The partition RESET will delete all partition on the first drive and recreate them. If you do not select this option, the partition will be only formated (Windows, Recovery, System, MSR) leaving other partition of the disk intact. This can be useful if you had "shrinked" your Windows partition to create, say, a Data partition.
Thats actually not the part I am referring to. I"ll try to get a screenshot to clarify what part it is. is there anything else you'd like me to try with the recovery..... I will try GPT stuff tomorrow, and see if those fixes work the same. Otherwise you've made a lot of progress so far.
I am still unable to restore Windows 8 from USB under VmWare. But if I do a bootable ISO from the recovery USB key, it works under the following conditions : - MBR/BIOS mode only - IDE drive I am testing a new way to "identify" the "File Browser" in the Recovery Environment. I will add it at the top of SetupComple script, so it will be renamed after the completion of OOBE. I am creating my base installation now...
Version 1.3.3 is out The USB media for Windows 8 should now works correctly. No more error about missing partition or missing system drive. As for the "File Browser", the name will change only after completion of OOBE. Before that, it will be identified as DoubleCommander. This is also the case when booting on the recovery media when using an empty drive. Tells me if it works!
- Signature updated 1hour ago - Version 2.1.1 aka Original is now know as Recovery Tools Legacy. No longer supported - Windows 7 recovery : In BASIC version 1.2.0, the only way to create recovery media was to use the System image software of Windows. The created image was too big. So I decided to create an option to create a recovery media on USB key. When used, this media will wipe-out the main disk of the computer, recreate the partition, copy back the recovery image and appy it. Everything will work. Sorry, but DVD are no more supported as recovery media. Anyway. more and more laptop are ultrabook/netbook/tablet and they don't have one. And a 8gb USB key is nearly the price of 2 cups of coffee. Previous version are still available on my web site. In the "Recovery Tools" section, you can choose between : - Recovery Tools Win 7/8 (Beta, version 1.3.3) - Recovery Tools Win 7 (aka basic, version 1.2.0) - Recovery Tools Legacy (Original, version 2.1.1) - I still have to create a good installation guide for the beta and wait for a few people to test it with Windows 8 before makig it "final". When it will be "final", original basic version (1.2.0) will be removed.
i miss that one i start the page then become some kind of busy come back later and start replying to you next time i'll reload or update before anything that's OK i still have it and going to use it tonight or tomorrow still waiting for it's too hard to gather everything in your imagination and start at the end "old school thinking method" but what about is that mean the same process from the AUDITMODE or i miss something and for Previous version i was there while your reply BTW love it look awesome good move in Islamic world today is the first day in a vacation for the whole next week so i can translate to Arabic if you want i can start tonight.. so about this you mean after finishing everything except no DVD just USB am i right??
I am not sure about all your question, but here are some answers : - For the recovery media, the end-user will be able to create a USB recovery media. But not more on DVD - For the translation, sadly, I won't have time ton work on that this week, so the guide will be finished after your vacation - Liek previous version, you have to boot in AUDIT mode. My XML file take care of the (AutoUnattend.XML)
Installed/captured on MBR system=worked great. created usb recovery media=great. recovered from media as windows was already installed(RESET, with partition reset)=great. recovered from usb media on blank HDD=great. Recovered from HDD recovery partition, after USB recovery on blank HDD=great. created USB recovery from the blank HDD system=great. installed once again from USB recovery from creation after blank system=great.............a little overboard YES, but I will be using this on a daily basis at least 30 times. so it has to be flawless for my customers great JOB! one other thing I noticed along the way...if you go to pc settings/general/advanced startup....double commander or offline files does not show up at all. all other options are available and function!
When choosing the Reset your PC option this option shows up only sometimes... "Your PC has more than one drive. Do you want to remove all files from all drives" the 2 options are "Only the drive where Windows is installed" or "All drives". This is the part I was wondering what it was clearing exactly. after you choose this it then asks about removing files quick or Full. however it does not ask to repartition drives.. i am doing some more testing...... update. it only shows the repartition options if you boot from the USB drive. If you recover/Reset from the HDD it will go into "your PC has more than 1 drive" lingo. Is this what you intended, or is this a problem??
It should show up only after the completion of the OOBE process. Shoud not be available before. If it does not show up after the completion of OOBE, that is not normal. Can you give me the content of the file C:\Windows\Setup\Script\SetupComplete.Cmd ? Thanks for your comment, I am happy to see that I don't have many bugs left
Sadly, I don't have answer to your question. I didn't created the recovery creator on Windows 8. I use tools already made by M$. I just add the FileBrowser into the boot.wim file, nothing else and scripted everything to automate a process M$ want you to do by hand (based on white paper). When you reset from the HDD, it doen't ask to repartition, but does it reinstall correctly?
I have always been completing the OOBE. that file location does not exist here. does that install with the install files, or should I be adding this myself???
My error. I forgot that the C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts folder does not exist by defaut. I try to write I filte there, but it wont works. In "Install.Cmd" (Windows 8 version) replace the following : Code: ECHO ============================================== ECHO Configuring SetupComplete.Cmd ECHO ============================================== IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd SetupComplete.Sav ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd By this Code: ECHO ============================================== ECHO Configuring SetupComplete.Cmd ECHO ============================================== MD C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts IF EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd ( REN C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd SetupComplete.Sav ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd TYPE C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Sav >> C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd DEL C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Sav) IF NOT EXIST C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd ECHO ReAgentc.exe /SetBootShellLink /ConfigFile C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryTools\WinRE.xml >C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.Cmd Should works.
This DOES work just fine, reset works fine and all other functions, I just noticed it was saying something different than the Repartition stuff. I have also edited the install.cmd with the setupcomplete script and am testing currently....... so far I noticed it did create the scripts file location during the sysprep and capture process.
After adding the setupcomplete to the install.cmd, the offline files options now show up as named from both the recovery tools menu and from the general/advanced menu in windows. Good Job there. Booting to the USB recovery stick, still says commander(I think you knew that though) Overall, I think everything is working now, no glitches on recovery anywhere....... Only other thing is that one odd question of the windows partitions from hdd this something you are seeing on your end, or does your always ask to repartition the drive???
I am seeing the question also on my side. Thought it was related to some VmWare bugs. I always select to remove file from all drives/partition anyway. Good new for the correction in the Install.cmd file.
Version 1.3.4 is out - Real documentation included (DOCX, XPS and PDF) - Updated file browser - Fix for the File Browser name under Windows 8 (SetupComplete script)
Your quick....i'll start testing 1.3.4 on Win 8, i'll be back to work on Monday and continue testing with MBR and GPT. You da MAN
1.3.5 is out - Removed IMAGEX from the package. You will have to provide the file - Forbidded to distribute by Microsoft EULA - Change icons, not using Microsoft icons anymore