To those you are getting problems finding the WINRE.WIM file, don't forget that this tools works only on CLEAN installation of Windows 7 and that the computer SHOULD be in AUDIT mode (CTRL+SHIFT+F3 during the initial setup, while thay ask for the user nam and the computer name). Otherwise, my tools may be unable to fid the specified file. Also, please be sure to use the disk configuration (3 partitions, 1=Recovery, 2=system, 3=Windows) like it is described in help.
My recovery tools do the following to find the WINRE.WIM file If a folder named RECOVERY exist on the C:\ drive, it search for it for the file WINRE.WIM file. If not RECOVERY folder exist, it search the file in C:\Windows\System32\Recovery. BUT, if the recovery folder exist and no WIM file exist in it, you will get an error, even if the file exist in C:\Windows\System32\Recovery. You may try to type the following command in a command prompt : reagentc.exe /disable
and sorry for my lack of response in the last day, had asthma problems and had to go to the hospital (yep, smoking + asthma + common cold don't mix well!)
Some things of note, my winre.wim was actually winRE.wim... And Sysprep wont run if there's a need for a reboot (update/driver etc)... Other than that.. LOVE IT! About to run the sysprep command now.. Wish me luck!
For the name of the file, capitals letters are not important. under Windows, there is no difference between capitals and non-capitals letter for file name For sysprep, it must be run when everything is installed, updates done, computer rebooted, etc. Did it worked? Also, are-you installing 32 or 64 bits?
Numerous false starts..... The filename seemed to make a difference.. First dozen or so attempts couldn't find the file at all. I REM'd the lines out after creating the WINPE directory and placing the file there as winre.wim My first full attempt failed because the sequence wasn't in order, no image created. 2nd I stuffed up by installing way too much stuff.. I believe O&O Defrag Professional or Daemon Tools Lite caused a setup error after exiting Audit mode. 3rd attempt, just updates + Anti-Virus and she's purring.. Already restored it twice just for the hell of it Absolutely love it! Much appreciated Had problems installing via Media.. Would always instantly copy files to HDD, but then sit at 0% on the next phase... Put the files on a USB drive and made it bootable, worked beautifully! Especially storing the process files on it too... Going to perfect the process P.S. Win7 x64 Ultimate, but going back to Professional to lose a lil bloat that I don't use anyway. Addendum; The recovery tools etc aren't placed in the correct directories... %systemdrive%:\Program Files\ instead of %systemdrive%:\Program Files (x86)\ Could just be a shortcut in the lnk files? Nope.. "Start in" was correct, but the Target was wrong.
Major problems with Win7 Professional (x64). Will not detect winRE.wim and it's bugging me.. I ended up and commenting out the relevant lines. It's a permissions thing for some reason.. But that's not the worst of it... There's also permission problems running sysprep States that it can't be found..*sighs* Obviously it's there, because apon looking at the folder it's displayed.. along with Changing into the directory and listing it's contents within a Command Prompt, Same with winRE.wim Any ideas? This is post installing just the updates.. Nothing else. Think I've found it.. Problem was the process wmpnetwk.exe wasn't terminated.. Doing it manually seems to be running now... Why is it being so tempramental?
Ok, thanks for you comment. First, I fixed (DL link will come later) the problem of finding WinRE.WIM file. My script was not copying the winRE.wim file from the Windows directory if it found a Recovery folder, but sometime the recovery folder is empty so my script crash. Now, it will copy from Windows directory FIRST, then search in recovery directory if nothing can be found. For the process wmpnetwk.exe , my script is supposed to kill it before doing sysprep. You can find it in the Install.cmd file, with the line : TASKKILL /IM wmpnetwk.exe /F. For the "Program Files (x86)", I thought that everything was copied to "Program Files" since my EXE are 64bits. I will have to check that to be sure. I will have to install a 64bits windows to check this out. For you problem with some software/drivers , On my Aspire one, doing a sysprep with generalize completly carsh the computer and i end-up with a BSOD. If you don't plan to use the recovery image on another indetical computer, you may select the option "Sysprep - Keep drivers / Rearm" (Option 4). It should works.
I believe that the problem was purely due to the process not being killed. Yes I found your entry the batch file in regards to wmpn<blah>.exe The links.. I'm guessing there was a %ProgramFiles% reference difference in creation. Was successful either way in the end Thanks again.
You are right, I checked my shorcun under a 64-bits install. There was a wrong reference. Now fixed. Will post version 1.0.10 later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for you input!
Looking at the picture, it seem that partition 1 is you system reserver partition. Are you running my script with a computer configurer with the specified partition configuration? Is your computer in audit mode?
Another test complete - Just need to correct this... "Recenv.exe does not appear within the Recovery Dir? [3] Text=Recovery Console Command=X:\sources\recovery\recenv.exe Params= WorkDir=X:\sources\recovery
Windows 7 - x64 (Professional) - The problem is still there.. Unable to find winre.wim and also unable to run sysprep.exe I believe the problem is permissions.. Even though we're running as "Administrator", I don't beleive we have Super-User permissions for these file... I'm in the process of doing a full update now on a fresh install to test my "theory". With luck, I should have an answer within 30 mins or so. H.