Hi AnarethoS. Have you had a look at Win 8 at all? The System partition is now 350mb & also has winre.wim copied into it. I've installed the APK (formaly OPK) & there are no notes on recovery/winre??? I've got no access to any MS site. Are there doc's out regarding recovery? It would be good to get a head start on this before Win8 is final...
I don't plan touching Windows 8 before RTM and witjout a good working activation tool for it Then, I will take a look at it.
Ok, sweet. I'm going to wait for some documentation before I do too much with Win8. The RTM maybe different anyway...
My homepage is hosted on my personal web server in my apartment. My provider is blocking the 80 port, so I host it on the 8080 port. Some company may prevent connecting to this port. Sorry for the incovenience if this is happening to you
Is there a way of getting rid of the pop up window that askes if you are sure you want to quit the menu when you press the x
Okay..Can we set Direct one click recovery ? I mean recovery will start after Pressing "F7" ..don't need to click on Reinstall windows Thanks
I think I'm in way over my head here. So I'm going to risk getting banned to just straight up say I broke the law and torrented windows 7, now I keep getting an error every time trying to access something using microsoft visual c++ like itunes and such. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot fix it and would like to restore my computer back to Vista to buy and upgrade to Windows 7 the morally correct way so I came here and as the computer genius that I'm not, I am stuck at the basic installation after copying “AutoUnattend.xml” to my USB. So if my post is left up and you guys decide to help me great, if not I understand. Peace out.
No. Because in case of failure, Windows may launch automatically the Recovery Environment... and you don'T want to have an automatic reinstall then If you REALLY need it, you will have to edit the AU3 file to launch the script on start.
After install of version 2.1.1, after I have installed drivers and updates, upon reboot, I get an error when it tries to scan the image. No error codes or anything, just a generic stop error. Any clue what could be causing this?
Ok, figured out that it doesnt seem to work properly with more than 1 physical hard drive, unless I missed something. Thanks for the great software!