This shouldn't be a problem, but takes longer to finish: Code: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
I Read the M$ white paper again. The Dism command I run is OK but I should not generalize the image Alsonthe resetconfig and recreatepartition file should alsonbe copied to <recoverypartition>\recovery\recoverymediaor something like that Will work on that soon.
Since win10 only installs the newest version when recovering, will I have to redo my wife laptop that was setup months ago if she gets the update to the newest version? In other words, will the old recovery still work including recovery media that was created or are they no good now if she updates her laptop? I hope I made myself clear enough.
Your old recovery will work if you modified unattend.xml to its corresponding cpu architecture of your wife's laptop, if not just update your recovery tools. Recovery Drive that created seem have problem resetting the computer as of this post and DON'T ATTEMPT TO USE THAT RECOVERY DRIVE .
Then I will need step by step instructions in order to update the tools and media so I do not have to redo her laptop just to correct the software. I really do not want to redo it from scratch again. lol
@AnarethoS when did you make your recovery drive? From first oobe boot after the audit mode? I always make mine after testing the local recovery partition.
Right now, I am testing the following scenario : - Windows 10 1709 x64 EFI - "Default with Data partition" - Using version 4.0.8 of recovery Tools - Booted without Network - Installed 4 software using Ninite (Notepad++, WinSCP, Putty and Filezilla) - Installation of all patch - Dism + ResetBase + Sysprep + Generalize - Creation of recovery drive <--- I'm here right now - Full restore In this pass, I won't test recovery (local) before recovery drive I will try on another "pass".
All in actual machine. I have a Disk images (Laptop MBR recommend with data and Desktop GPT Default with data} in audit mode before I install Recovery Tools. I remove /Resetbase parameter im currently working in laptop. I always make my recovery drive after a local reset. Now i created it from first OOBE boot and using to restore now and will check again the partition scheme after it remove. Sorry for the trouble.
Code: - Windows 10 1709 x64 EFI - "Default with Data partition" - Using version 4.0.8 of recovery Tools - Booted without Network - Installed 4 software using Ninite (Notepad++, WinSCP, Putty and Filezilla) - Installation of all patch - Dism + ResetBase + Sysprep + Generalize - Creation of recovery drive - Full restore in a new Virtual machine This worked flawlessly. Final version is 1709 16299.19 (I had installed the update in previous installation and used the ResetBased. Updates was still there).
@AnarethoS If all your test work fine, then it would seems the cause of my problem lies on scenario when I created a recovery drive. I created the recovery drive after I test the local recovery partition and then try to reset the pc using it will lead to unable to reset and make the system unbootable. Thank you responding to my problem.
Code: - Windows 10 1709 x64 EFI - "Default with Data partition" - Using version 4.0.8 of recovery Tools - Booted without Network - Installed 4 software using Ninite (Notepad++, WinSCP, Putty and Filezilla) - Installation of all patch - Dism + ResetBase + Sysprep + Generalize - First boot + OOBE - Local recovery - Creation of recovery drive - Full restore in a new Virtual machine This doesn't work. The parttion layout is OK but it fails after 1%. I will recreate the image without the "ResetBase" option and redo the full test.
Code: - Windows 10 1709 x64 EFI - "Default with Data partition" - Using version 4.0.8 of recovery Tools - Booted without Network - Installed 4 software using Ninite (Notepad++, WinSCP, Putty and Filezilla) - Installation of all patch - Sysprep + Generalize - First boot + OOBE - Local recovery - Creation of recovery drive - Full restore in a new Virtual machine Local recovery OK. Creation of partition layout OK But fails also. Next try : removing GENERALIZE option.