My script use WinRE since all file are already on the computer. Using WinPE or WinBuilder would require downloading WAIK, which is too big just for using it to create a local recovery partition. And the purpose of using WinRE is juste to repair/reinstall from a WIM file, not to do a full Windows setup, so it use 64bits WinRE for 64bits Windows or 32bits WinRE for 32bits Windows.
Is there any way to keep the key in the recovery image? For example maybe insert and activate key during oobe? I did this on a system with SLIC 2.0 on an OEM key and upon reboot I had to re-enter the key and reactivate it. P.S. - Great work. The only thing I didn't test out was the disc method. That's a pray and hope it works.
2.0.8 is out. - Added support for TrueCrypt - Fixed a bug when reinstalling Windows from the recovery partition. There where quotes (") in the volume name. EDIT Version 2.0.8 was removed. There was a bug. And a major one! When launching the Recovery Tools from Windows....well, you can't come back The bootmanager backup was on the WINDOWS partition, crypted, and you are stuck in a loop rebooting into the recovery tools everytime. I will have to disable the option to launch the recovery tool from within Windows OR to move the backup of the boot manager to the BOOT partition. EDIT2 Ok. Back again. The backup of the bootmanager is now done on the BOOT partition. Should work. Please test under VmWare to be sure....
Hey, I did everything perfectly as described in the step-by-step, installed updates and installed application, however whenever I select "Install" after selecting WinRE.WIM: a CMD window appears and then disappears Windows 7 appears to "auto play" the recovery partition R This immediately disappears and Windows 7 asks if this installer has completed correctly Have you got any suggestions? I'm at a friend's house now and would love to leave soon. I'd be happy enough just to leave AUDIT Mode, but can't figure out how! Help would be appreciated! Other than that, I really want to use this tool! Such a great idea. Thanks!
The message about is the installer has completed normally is normal. Simply select "Yes" For the AutoPlay, it is normal also. Since the recovery partition got mounted, Windows autorun-it. BUT, you tells me that the Command Prompt Windows close rapidly. This is NOT normal. Set the DEBUT vaule to 5 in Settings.Ini and then try again. The script will pause after each step.
Thanks for your response! Unfortunately I decided it'd be best just to format the installation and try again. This time I didn't bother installing anything except drivers and it worked fine! Roddy great tool Many thanks!
A million thx ain't enough for me to appreciate ur work on this oem recovery software! seriously i've been stuck configuring how to get the original (0r close) system image back cuz i accidentally chose the wrong restore point and hadn't created the backup yet.. so.. thank u very much again! ^___^
I had some free time, so i tried 2.0.8, and went back to try out the Recovery process. I pressed reinstall windows and the please wait thing came up and the indicator box flashed up and then quickly went off, then the please wait thing went off and I was back to the main menu. I pressed reinstall windows again and it did the same thing. It looked like it was going to do the recovery process, but I guess there was a problem. I ended up trying the repair windows, and that worked. I thought maybe I messed up the original install of windows, so i started with a fresh copy of windows again, and it did the same thing again. Version: x64 I decided to go back to 2.0.7, because I knew that the reinstall windows worked. 2.0.7: Indicator goes to 99% and there no more room in that box, so blue indicator goes off and starts again at 10% and that’s it, it looked like it could not go from 99% to 100%, so it started out again, just to 10%. It's a very nice program, just giving feedback.
Similar behavior is seen on version 2.0.8, when it reaches 99% when capturing it switches to 10% for a second or so, after that it finishes EDIT: When 'Repairing Windows' on version 2.0.8, when applying the image reaches 99% it also quickly switches to 10% for a few seconds, after that it finishes
I also encountered similair behaviour trying to 'Reinstall Windows' using 2.0.8 with Windows 7 x86, bug? The 'Applying image' progress indicator flashes for a second or so and then immediatly returns to Recovery Tool mean menu. 'Repair Windows' works OK
Seems to be a slight bug yea. Hopefulyl and possibly i should have some money soon hehe, then ill test 208 in vmware (Of course) But Ill also test other things.
Thanks all for your comment. For the problem with "Reinstalling Windows", I would like someone to try the following before I make a new release. You don't have to completly reinstall your test system. You can make an "Upgrade" following my guide. In the "OEM Partition Recovery Creator - 2.0.8\Installer\RecoveryEnvironment\Recovery\Files" folder, edit the file "Reinstall.Cmd". Replace it contents with the following code. Code: @Echo Off REM ***************************************************** REM ARG1 = Debug mode (0=Normal, 5=Debug) REM ARG2 = Windows partition letter REM ARG3 = Recovery Partition letter REM ARG4 = Boot partition REM ARG5 = Windows Partition Label REM ***************************************************** CLS SET IMAGEX=IMAGEX%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE SET WINDOWS=%2 SET RECOVERY=%3 SET BOOT=%4 SET LABEL=%5 SET LABEL=%LABEL:~1,-1% SET ERROR=1 ECHO Imagex Version : %IMAGEX% ECHO Windows partition : %WINDOWS% ECHO Recovery partition : %RECOVERY% ECHO Boot partition : %BOOT% ECHO Windows Partition Label : %LABEL% IF "%1%"=="5" PAUSE IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERY%\WIM\IMAGE.SWM EXIT 1 IF NOT EXIST %WINDOWS% EXIT 1 IF NOT EXIST %RECOVERY% EXIT 1 IF NOT EXIST %BOOT% EXIT 1 X: FORMAT %WINDOWS% /FS:NTFS /Q /FORCE /V:%LABEL% %~dp0APPLY%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.EXE %~dp0%IMAGEX% /REF %RECOVERY%\Wim\Image*.swm /apply %RECOVERY%\wim\Image.swm 1 %WINDOWS%\ IF EXIST "%RECOVERY%\WIM\Generic.Id" ( RD /S /Q "%RECOVERY%\WIM" MD "%RECOVERY%\WIM") IF EXIST "%RECOVERY%\Update" IF EXIST "%WINDOWS%\Program Files\RecoveryCreator" ( RD /S /Q "%WINDOWS%\Program Files\RecoveryCreator" XCOPY /SEVHK "%RECOVERY%\Update\*.*" "%WINDOWS%\Program Files\RecoveryCreator\") IF EXIST "%RECOVERY%\Update" IF EXIST "%WINDOWS%\Program Files (X86)\RecoveryCreator" ( RD /S /Q "%WINDOWS%\Program Files (X86)\RecoveryCreator" XCOPY /SEVHK "%RECOVERY%\Update\*.*" "%WINDOWS%\Program Files (X86)\RecoveryCreator\") IF EXIST %WINDOWS%\WINDOWS SET ERROR=0 IF "%1%"=="5" PAUSE EXIT %ERROR% Then, in the "OEM Partition Recovery Creator - 2.0.8\Installer", launch the "UpdateX86.cmd" or the "UpdateAMD64.cmd" file corresponding to your system and follow on-screen instruction. You should then be able to completly reinstall your computer. Thanks!
Stupid computer (minte..) Thanks, Lets see if i can test this later or perhaps tomorrow. So edit repair.cmd and then launch update.cmd (or reinstall as in my case)
I have fixed the problem when capturing/applying image where it goes from 99% to 10% Image output this way : [ 5% ] Capturing Image [ 45% ] Capturing Image [ 99% ] Capturing Image [ 100% ] Capturing Image I was then modyfing the string to got like this : 5CapturingImage 45CapturingImage 99CapturingImage 100CapturingImage Then, I was checking if the 2 first caracters where numbers. It not, I check only the first and set the progress bar to this number. Problem, 100% is 3 numbers. Since I was checking only for 2 numbers, 100% switched to 10% Now fixed. The new binaries will be available in version 2.0.9 (Just waigint to know if the new Reinstall.Cmd works.