Thanks all for the translation. I will include them in the next release. Also, I will have to find a way to change the language selection menu, as there is too much language now!
Ok, version 2.0.4 is out. Added Simplified Chinese and Slovanian language Added a new language selection menu
Many languages is awesome Ill try 2.04 on moms computer later as its way faster then mine (.....) Edit 1: Updated mirror to 2.0.4.. Edit 2: Nice languagemenu! Can you make it alitlle more wider?
AnarethoS do I test Recovery with Slovenian translation tools and, unfortunately, found three errors that I have, and therefore kindly ask you to do the Slovenian translation adjustment program. Correction is made with the same translation on the forum. Help is just fine. Thank you. Updated on, 13.10 h Attached to the Slovene language section [10] ;Translated: Luky Frencesko LanguageName=Slovenski BootLanguageID=SL-SI HelpFile=Help_SL-SI.TXT RecoveryToolsDescription=Obnovitvena orodja MainMenuTitle=Glavni meni Tab1Title=Sistemsko popravilo Tab1Button1=Obnovitvena Konzola Tab1Button2=Čarovnik za popravilo Tab2Title=Sistemska obnovitev Tab2Button1=Popravilo Windows Tab2Button2=Reinstalacija Windows Tab2Button3=Čarovnik za popravilo - MBR Tab3Title=Orodja Tab3Button1=Iskalnik datotek Tab3Button2=Pomoč Tab3Button3=Ukazna vrstica Tab4Title=Izklopi/Ponovni zagon Tab4Button1=Izklopi računalnik Tab4Button2=Ponovni zagon računalnika ErrorFileTitle=Napaka ErrorFileText=Ne morem odpreti datoteke! ErrorTitle=Napaka ErrorText=Prišlo je do napake. Proces se je ustavil. PasswordTitle=Vnesite geslo PasswordText=Obnovitvena orodja so zaščitena z geslom. Prosim vnesite geslo. PasswordTitleError=Napaka! PasswordTextError=Napačno geslo. Prosim vnesite ga ponovno. CaptureImageTitle=Nobene sistemske obnovitvene točke ni bilo najdene. CaptureImageText=Želite ustvariti novo sistemsko obnovitveno točko? NoImageErrorTitle=Nobene sistemske obnovitvene točke ni bilo najdene. NoImageErrorText=Ne morem nadaljevati. Nobena sistemska obnovitvena točka ni bila najdena. OperationInProgressTitle=Operacija v teku OperationInProgressText=Prosim počakajte dokler se odvija željena operacija NextDiskTitle=Nasledni disk NextDiskText=Prosim vstavite nasledni disk InstallMenuTitle=Obnovitvena orodja nameščena SourceGroupTitle=WinRE Konzola WinRePathLabelText=Prosim kliknite iskanje za izbiro datotek WinReBrowse=Iskanje WinReFileBrowseDialog=Prosim izberite winRE.wim datoteko WinReBrowseFilter=Wim datoteka (*.wim) PasswordGroupTitle=Geslo Password1RadioText=Ni gesla Password2RadioText=Potrebno je geslo DriversGroupTitle=Driverji Drivers1RadioText=Ne dodaj driverjev Drivers2RadioText=Dodaj driverje InstallPasswordTitle=Geslo InstallPasswordText=Prosim vnesite geslo. To geslo bo potrebno vedno ko boste uporabljali Obnovitvena orodja. InstallDriversTitle=Prosim izberite mapo, ki vsebuje driverje. SysprepGroupTitle=Sysprep and capture Sysprep1CheckText=Generalize Sysprep2CheckText=Rearm Sysprep3CheckText=Obdrži Driverje Sysprep4CheckText=Zajemi Sysprep5CheckText=No sysprep Sysprep6CheckText=Generiranje Image InstallButtonText=Namestitev InstallNoReSelectedTitle=Napaka InstallNoReSelectedText=Nobena winRE.wim datoteka ni izbrana! UsbMessage=To orodje bo ustvarilo USB ključek za obnovitev sistema. Vse datoteke na disku bodo izbrisane. Kliknite OK če želite nadaljevati. UsbMessageSize=Required space : Potrebni prostor UsbTitle=USB disk se ustvarja UsbSelectDrive=Prosim izberite željeni disk UsbTooSmallTitle=Napaka! UsbTooSmallText=Ta disk nima dovolj prostora! BootPETitle=Zaženi obnovitvena orodja BootPEMessage=Računalnik se bo ponovno zagnal za zagon obnovitvenega orodja. Nadaljujem? RecoveryMenuTitle=Media Creator RecoveryButton1Text=Zaženi obnovitvena orodja RecoveryButton2Text=Ustvari DVD (ISO) RecoveryButton3Text=Ustvari DVD (ISO) (Dvoslojni) RecoveryButton4Text=Ustvari USB drive RecoveryWarningTitle=Popravilo Windows RecoveryWarningText=To bo ponovno namestilo Windows in obdržalo vse vaše osebne datoteka na računalniku. Želite nadaljevati? ReinstallWarningTitle=Ponovna namestitev Windows ReinstallWarningText=To bo ponovno namestilo Windows in pobrisalo vse vaše osebne datoteke iz računalnika?
I will make the correction in the next release. For the problem you shown me on the pictures, I will have to rewrite the whole menu to fix it. Can't you use abbreviation to shorten the words?
2.0.5 is out. Juste an update to the Slovenian language, nothing else. @TcnTad : No, theres is no new options/bugfixes for now. Adding new option will force me to have the language file re-done for each language anyway and for the bugs fixes, there is nothing really to fix right now I think.
Havent found anything else that needs an immediate fix hehe. Looks like the tool is good to go! Just about the language menues.. Make it wider and also how about when you select language, the others will be removed but english?
Correct, DE-DE is german and nl-nl is dutch (Nederland) Regarding the "Windows loading".. Hm shoudnt affect windows itself beacuse its just language for the recoverytool but lets see if i can take a look at it as well maybe.
Well, it was a type error on my side. It is in German (Deutsch). Thanks for correcting me Will fix it in the next release.
@tcntad the 'Windows Loading' message is affected by the "BootLanguageID" entry in settings.ini, when changed to 'BootLanguageID=NL-NL' it shows the correct message @AnarethoS, np... just noticing and reporting
Although in general i like the menu to choose the language Recovery tools are displayed in, would it be possible to specify a default language the 'System preparer' can specify to use? (and thus not display the language choice dialog)
You... You stole my idea!, Ill report you to MDL ... Yea, thats my idea too, Could keep english as well or perhaps the language windows is in and delete the rest?