buhahahahaha nono,it is in italian,but if I undestand better the function I can try to find better words with few fonts edit. I can't test atm the prog,because Vmware on a netbook isn't the faster way
Ok, here is the explanation SysPrep = System preparation. Allow a system manufacturer to "Prepare" an image BEFORE sending the computer to the end-user. This allow to "by-pass" the Welcome screeen to go to a temporary user profile tahat will be delete when the system is "Syspreped" (switch back to the welcome screen). The "Generalize" option delete all drivers AND reset the SID (an unique identifier for each system. On a private computer or private lan, having the same SID on multiple computer is not a problem, but on a real Windows networks with active directory, it causes a lot of trouble sometime. So, I recommend to use the generalize option.) The "Rearm" option restart the "trial" timer to 30 days. The "Kepp drivers" function can force the computer to not erase drivers when using "Generalize". Using "Generalize" with "Keep drivers" is good when you have a lot of similar computer BUT you want to have a different SID on each of them (like in enterprise where everyone has the same brand/model of computer). The "Generic image" is for people that don't want to use Acronis or similar product. It allow to create a basic image of Windows with softwares and drivers, but withtou drivers. When using it on a target (end-user) computer, the computer continue in SYSPREP mode allowing you to add the specific drivers for this computer THEN, sysprep the computer after and create a system specific image. Read the documentation for that! The "Capture now" will mke the computer reboot into the recovery environment to create the system image. The "No sysprep" is for when the windows installation was not made in sysprep mode (not recommended) or when you are just upgrading the recovery tools and don't want to create a new image. That is the string which is too long in the Italian translation. BTW, you can not change the font used. Thanks again to all.
So, it can be translated also with "Nessuna SysPrep",but we could add explain of "sysprep" on "help" section,isn't a good idea? or a good is "Sistema non preparato" but i thin this last is already too long
Thanks, I will add the new Italian translation in the next Release. i will also rewrite some parts of the documentation to give more details/explanation. I think he software is ready, as no bugs has been reported since many days. Yeah! Thanks all!
OK, RC 1 is out. Now, I will not accept any new translation for the final version, except correction for actual supported language I will not add any new features to the software I will fixe bug and documentations errors if there is any.
Hi I`ve used this comand in 64bit version C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SYSPREP.EXE /GENERALIZE /REARM /REBOOT but when using it in 32bit sysprep will not accept it. Does anybody know why ?
You did that when completing the GENERIC image? Are you using this command on a 64 or 32 bits Windows installation? What is the error message when you try to use it? Are you doing that from a command prompt with admin rights? Thanks!
Yes when completing Geniric. No problem in 64 bit But sysprep wo`nt accept it in a 32 bit installation (AUDIT) Exactly what Sysprep said i do´nt remember and i ca`nt check it now cause i went on and typed C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SYSPREP.EXE /OOBE /REBOOT And that was accepted