and to answer the 2 question in some post earlier : 1) The WIM will be in Windows\System32\Recovery if you are in audit mode, otherwise, it will be in C:\Recovery\RandomFolder 2) The part in the documentation telling the user to accept to create theimage is when creating the NEW image after the GENERIC one. Skip this part if you are not creating a generic image
@ Tcntad tested and works great just sorry I can not write a command to produce a DATA (D) partition on installation. Maybe someone will have added this Autounattend.xml
So my autounattend.xml works for you or not? Btw: The recovery tool doesnt ask me to create a new image I prepped it, made the generic image, rebooted and restored vmware using the iso just like your document says. It booted back into audit mode, then i used your command. Rebooed manually and into recovery tools.. And then?
@ Tcntad Your autounattend.xml not work for me because it makes the partitions and do not know why. He tried several times but did not do anything. Meetings I have become a private email last night.
Probably beacuse of the <extend>true</extend> which is in third partition, move that to the data partition..
I have to manually make a data partition because I think otherwise is not. Recovery, System and Windows partitions do OK, but does not want data.
Wll, after you restore a GENERIC image on a computer, the image is deleted from the destination computer. Booting back in Recovery Tools, it should ask to create a new image. It did not? Can you check if you have file in the WIM folder on the Recovery partition? Are-you booting into recovery from the HDD to create the image? Also, BE SURE NOT TO LEAVE the ISO/USB plugged in, otherwise the Recovery tool will find them and "think" it is booted from the recovery media. Image creation is not available when booting from recovery media
This won't work. WinRE.Wim must be in a "\Recovery\WindowsRE" folder. So, do the following 1) From Windows, mount the recov ery partition. Say letter R 2) Create the following folder : R:\Recovery\WindowsRE 3) Copy R:\WINPE\WINPE.WIM to R:\Recovery\WindowsRE\WINRE.WIM (the file is renamed!) 4) Do the following command : REAGENTC.EXE /DISABLE 5) Do the following command : REAGENTC /SETREIMAGE /PATH R:\Recovery\WindowsRE 6) Do the following command : REAGENTC /ENABLE Now, it should works. Do NOT delete/rename/more the Original WINPE.WIM file, as it is required to start the recovery tools from the start menu/bootmenu/dvd/usb.
No problem. that should work. Nope it did not. I used my unattended file to create 3 partitions, I choosed windows 7 ultimate 32bit to install. Booted into Audit mode. Installed updates and some apps. Installed your recovery tool and ran it. Of course i checked generic image. It rebooted and captured fine ofcourse, after that i created a recovery dvd (iso). used a usbdrive to move it to my computer so i could connect it to vmware and boot from it. It restored just fine and then restarted normally. Then i installed some other apps, ran the "c:\windows\system32\sysprep.exe /oobe /quit" command, rebooted. and then i used F8 button to enter recovery tools, is that right? or should i use the recovery tool from windows ? lol.
Tryingo to be a little more clear about my previous post... I did all the steps following the read file, but I didn't installed any software. I guess that's why the file wasn't in the 'right place'? I used the audit mode and then oobe. Now my question... The image is built already. And I finally installed all my prograns and configuration. There's a way to build a new image now or I have to start over?
Bit of a thicko question what order do you install this? ? do you do a clean install of win 7 then this??