Of course he can and will, he will let us translate I have translated it into swedish just to see how it would work..
Im sure you can translate it to your language to see how it works, he wont add it until its fully working of course
Hi After a good night sleep i desided to try again. I inserted disk 1 and in recovery tool i went into Tools/cmd promt/Diskpart/select disk 0/clean/exit/exit and then went to "Reinstall Windows" The proces started and when disk 3 finnished the error message popped up again. Ignored it and went to the "Boot sector repair - MBR" (do`nt know if i had to do that) And voila this time it worked and i booted in Windows There (in AUDIT mode) i tryed to open cmd/Diskpart/select Disk 0 to make a new (DATA) partition. I tryed both Primary,Extended and Logical but it refused to do that. Rebooted in to Acronis Diskdirector Suite and made the partition. First reboot failed Then i had to use the F8 option and go to the recovery tool and do the "Boot sector repair - MBR" Rebooted into Windows now with the new DATA partition. changed the assign letter so that D: DATA insted of H. (that`s just cosmetic) Later today i`ll try the script AnatheroS made. Update Unfortunatly that script did`nt work
Do you know anything about script language ? To me i`ts Chinese. If you do would you take a look at that script code Anatheros posted on page 28. and se if you can find a wrong command or whatever. THX
i found a very easy solution to resize the windows partition and create a new in AUDIT mode without using Diskpart. Navigate to Controllpanel/Computeradministration/diskmanegement (i think it`s called in English) Right click on the Windows partition an resize and after that rightclick on the unallocated part. and create a new. But i guess that most of you already knew that'
My scriptingskills isnt that good and no its not chinese. My gf is from taiwan and this makes alot more sense then she does when she's speaking chinese lol.
@AnarethoS does the recovery partition have to be 12000=12GB? Just that my backup is about half that size! 6GB!
Yep, There is a problem with my script. And an stupid error btw. Forgot a space somewhere. Here is the new version. Code: @Echo Off CLS ECHO ******************************************** ECHO This script allow the OffLine modification of SETTINGS.INI stored in the Recovery Environment. You need administrator rights to use this software. Press any key to continue or CTRL+C to quit. ECHO ******************************************** PAUSE CLS SET DISK=-1 SET RECOVERYPARTITION=-1 SET LETTER=-1 CLS ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Reading SETTINGS.INI FILE ECHO ******************************************** FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%I in ('type "%PROGRAMFILES%\RecoveryCreator\Settings.ini"') DO ( IF "%%I"=="DiskID" SET DISK=%%J IF "%%I"=="RecoveryPartitionID" SET RECOVERYPARTITION=%%J IF "%%I"=="RecoveryLetter" SET LETTER=%%J) IF "%DISK%"=="-1" GOTO ERROR IF "%RECOVERYPARTITION%"=="-1" GOTO ERROR IF "%LETTER%"=="-1" GOTO ERROR ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Disk ID : %DISK% ECHO Recovery Partition : %RECOVERYPARTITION% ECHO Recovery Letter : %LETTER% ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Mounting Recovery Partition ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Select Disk %DISK% >"%TMP%\Mount.txt" ECHO Select Partition %RECOVERYPARTITION% >>"%TMP%\Mount.Txt" ECHO Assign letter %LETTER% >>"%TMP%\Mount.Txt" Diskpart /s "%TMP%\Mount.Txt" IF NOT EXIST %LETTER% GOTO ERROR ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Mounting WINPE.WIM file ECHO ******************************************** RD /S /Q "%TMP%\MOUNT" MD "%TMP%\MOUNT" DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%LETTER%\WINPE\WINPE.WIM /MountDir:"%TMP%\Mount" /Index:1 IF NOT Exist "%TMP%\Mount\Windows" GOTO ERROR ECHO ******************************************** ECHO Notepad will open to allow you to modify the SETTINGS.INI file. Once completed, simply save your change and close notepad. ECHO ******************************************** PAUSE IF NOT Exist "%TMP%\Mount\Recovery\Settings.ini" GOTO ERROR ATTRIB -S -R -H "%TMP%\Mount\Recovery\Settings.ini" ATTRIB -S -R -H "%PROGRAMFILES%\RecoveryCreator\Settings.ini" START /WAIT NOTEPAD.EXE "%TMP%\Mount\Recovery\Settings.ini" DEL "%PROGRAMFILES%\RecoveryCreator\Settings.ini" COPY "%TMP%\Mount\Recovery\Settings.ini" "%PROGRAMFILES%\RecoveryCreator\Settings.ini" FC "%PROGRAMFILES%\RecoveryCreator\Settings.ini" "%TMP%\Mount\Recovery\Settings.ini" IF "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" GOTO ERROR ECHO ******************************************** ECHO UnMounting WINRE image ECHO ******************************************** DISM /UnMount-Wim /MountDir:"%TMP%\Mount" /Commit PAUSE GOTO QUIT :ERROR ECHO. ECHO. ECHO An error occured! PAUSE GOTO QUIT :QUIT
Also, when using the Generic image option, it gave out an error when restoring even if everything was fine. Will be fixed in next release.
you can make it smaller. Juste found that 12gb was a good size with today HDD and the fact that some people, like me, install Office 2010 Plus and many opther software, making the image arount 9gb
I think that you can change the size of it But then you have to edit the settings.ine file in the Recovery Tools folder (C:\Programfiles (x86) ) In the beginning of that ini file you`ll se this: [Settings] Languages=2 DebugLevel=0 DiskID=0 WipeUSBDVD=1 RecoveryPartitionID=1 RecoveryLetter=R: RecoveryLabel=RECOVERY BootPartitionID=2 BootLetter=S: BootLabel=SYSTEM WindowsPartitionID=3 WindowsLetter=W: WindowsLabel=WINDOWS Partition1Size=12000 Partition1Type=27 Partition1Label=RECOVERY Partition2Size=300 Partition2Type=07 Partition2Label=SYSTEM Partition3Type=07 Partition3Label=WINDOWS Just change Partition1Size=12000 to whatever you decided when running the Diskpart operation before you install Windows 7 That should be it. But only 99% shure
I should be able to post BETA 10 before Monday. Until now, here is the list of what would be fixed in next version. 2.0.0 – Beta 10 •Added a script named “OffLine Settings Update.cmd” in the “RecoveryCreator” folder that allows to changes the SETTINGS.INI file stored inside the RecoveryEnvironment. This can be useful with “Generic” image if you need to change partition configuration. •Better error handling with capture/reinstall/repair script •Better space optimization when capturing, reducing the numbers of required DVD when burning •Added an option to burn on dual-layer DVD. •Restoring from a generic image was giving an error even if everything was OK. Now fixed. •When restoring from DVD and putting DVD in the wrong order, the process may think that all files where copied while it was not, generating an error. Now fixed.
Thx I think that my answer to ambidav in post #299 only is an issue if you choose the Generic Image option. Right ?
If you want to change teh recovery partition change BEFORE installing Windows, simply put the size you want using diskpart before installing W7 and change parameters in SETTINGS.INI before installing the recovery tools. So, yes, you where right, but this works also with non-generic image, as when restoring from DVD/USB, it is the size specified there that is used to create the recovery partition.