1.3.10 Basic version Test result on win7 Complete recovery from HDD =============== YES Recovery drive Hidden =============== YES Recover from USB key =============== YES (But some Error)Mention Blew Hot Key Working ================YES Splash Image work ================YES After Recover process completed system restarted ===== NO USB KEY RECOVERY Error: Line 307 (File"X:\Reset\RecoveryUSBAMD64.exe"): Error: Variable used without declared . I added splash image with timer 10sec now when windows is ready for end user and he start the windows first time in start menu click on RECOVERY TOOL button with wait of 4,6 sec recovery tool open but not splash image appear.....!! When splash image not working i go to C:\Windows\system32\RecoveryTools\RecoveryAMD64 Now when i run(RecoveryAMD64) recovery tool from here my splash image appear .... But not from start menu tab
Version 1.3.11 is out Fixed : Variable declaration error in Windows 7 Recovery Fixed : Splash image was not loading
There are 4 lines in the English that are grammatically incorrect. I want to create a recovery media for my computer This option allows you to create an USB key to reinstall your computer in case of a hardware failure This will launch the DriverCreator utility that will allows you to create a recovery media for your computer. ;;Continue? This option allows you to backup your personal file on an external device They need to be updatedas so.... I want to create recovery media for my computer took out the word a before recovery This option allows you to create a USB key to reinstall your computer in case of a hardware failure changed an to a This will launch the Drive Creator utility that will allow you to create recovery media for your computer. ;;Continue? changed drivecreator to Drive creator changed allows to allow removed "a" This option allows you to backup your personal files on an external device changed file to files to make it plural.
Thanks. Always thought that "a" before a voyel had to be "an". Guess my english course are too far now
that is the rule, but theres always exceptions....a lot has to do with pronuciation..words like under or up use an, but universal and user use "a" try saying "an user" just sounds weird.
1.3.11 Basic version Test result on win7 Complete recovery from HDD =============== YES Recovery drive Hidden =============== YES Recover from USB key =============== YES Hot Key Working ================YES Splash Image work ================YES After Recover process completed system restarted ===== YES Splash Image error : Fixed and tested USB recovery error : Fixed and tested 1.3.11 completely tested and ready 2 use on windows 7 Thanks to AnarethoS
Anyone got this working with windows 8 on first boot, i ignore the sysprep request and run install.cmd ( correct ? ) , all completes but then sysprep fails. machine reboots completes the next part but on reboot fails with message unable to complete installation on this machine. using virgin install, with no extras on a hp laptop. thanks in advance p.s if at first step i press ok, completes and reboots to oobe which works fine.
Always had problem with HP laptop, particulary with AMD/Radeon computer. When you press "Ok" on the Sysprep button, it will generalize the computer, without keeping the drivers. When my script do the sysprep, it tried to keep installed drivers (Video, sound, etc.) It may fail. You can try to edit the Sysprep.xml file to remove the option to keep the drivers, but all drivers which are not part of Windows will require reinstallation. A solution here is to use a SetupComplete.cmd script to do the installation after OOBE. you will have to test test and test. Sorry, I can't help more here.
Bro, can I use it with Windows 7 Loader? I install via AUDIT MODE and it was ok, after create recovery I enter OOBE den everything was gone, den I sysprep to AUDIT again it also gone... Any guide how to use with 7 Loader?
You will have to copy the "Loader" on a folder on the computer and use a SetupComplete.cmd file to run it.
Example from loader's readme: Code: SetupComplete.cmd Example: @ECHO OFF %~dp0"Windows Loader.exe" /silent /preactivate cd %~dp0 attrib -R -A -S -H *.* SHUTDOWN /R /T 5 RMDIR /S /Q "%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts" exit
So I just use notepad and save as "SetupComplete.cmd"? den put loader.exe and SetupComplete.cmd into windows\setup\scripts?
Here is my configuration SetupComplete.cmd in C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts Loader in C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts\Loader Content of the script Code: @Echo Off REM ************************* REM WINDOWS LOADER REM ************************* C: CD \ CD Windows CD Setup CD Scripts CD Loader "Windows Loader.exe" /silent /noreboot CD .. RD /S /Q Loader
Bro, I use TITO script and there is loader splash screen, which I not prefer to be shown... how about ur script? does it show the splash screen loader?
The splash screen that u are seeing is from the loader itself as a warning if anyone buys a dvd that uses loader to activate but calls it genuine....it is not. Just tested 1.3.11 myself and it worked perfect. Thanks for your hard work!
Daz has integrated that splash screen in the loader so that one can't use it to pre-activate & sell Windows & claim it as 'genuine'. It can't be turned off. **Oops.. I'm late.