Yep, Thats better - however a small issue. When you "launch the recovery tools automatically" and run restore it provides you with a windows confirming its done and do you want to re-start the system - which is does, but you boot back into the recover. ?? Documentation is much better - just need to correct a few spelling mistakes (Recovvery) and maybe include as a PDF not Word Document? Excellent work!
Hey - is MFC Free? if so doyou have a link or are you going to add and provide a sample of the menu's using MFC?
That is werid, because when using the "Launch recovery tools" from Windows, it modify the bootloader which get restored when booting the recovery tools. If you just launch the tools from Windows and, once booted, you quit it without restoring anything, does it go back to Windows, or does it go back to the recovery tools again and again? Anyway, next version will rewrite the boot manager (not the mbr) after a full restore/repair and will have a fixed documentation
Simply because I am not a programmer, but a scripter and I already know AutoIt, while the only programming language I know is JAVA, in a console environment (thanks to the University). Also, AutoIt can easily compiled to 32 and 64 bits and do not require any special DLL to run.
Version 1.0.9 is out! - Boot manager is now rewritten after a repair/restore - Documentation now also in PDF
OK, will test now, and feedback, have not had chance to check the things you said, as i need to do a fresh install, so will do that with v9
Documentation - Great - Nice to see the PDF Installations - 100% Perfect Creation of DVD Media - 100% Perfect Partition Recovery = Boots OK, re-boots back into windows - after taking NO action and then Running full restore = OK = 100% perfect DVD Media = Boots OK, Full Restore = OK - 100% Perfect Thats it you have made the perfect FREE Recovery Option - that provides an easy to use and stable platform. For the future - I would like to see the "User Account Control" popup you get when selecting Create Recovery Media or Boot into Recovery disappear, not sure if you are able to get rid of thisl. T H A N K Y O U !
I can't make the UAC pop-up disapear, since I have to mount the recovery partition, which can be only done with admin rights. Sorry! Thanks for your comments and your time for testing everything! Hope this will be of some use to some people.
Does not work on any other win7 pc I have used it on other than my own...rather odd. Same error as brainsuck on the other pcs.
It is in this folder now I can get out booting my mri disc in pe to copy the file and put it on the root of the drive and still cant find it?