I guess you have to open the diskmanager and assign a letter to the recovery partition and then delete the wim file.
That will work, but do not delete the Wim folder, only the fil in it. Also, you can boot into the recovery environment, launch the file browser and delete the file from there. Next time the recovery environment will start and the Wim file is not there, you will be prompted to create a new one.
Yes, new beta. There are just minors change. I made it a beta since I don't have lot of time to test it and will be faster if people help me by testing it. I modified the Capture/Repair/Reinstall/Reinstall from DVD/Reinstall from USB/Reinstall from DL DVD scripts and I just want to be sure that everything works as expected. Here are the changes - Progress indicator - I modified the help file of each language to remove the "Help" button from it. (If your are reading the help, you know where is the button, no?) - I put a new wallpaper. If you have anything better/cooler, please put it there. I will use the best one. Something "geeky" or "techie" will be cool I think
Open an Command Prompt with ADMIN RIGHTS and launch DISKPART Type the following, supposing you didn't change the partition layout Code: Select disk 0 Select partition 1 Assign letter R Exit Then, from the Windows Explorer, go to drive R, into the WIM folder and delete all the SWM files from there.
Tested the beta version 2.0.7 and works without error. The background is great, but also reflects the situation at the end of the process. Thanks to author.
Nice with an update from you Anarethos, I'll see if I can try it tomorrow or perhaps now.. Im alittle sick but thanks for the update!
How nice to use a background image from win95/98 Like freestyler said; perhaps you can combine them in B2? Edit: Some minor stuff 1: Autounattend\help.texe, misspell "version fo Windows" 2: There is a cgi offline image file in that unattended file for picking home premium, can i still pick my version? 3: I will work on the step by step guide soon again, to update it obviously. 4: I will look through all my guides actually! 5: For me it says "Sc%" and it doesnt seem to capture, after installing windows and the tool in audit mode, it said i had to restart the computer beacuse of an windows update blablablablabla but i just turned it off, maybe i should do it all over again Edit: Now at 7% Edit 2: 40% Im announcing that I will rewrite my sysprep guide some day, its still valid and works fine, but I need to update it for 2.0.7 Beta 1 and make other changes, it might seem its too much for the user to read beacuse the whole document is at 30 pages although it isnt that much but still, I want to make things easier and not harder Edit 3: I redid the process.. and ended up with a bsod when windows was starting.. I used the unattended file for 3 partitions and booted into audit mode automatically. Installed 18 windows update (the onesd that was left) and installed 207 B1, everything went perfectly until the restart..