What will be said here may be wrong, because I am really unsure about it. HP laptop has normally 3 partition : Windows, Boot, Recovery The boot partition containt the boot loader for Windows. The recovery partition has it own boot loader. When you press F11, the bios switch the "Active" partition to the recovery one and boot on it. But, no, my tools will not fix that. You will have to play with BCDBOOT to recreate the boot loader on required partition and maybe with REAGENTC to re-registrer the Recovery Environment.
Fare enough! I have tried EasyBCD be reinstalling the BCD store completely on the native HP recovery partition but still get that damn 0xc0000225 error. O well. That being said, will your tool allow me to replace the native HP F11 function with one that I can build using your tool where I would be able to press F11 or whatever function key I asign in the setting to launch the recovery process WIM? I dont really care much of its the native HP f11 Recovery Manager or one that I custom build. Your tool looks promising, plus I would rather have a recovery manager that can use a function key that I can tweak to my liking with Win8 etc.. ~MC
For the one that got a problem with WINRE after reinstalling Windows 8 from the USB key... try to remove the SET ID="<Lots of stuff" from the ResetPartitions.txt file. I got the same problem with Windows 7 with the new recovery media I am doing. After recovery, WinRe was not able to find the recovery image. I had to execute REAGENTC and then set the partition ID, setting it before did not work. I will modify the Windows 8 script on next beta release. Nearly completed with the new windows 7 stuff. Just have to translate in french and add a language selection menu in WinRE, since is it always detected as english.
Great job, and great application, it's possible to apply a windows 7 starter in HDD 500 GB. Thank you very much
well i find file "Winre.wim" in windows 7 starter but before it was not, this moorning uncheck "show protected operating system files" i can see folder name "Recovery" in this folder i have "Winre.wim" but i can't see this add user in security options in the folder. Thank you.
New beta... with Windows 7 and Windows 8 support - Complety new tools for Windows 7. I replaced the shortcun in the start menu by a custom menu (Recovery Tools). - Can now create a recovery media under Windows 7. When used, the recovery partition will be recreated - Windows 8 support. Aside of the "Recovery Tools" custom menu (that add a custom refresh option for RECIMG), everything ele use M$ stuff - Use of DISM under Windows 8/ ImageX under Windows 7 Currently, I am unable to do a full reinstall (bare metal recovery) with a usb key created under Windows 8. Maybe due to ppor support of UEFI under VmWare. Can anyone check this for me? Thanks.
@AnarethoS, I tried to download from your web page but requires username and password in order to download it.....where do I find the username and password in order to download it and try it? Been using arconis but the f key function tends to not work on windows 7 so thought I would try this. Thanks for your hard work!
Hi, I pressing F8 and choose repair my computer, and which one recover wim file? It seem there is no selection to choose the image created using this tool... View attachment 18357
Last one, "Reinstall Windows". It will move previous installation to "Windows.Old" and then reapply the image.
You have installed them before capturing the image? If yes, they will be restore. That is the porpose of a recovery image. It bring it nack to the state it was when captured.....
LOL ok, but when click reinstall windows, its state all the app will lost and need reinstall LOL... anwyway thanks for the clarification^^ thanks for ur hard work too ^^