hello when this new version are always eagerly awaited I know this is hard work are I congratulate you; I work on a restoration with winpe v3.X son program recovery tool actually live cd but I expect the agreement to use Mr. anarethos its software and put my winpe are shared if he is tuned I will put it for download I've done for me it works very well, no need to key on the keyboard just is bootable cd restore the image and also lots of other project on this great tool to advance thank you !!!!!!!
Hi AnarethoS & tcntad, I had another thought, how about adding a update image button. that would be very handy. Is that possible for the next release
Hm believe there is a way to update it, by first removing and then booting into recovery tools but Im not sure. A button could be something..But why? You install all the apps needed first? Would there be a way for you to read before asking?
Agreed you do install apps first, but if for you forget something, or you change the purpose of your pc then you recover uninstall or install the required apps and update, would you not agree. For eg like samsung tool offers for customer back up and recovery
Recovery cd is not working After success full sysprep ; i jus created recovery media(4.7 DVD opt) for my pc. i got 2 images, which have 3.9gb and 300Mb respectively. and writed in to 1 dvd and 1cd. When i tried to recover after successful copying of DVD it will prompt to insert next disk. when i insert IInd cd into DIVE it will not detect. and message popup again. ***(From where did i get the source code of this program???)************** Pls reply?
I just had another thought, having to install windows 7 home pre, then you get someone who want pro or ultimate. my thought is. is it possible to get the recovery tools to ask which product you want then enter the product key. so the procedure would be boot and install a general recovery with apps , choose win 7 product ie home pre enter product key install drivers if any needed update image with a recovery update button what do you think good idea, is it possble and can it be done in 2.1 or 2.1.1
You could probably replace the IMAGE.SWM in the hidden partition with the DVD install.wim but it wouldn't have any customizations, drivers or applications in the image. Not sure if it would actually work though... EDIT: Ya, this won't work. It would be easier to just put the install DVD in and perform an upgrade install.
Polish language AnarethoS a very good job. Please add to your project the Polish language. Annex files are checked adds Polish. Thank you.
Install/create the image with HOME/HOME Premium. If the user want to install, use Windows Anytime upgrade....
Version 2.1.0 is out! 2.1.0 - Added F7 option to start recovery tool - Added spanish - Upgrading from 2.0.X will work, but F7 option will stop working if the computer is restored from the backup, as the Scheduled task to enable the option will be missing. Re-installing the recovery tolls after a restore is the only option aside recreating a new image.
Hi, This is great job, I am not able to download form the link in the first post, is it only problem for me? Any other mirror please !!!