Thanks! I have added the language to version 2.0.3. BUT, the HELP file is just garbage. Can someone re-write it so I may complete the next release of the software? Thanks!
As you know today is already the size of 1TB drives, and more so I think that is what makes Autounattend.xml, which will also have a DATA partition for people who do not know.
I will "soon" Edit: Either Im doing something wrong or its not working..Still white windows and i can only choose english as windows language even though it has english, swedish and chinese, also i cant pick language for setup.
@ AnarethoS wonder if the installation of your Autounattend.xml asked which version I installed Windows7? In autounattend.xml at the end of scripts written version HOMEPREMIUM? Thank you.
Yes, it allo to choose which version. It is base on the file from TCNTAD, but I deleted all reference to language/keyboard layout.
Today I tested on my laptop Autounattend.xml, which was yesterday ordered AnarethoS. I went to him in only one partition (Data) and did the installation Wwindows7. Everything was loaded 100% and there was no need to CTRL + SHIFT + F3. It is also now part of the normal System Restore in Windows, which we previously did not. Thank you.
Hm weird.. Ill try create a new autounattend.xml file from you anarethos.. I believed i copied it yesterday, but i also removed the home premium line..hmm
@ Tcntad I'm at the end of the script in Autounattend.xml insert this line ( <cpifflineImage cpi:source="catalog:C:\install_windows7.clg" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /> ) instead of the one that has been before. Look.
Hm.. It does create partitions and chooses windows7 home premium but i cant pick language at all.. Edit: I Deeply apologize guys (and girls), it seems that my windows 7 iso didnt have any other languages but english......
I have updated the PDF guide on how to perform a repair or a complete systemrestore. Link is the usual one Its named "Återställningspartition (Swedish).pdf"
Anyone can translate the help file in chinese? The file sent earlier is corrupt (the help file, not the settings.ini file). thanks!