security-Malware-Windows-Defender\" migrate=\"no\""
    scanstate.exe /apps /config:C:\Recovery\Customizations\Config.xml /ppkg C:\Recovery\Customizations\Recovery.ppkg /o /c /v:13
  15. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    I forgot to update this script which is unsupported btw.

    I will fix it in the future.
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  16. Rab

    Rab MDL Member

    May 18, 2009
    The AutoUnatend.xml-s from the folders in "...\RecoveryTools4.0.7\Windows 8\AutoUnattend\Image on the last partition" and "...\RecoveryTools4.0.7\Windows 10\AutoUnattend\XXX - Recommended..." Is missing, or have I missunderstood something?
  17. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    This is normal since the partition layout can nont be scripted with XML. You have to manually create the partition layou before installing Windows by using the TXT file and DISKPART command (diskpart /s filename.txt).
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  18. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2918 The_Guardian, Jun 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    Seems I can no longer use this project with the multi oem/retail project anymore. This project breaks the oem branding. :( Going into audit mode stops oobe.cmd file from running. :(

    Tried with win 8.1 on my HP laptop.
  19. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    The work around for win 8.1 to work with multi oem/retail project and this project...
    -edit autounattend.xml and remove audit section and save.
    -once at first interaction screen hit ctrl/shift/f3.
    -branding will already be in place and you can now install what you wish.
  20. legacy

    legacy MDL Novice

    Jul 18, 2015
    Im having a bit of a problem on my Tablet. Im using the CE windows 10 version. All creates well using default UEFI-DEFAULT config.

    When i go to refresh/reset the Tablet from the recovery tools menu. process. The system fails with no changes.

    I had this working fine on windows 8.1 and the first release of Windows 10.

    Please can someone shed light on my problem
