You can't re-capture the installation becauise of the following limitation : - Windows RE only accept to reinstall image that are SYSPREPED. So this mean going back to AUDIT mode (and loosing your account), recapturing and then going back to OOBE again - Also, while recpturing, all your personal data will be saved in the image. Not a good idea. You will run out of space on the recovery partition Waht you can do is to use the System Backup to create an image (I reccomended external HDD on USB) to save your Windows installation.
Bro, how can I hide the Recovery partition drive all the time? Because whenever I create image using install.cmd, the Recovery drive will be visible and it started creating image... Is there a way to hide the drive den do recovery image?
Launch DISKPART and do the following : Code: SELECT DISK 0 SELECT PARTITION 1 REMOVE SET ID=27 Will then be hidden forever.
I have installed the Win8 1.3.1 MBR with standard settings(3 partitions). and am currently capturing. No problems or errors so far. will comment further after OOBE is back up........ update: all went well to the desktop. Recovery options all looked normal under "repair my computer/troubleshoot options". Offline file browser still works as before. I then created a USb recovery key=worked great. but when booting from the usb key, the offline file browser now says "Double Commander" instead. *also the Reset your PC on a blank HDD just says "a required drive partition is missing. Obviously its not asking like before to reset partitions. The files are on the USB drive, just not being accessed correctly
Thanks. Confirms what I tought. Not VmWare/UEFI related. Don't know what is causing this. Can you try the following for me? In the "Sources" folder of the USB key, edit the ResetConfig.xml and replace it's content by the following. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Reset> <SystemDisk> <DiskpartScriptPath>ResetPartitions.txt</DiskpartScriptPath> <MinSize>75000</MinSize> <WindowsREPartition>1</WindowsREPartition> <WindowsREPath>Recovery\WindowsRE</WindowsREPath> <OSPartition>3</OSPartition> <RecoveryImagePartition>1</RecoveryImagePartition> <RecoveryImagePath>RecoveryImage</RecoveryImagePath> <RestoreFromIndex>1</RestoreFromIndex> <RecoveryImageIndex>1</RecoveryImageIndex> </SystemDisk> </Reset> Also, delete the SetRE.cmd file, the SettingsRE.txt file and the WINRE.XML file and try again to restore from USB to see if it works now. Thanks!
@ AnarethoS, i noticed in basic 1.3.1 beta there is no hotkey reference in settingsRE.txt for win8 like in the win7 one. I would like to change the hotkey for win8 to f11 (HOTKEY=0x8500) but dont see where to do this. Is this not a option anymore with windows 8? Just asking....thanks. Also to download 1.3.2 beta you have to manually input 1.3.2 in browser for it tries to download 1.3.1 but is no longer avail. Just letting ya know.
I do have patience and I know it is a beta still....was just sharing info I found is all. Thanks tcntad.
For the Download link, clear your cache or press CTRL+F5. Should works. For the "hotkey", it is no more supported under Windows 8. Rather, you have to boot into Recovery Environment by restarting 2 time your computer while booting OR While in windows, open the charms bar and go to the shutdown option. While holding SHIFT key, press restart.
I read somewhere that M$ will include support, mostly on tablet, to have an hardware button linked to a different boot loader (like in EFI\Microsoft2) on GPT/UEFI computer that will be able to lunch the recovery environment directly.
Changed and Removed the files you mentioned. USB Recovery did repartition the Blank HDD and is recovering. Double Commander still showed up instead of Offline File Viewer though. As I remember before the recovery/troubleshoot options would be hosed after this blank recovery..I will check that out after it recovers fully...
That is why I was trying to run the SetRE.cmd file, to re-register the recovery image on the computer and also apply the Winre.Xml file to see "Off-line File Browser" instead of the full name of the application. I will have to read more on that to make it works I think... *sigh* Let me know the result of the recovery and if the recovery image was re-registered on the computer.
OK, the recovery environment was not hosed this time around on a Blank HDDrecovery. everything was still there and was able to navigate just fine throughout the menu's. I will now try and create a new USB recovery after recovering from USB to a blank HDD. Thats the ultimate test. and yes double commander still shows up, small problem if I might add
So, on a "blank" computer, even without the "SetRE" script runs, the recovery partition was recovered? Good. Can you just check that is it in fact registered in Windows? To do so, run REAGENTC /INFO in an admin command prompt. Thanks.
Yes exactly. still just the double commander issue....will run that in a moment. WINRE status= ENABLED
1 thing it asks when resetting(only when you have windows installed previously) is that your Pc has more than 1 drive, do you want to reset all partitions or only windows partitions. then it asks about fully or quick removal of files, i understand that removal part as far and zeroing the drive, which will take a lot longer, but I dont understand what the partition reset is doing fully. I have selected both options and it doesnt seem to do anything different. I assume it means its going to delete the system and windows partition if I tell it to do "All". and only "Windows" if I says windows. Obviously it does not touch the recovery partition, becuase then it would be deleted and never this what you make of that question???