im seeding have been for 48hrs, check port on router and pos turn off router and turn on after 30s. or your provider has capped you!!!!!
@AnarethoS An idea to be able to make multi-language capture.au3 & apply.au3 While selecting language or defining default language write an additional entry to settings.ini, for example: ChoosenLanguage in capture.au3 & apply.au3 you then read this info like this: Code: $DefaultLanguage=IniRead("settings.ini","settings","DefaultLanguage",-1) if $DefaultLanguage = -1 then $ChoosenLanguage=IniRead("settings.ini","settings","ChoosenLanguage",-1) Else $ChoosenLanguage = $DefaultLanguage endif $CaptureTitle=IniRead("settings.ini",$ChoosenLanguage,"CaptureTitle","") $CaptureDescription=IniRead("settings.ini",$ChoosenLanguage,"CaptureDescription","") $CaptureProgress=IniRead("settings.ini",$ChoosenLanguage,"CaptureProgress","")
I restarted re-seeding for the night. Will stop tomorrow morning (gmt -5 at 7am) For the capture/apply, I will check what I can do. This will require adding the missing strings for all language (I may make it switch back to English if string is missing). Will do this somewhere in the summer, vacation time Btw, I am going in vacation next week, - No electricity - No internet - No phone - No cell-phone - Not even AM/FM radio So I won't be able to help
im trying to mount a one of @AnarethoS Custom wims files and getting error after error, can someone give me any tips.... or third party software that will allow me to do it with read and write.... And also if i can edit it on a mac/linux machine if easier
If your are trying to mount a SWM file, it won works! You ahve to export them back to WIM format first using IMAGEX with the /EXPORT option and the /REF (to specify all SWM file) also.
@ anarethos working gr8 all stuff work perfectly.... this is open source right !! then how can i get source code ??? can u give me idea or link to source code. When computer boot in recovery mode ( it's actually winre ) its load only main menu nothing then that.. i'm also wanna same thing how can u do that can u explain .. thanx in advance
Well... the code for the menu are in the AU3 files in the SOURCES folder of the INSTALLER folder. You need to recompile using AUTOIT in both 32bits and 64bits format. The GUI is just a frontend for launching CMD files. They are at many place. Just edit all of them if required. The gui is launched by WinRE using the WINPESHL.INI, like this : [LaunchApp] AppPath=X:\Recovery\Recovery.exe The WINPE letter is always X. Goot luck!
Please help! The tool Diskpart I unlocked the hidden partition (R). I used the commands: 1. Select disk 0 2. Select partition 1 3. Assign letter R 4. Exit Which in the Diskpart command-u back the same partition key that is not visible. Thank you!
Again go to disk part 1. select disk 0 2. select partition 1 3. assign letter R 4. set id=27 5. exit restart your computer Not sure but may be help
Isn't it the otherway around? I believe to make it visible you need to use 'set id=07' [edit] nevermind.... didn't read good, you are absolutly right
You can also do the following Code: SELECT DISK 0 SELECT PARTITION 1 SET ID=27 REMOVE No need to reboot then