I just sysprepped my GF's laptop. yea the one i knocked over a cup of water. Works fine running windows 7 now. Everything was flawless! Edit: Hm why not let it create a Install.wim so i can use the generic image with other brands? Im using searchengines script Edit2: Hm.. Why did it create 2 ISO's when total size is 3.9 GB according to windows? Edit3: Can you have it check what size the iso filesize will be? If is under 4.3GB let it create one iso nomatter if you create DL DVD? And if size is above 4.3 GB it will create 2 DVD's or one DL? I also would like to see a feature to burn dvds from the program but thats unnecesary
Problem is that the SWM file that are written on the DVD are the same as the one on the USB key and the USB key is FAT32 formatted, limited to file size of 4gb. Due to "error" of splitting when spezifing 4gb file for IMAGEX (was sometime too big), I split the file to 3.7gb. Thus, losing space on DVD. Also, add 200mb for the Recovery Environment. Only solution will be to format the destination drive as NTFS, but doing that will prevent using the USB drive on non-windows hardware, so I prefer to leave in in FAT32. Also, version 2.0.1 (with Dutch and Romanian) will sonn be available. I am currenclt reinstalling all my computers at home, so I don't have time to compile it and put it on my web server. Also, I am not using the INSTALL.WIM, due to the fact the the fille will be too big to fit on a DVD or USB key (FAT32) and that splitting the WIM file during the DVD/USB creation process will take WAY too much time (was liek that in first version 1.0.X and it was a pain in the ...)
Hm Im not sure how im suppose to write a guide for this.. I wrote one some pages back which is very simple..
I have just started writing the guide. It should be complete in a couple of hours since I actually will sysprep a VM machine at the same time
I tried to install 3 x windows7 in vmware with Aautounattend.xml (3 partitions), but so far I failed to create a partition other than C-size 30 GB, as I have her permission. Now I'm not sure if more is possible in vmware. A window to enter my user vmware did not offer, but took it as the Desktop .. hehe
Hm then you didnt usemy unattended file Im soon done writing the guide. Im still waiting for the tool to capture windows.
Desktop on a laptop and it makes me Autounattend.xml partition and install Windows7 100%. VMware does not make a partition at installation. What is the cause but maybe you know who are expert in vmware. I do have vmware ver. 7.0.
I dont know actually:/ I used unattend.xml in both vmware AND my girlfriends laptop and it worked fine. Are you using the same unattend.xml file? How much space does vmware have? 20 GB? 30 GB? Im now done writing the guide woho!. I will read it and correct some errors etc. Perhaps i will make a shorter one as well.
Using your script file that autounattend.xml to 3 partitions to test. Specify disk size 40 GB. When Windows is constantly ordered only one partition. Do not do the other two as stated in autounattend.xml file (300 MB and 12000MB). In a typical installation of VMware choose to offer my version of windows, and in that window I can see that the registered user as I have the Desktop, then it is set at 1 MB Memory, and then ordered the windows to finish. In the meantime, there is nothing to offer me a window for entry of user and this bothers me. The same is happening to me or doing it from Windows installation CD or. ISO file from disk. In your fast to see that write unattend.xml? Is this correct, because I have written autounattend.xml