OEM Recovery Partition Creator for Windows

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by AnarethoS, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    Hi everyone!
    After a few months without upgrade, I am happy to present you my BASIC version of the recovery tool. Both the original and basic version can be found in the first post of this thread.

    Why a basic version? Well, although I like my current tools, I found them not really usable by system manufacturer since they depend of external software. Also, the need to use a lot of differents scripts, the need for translation made the software hard to update and to maintain.

    The basic version use built-in Windows 7 tools for system recovery. It is 100% compatible with Microsoft reccomendation for hard-disk based recovery. Also, it support Bit-Locker. And since it use built-in tool, there is no need for translation.

    There is a lot of difference between the original and basic version of the tools. and there we go.

    What you loose
    - Ability to create USB media recovery. New method use System Image that require a System Repair Disc. Power-User can put it on a USB key, but there is no direct support for that. The system image can be on DVD or USB drive.
    - File browser. None is included
    - Password support. When using the Recovery environement, it ask for the Windows user account password.
    - TrueCrypt support.

    What you win
    - No translation needed. Use built-in Windows tools
    - Better help, since M$ already had written them :)
    - Full integration with the Recovery Environment
    - 100% M$ EULA compliant. User can not switch OS language (when multiple language as been slipstreamed) even after restore
    - 100% graphical gui for the user.
    - Nothing to configure, as partition layout can not be changed to support M$ recovery solution.
    - Bit-Locker support
    - Faster image creation (no splitting)

    For now, I will continue to support both version. Time will tell if I stop one of them.

    Thanks again!
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  2. agrajag

    agrajag MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2011
    RecoveryTools2.1.1 Installer fails crc check and hints password might be wrong?


    This looks to be a great tool set, thanks for creating this.

    I've been working through the documentation and help videos on using the Anarethos Recovery tools 2.1.1. I am at the point where I have installed the AIK, and when I kick of the installer for RecoveryTools2.1.1 after reading the tech note and identifying what it says the password is, it fails to extract the file with the following message

    "CRC failed in the encrypted file "Documentation\Instructions.doc"
    (wrong password?)
    Unexpected end of archive

    The downloaded file appears to only be 366 KB in size, is this the expected file size for it? Do you have a md5sum of the file that we can use to verify the download?

  3. agrajag

    agrajag MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2011
    OK - GOT IT, had to do a torrent download from macOS to actually get the full 23MB file. That worked with the password as stated in the installer notes text as you run it. Just an FYI, I could not get a windows 7 IE or Firefox to DL the file, only safari on mac os :confused:
  4. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009

    My web server is running IIS and I never had any problem DL file from it.

    Hope you will like my software :)
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  5. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    - I have added a new script in the BASIC version that can convert from the ORIGINAL to the BASIC version. I don't plan to do a script to do the opposite for now.

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  6. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
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  7. agrajag

    agrajag MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2011
    Basic method works great!


    So the new basic method worked great, I was able to complete the steps I listed and complete the windows install over the disk layout provided by the Autounattend.xml file. Auditing the post install disk layout, its exactly as you indicated in your diskpart instructions from the original method.

    I was working on getting the Original Windows 7 OEM Recovery Partition Tools creator in place before working with the basic, version. So I have some questions on the differences between the two at this point. Now that I understand the full scope of activity I might go back and try to make the original work again, as it appears to have a more robust recovery environment than the newer "Basic" version of the tools.

    With the simple version of the recovery tool, it looks like there is no longer a boot option to go into the recovery tools, is this correct or did I do something wrong along the way as compared to the Original Version of the tool? The original version provides a "recovery environment" gui that offered basic file browsing and other tools including "recover system"

    Now in the basic version I do not see this pre-boot env and GUI. It appears that the only way to trigger recovery would be to boot into the working windows installation and run the "c:\Windows\FullRestore.cmd" that sets the system to boot into recovery on next restart. This of course assumes the windows environment will/can start up properly. What would be the method for starting the recovery when you CAN NOT boot all the way up into windows and run. Is there some kind of external trigger that can be used to trigger recovery on the system in that scenario or am I missing something?

    It would seem that basic is usable, but requires a working windows boot to kick off the recovery, while the Original version of the tools provides a much more powerful recovery pre-boot environment. Is this the case, or am I dorking out on the the Basic vs Original approaches?

    Thanks again for you work on this awesome toolset. :worthy:
  8. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    In the ORIGIANL version, you where able to access the Recovery Environment by :
    - Using the shortcut in the Start Menu
    - Pressing F7 at boot
    - Pressing F8 at boot and selecting "Repair the computer" (or something like that)
    - Pressing F8 at boot, pressing ESC then TAB to select "Recovery Tools" in the "Tools" sectiong along the "Memory Test".

    In the BASIC version, you can access the recovery tools by :
    - Pressing F7 at boot
    - Pressing F8 at boot and selecting "Repair my computer"
    - Using the "Reinstall Windows" option from the "Advanced Recovery Methods" which can be reached either by using the shortcut in the "Start Menu" or by going to "Recover" and then "Advanced Recovery Methods" from the "Control Panel".

    The "FullRecovery.cmd" file should be only used if you plan to re-sell the computer and you want to erase all trace of previous run. No data will be preserved. In the cas of a installation with multiple-langue, you will get back the language choice after the recovery. This is good to use once you have fihiched testing the recovery method and want to "re-seal" the computer for the end-user.

    The basic version offer "official" M$ way to recover a system and use built-in fonctionnality. The "Original" version use a custom builted system to recover the system. The original version also gives you a File Browser while the basic version does'nt include one. The basic version requires your Windows password to be used, while the original version use a different password. Problem is, if you forget your "Recovery" password, you can't use the "original" recovery system. On the other hand, if you forgot your Windows password, you can't use the "basic" recovery solution.

    The "original" version target more power-user, home technician and so one, while the "basic" version targets more OEM manufacturer that make "clones" computer but whant to offer a easy-to-use resovery system for the end-user while respectif M$ reccomendation/requirments.

    Hope that helps :D
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  9. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009

    Please note the the F8/F7 method of the BASIC version will works only after the completion of the OOBE and the reboot of the computer. You can't go to the Recovery Environment without going through the OOBE at first. The Recovery Environment is enabled by Windows upcon completion of the OOBE part.
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  10. agrajag

    agrajag MDL Novice

    Sep 26, 2011
    Worked great! Thanks for the clarifications!

    Thank you for the clarification on the 2 versions of the tools (Original and Basic). I was able to test recovering the OS install from my test with the "Basic" approach using the windows recovery tools, as you indicated. Thanks again for your help and the awesome toolset!

  11. coolbuddy

    coolbuddy MDL Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    I have read the documentation but still have some doubts(iam not a computer techie).Please clarify me.
    1. I want to create 4 partitions in the order System(300MB),Windows(80GB),Data(160GB),Recovery(12GB).Should i have to create partitions in the same order(as i mentioned)before Windows 7 installation or can i modify after win 7 install.How to do it?
    2. How to edit settings.ini file?Where it is located?.Should i edit settings.ini file before installing recovery tool?
  12. 01e6e10

    01e6e10 MDL Novice

    Oct 2, 2009
    1. You should edit Autounattend.XML file for it
    2. In original version
  13. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    Hi when i do a recovery, it keeps the windows.old folder, is there a way to correct this or am i doing something wrong... please help
    this is the basic version
  14. Weedy

    Weedy MDL Member

    Mar 9, 2011
    If you cared to read the instructions, you would know that there is a .bat file in the windows folder to do a full restore.
  15. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    ok thanks for the info - no need to be so blunt about it..... but whats the point you format for one main reason.... to delete infection or to start from fresh......... is there any way to stop it???
  16. AnarethoS

    AnarethoS MDL Expert

    Jul 31, 2009
    The Recovery tools (Basic) allow you yo keep all you previous files/programs/data in the Windows.Old folder. Upcon restore you have a fresh Windows 7 installation but still have access to your old files. If there was a virus in it, an AntiVirus should detect it. No virus install by them self just by browsing the hard-drive.

    And virus is not the only reason why you would like to restore. Suppose you just installed a software that made your computer ununsable or there was corruption to the registry? The system recovery will give you a fresh install but you will be able to easily move all you previous data. Once completed, just delete the Windows.Old folder.

    BUT, if a full restore (with format, data loss, etc.) is needed, the FullRestore.Cmd file in the Windows directory can be used.

    The "Original" version of the Recovery tools give you the options to keep, or not, your file. Sadly, M$ do not offer a similar option through WinRE.

    Hope it is more clear now :D
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  17. Dirk2512

    Dirk2512 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 6, 2011
    thank you AnarethoS much clearer, will you be adding the fullrestore to the basic version (with or without winre)
  18. Diskb0x

    Diskb0x MDL Novice

    Oct 20, 2011
    error creating image file


    I stumbled upon this thread yesterday, can't believe I've not seen it before as it's almost exactly what I'm looking for.

    I have two questions:

    1) Whenever I try to setup the full version I get "error creating image" or words to that effect. I've followed the instructions and formatted four times now but always the same. Could someone shed some light on this so I can test it properly.

    2) This is a bit more involved. I already have a winpe.wim with recovery tools in it which does most of what I need. If there an easy way to use that .wim file from a recovery/hidden partition with your press F7/Recovery tools boot menu option?

    I did some hacking around yesterday and managed once to get it working but now can't replicate it. :mad:

    Anyhow, if I can get 1) working then I can compare but if I could get 1) & 2) working that would be the ultimate goal.


  19. stylemessiah

    stylemessiah MDL Novice

    Aug 14, 2009
    Quick question...

    Havent had time to read all 120+ pages

    But having problems with the step in diskpart where you set the partition type to 27

    set id=27 doesnt work on GPT disks...

    But what is the correct guid partition type to set the recovery partition to when booting from an EFI (GPT disk) system?

    Is it just the same as the windows recovery guid?